Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Should I or shouldn’t I?

Hubby I tu kan hari2 suruh I join Twitter sebab dia kata follower dia cuma 3 orang aje! Dia nak I join semata2 suruh tambahkan followers dia bukan sebab dia nak tau apa yang I buat every second of the day, hikhikhik….

Pastu sejak dia kemaruk dengan Twitter ni, bangun pagi terus check his Twitter and trending kat Twitter (see, I belajar the new word ‘trending’ from him, hahahaha). Pastu sibuk bagitau I apa yang the latest trending and what the people he follows are tweeting about.

I tau lah everytime you excitedly tell me about the trending and what people (who I tak kenal langsung2) say, I selalunya akan buat muka fascinated and tadah telinga but sebenar2nya, masuk telinga kiri keluar telinga kanan most of them, hikhikhik….

If you were to ask me to summarise what you have said to me, memang I wouldn’t have a clue, hahahaha…

Sorry love….

So sekarang ni I tengah fikir sama ada nak join Twitter or not.

Should I or shouldn’t I?

He kept on telling me, “It’s just like blogging but microblogging. You can do it anywhere Smile.”

I said to him, maybe I should tweet about the embarassing questions Miss 7 asks us everyday which will definitely fill up the hours, hakhakhak….

starting with, “Were you and Dad already married when you had us?

That would be fun! Open-mouthed smile

Tonite for dinner, I made fish n chips. Chips tu I baked but fish tu I goreng. I know I tengah berdiet but I do still eat a few fattening food Smile.


Tapi my plate penuh dgn salad so I feel happy, hehehe


and I makan 2 small pieces aje of the fish which was really yummy Winking smile.

Eh, apasal my fish rupa dia macam pisang goreng ye?

Alamak……kan dah teringin nak makan pisang goreng pulak!


ati_emylia said...


emy pun tgk mcm grg pisang...siap baca semula ntry....heheheh

Yazreina said...

u made homemade tartar sauce ke?? how ekk???

amy mieza said...

kak LG, u join la twitter. I will follow u

FairyLilly said...

LG, I pun memula tengok gambar, ingat you buat goreng pisang. Siap terpikir lagi tuh, boleh pulak LG makan pisang goreng dengan salad. Rupanya ikan yek hehehe

Miss Layaleya said...


FB & blogging lg fun dr tweet.. i ad akaun tweet, tp bila dh lupa psword, mls nk reset.. so ignore je..

i pn igt tu grg pisang.. fish rupanya..


hv a great day..:)

Kaseh said...

tu la baru nak sebut mcm pisang goreng lak comel jek... bout d tweet2 thing...join je..janji ur hubby happy hehehe..atleast bertambah follower dia.

NoRa said...

kak LG, awak guna account memana pon..i tetap follow story u tau....tetap suka ur salad..cantik la, walaupon potong2 je...

lemongrass said...

hehehe... maybe sbb I ptong ikan tu panjang2 mcm pisang goreng :-)

Tak. I tak buat tartare sauce pun hari ni but I pernah buat. I guna recipe ni

hahaha... tengok lah nanti kalau I dah tak tahan kena suruh dgn hubby :-)

masa I angkat fr the pan tadi, I terus rasa lapar sgt2 for goreng pisang sbb memang rupa goreng pisang sungguh kan, hehehe.

My hubby tak minat berblogging tp dia suka baca twitters sbb dia kata boleh stalk people 'legally', hahaha

tu lah nya, kesian pulak kat hubby I, asik 3 aje followers nya dr dulu :-).

Kalau I join twitter, rasa2nya ramai tak followers I banding dgn hubby I? hehehe

Anna Da Lady said...

betulla Kak LG, rupanya memang 100% pisang goreng la :)..mesti kalau orang yang jenis belasah je, rasa pelik kan?sejak bila pisang goreng rasa macam ikan?hehe...Tweet..ala, join je la...apa saja demi TOH..hehe

lemongrass said...

Maybe kan masa I masak fried fish tu, I asik terbayang pisang goreng kot, tu yg kenan, hahahaha.
Demi hubby, ku sanggup berkorban apa saje kan ;-)

azieazah said...

LG, Kak Azie dah lama ada akaun Twitter tu, tapi tak pernah nyer layan.

Anak dara I kata, Twitter tak sesuai untuk I, ia sesuai utk orang yg sentiasa ada activities, ada program dan bila diaorang update status, ia akan menjadi menarik.. sbb tak boring.

Pendapat saja la.

Anonymous said...

chips tu kalau baked bukan ke agak liat sikit? my kids tak berapa nak makan kalau baked. nak yang goreng deep fry jugak. i even bought yang oven chips still tak laku. do give me tips. memang tak healthy langsungkan! btw, your kids, really adorable.

Nadia Dzai said...

I tweet! hehe tak tak selalu sgt, but my husband pon sibukkk suruh follow dia, hahah bape kerat ntah follower dia :p

adoi sedapnye dish n chip, but i tgh on diet

Love2cook Malaysia said...

I signed up for twitter but I don't tweet! Hehehe...nak update blog or facebook pun takde time lately. Uwaaa! :D

GO FOR IT kak!!! U might help him increase his followers!!! :D

lemongrass said...

Kak Azie,
tu lah kan, kalau you jenis yg banyak activity n sentiasa on the go, memang patut join twitter sbb ada aje benda yg nak di tweet :-).
I ni balik2 buat benda yg sama aje, tu yg malas sikit, hehehe

Chips tu tak liat tp tak crunchy mcm di goreng lah. It's a bit soft. I pun tak tau mcm mana nak bagi chips crunchy kalau oven baked. kalau nak bagi roast potato crispy I tau lah.
I slalunya akan parboil potato tu dulu sebelum baked, so lembut kat dalam but slightly crispy outside.
You can always try spraying it with oil sebelum bake.

you join twitter sbb hubby you suruh ke? hehehe. I ckp dgn my hubby tak rasa sedih ke kalau follower dia cuma anak beranak n isteri aje, hehehe

Love, can always tweet while on the go ;-)

Yat Maria said... say the darndest things, dont they ;)

Dinas Aldi said...

"Were you and Dad already married when you had us?"
tu diaaa soalan! kahkahkah! sabar jalah with the things they ask!

Kongkang Malaya said...

Kalo LG join Twitter.. ha memang sah la ramai followers :D

* saya pon ingat pisang goreng :D

TopsyTurvyMum said...

i tengok blogger2 yg ada twitter cam malas nak update blog pasal semua citer diorg dah twit awal2 lagi. Kalau nak update lagi kat blog cam dah jadi citer basi.

Yer la sebijik cam goreng pisang:D

i guna pasta machine tu nak roll the dough jer.bila roll pakai rolling pin tak sekata(sbb tak terer) hehe..i rasa my hubby pun lupa i ada pasta machine tu haha..i nak pasta maker Breville tu buat mee kuning sendiri selain pasta:D

blu4sky said...

LG..i ada twitter boleh jadi follower your hubby...kasi tolong tambah follower...hahhaha..

vivien_capri said...

Kak LG, yang best dengan tweeter ni sebab, it's like a live feed of what people are doing. hehe.

I've also got a twitter account tapi tak tweet sangat pun. I'm more of a tweet reader haha. Best gak layan time boring2 :D

and it will certainly lagi meriah if you tweet Miss 7's curious questions. boleh la follower akak suggest jawapan paling kreatif for her haha. it'll be like a Q&A game.

yenstory said...

salam LG,

I pun tngk mcm goreng pisang...hehe tp...asalkan sedap xpe, rupa dia camne....

Buatlah akaun twitter, tp tntu TOH bengang sb tntu follow LG lebih ramai....hehe...

kucingorengemok said...

tengok gambar dulu baru baca, and i was just about to ask- u makan salad dengan goreng pisang? healthy (dalam hati: weird) nya! hehehe :)

so. were u already married when u had them? hahaha. kelakar la budak kecik ni.

zombiedaddy said...

wei kakak,
so it's true what i heard that little zahra has already started asking a few un'sangka'rable and unanswerable questions. Will there be an entry about the fly and the other fly playing piggyback? You need to share these things you know, so that fathers like me can copy paste the answer and apply it here. :)

Anonymous said...


as for me i prefer blogging frm here instead of twitter or wat so ever.. dah lama buat keja bloging kat sini malas nak create another new accnt kat tmpt lain.. hehehe.. tp kesian ah kat ur hb since kalau u tak join twitter dia tak ada members pulak.. hehehe..

hahaha soalan cepumas frm mis 7.. wats ur answer sis?? hahaha..

love fish n chips.. dah lama x buat..urmm..

Unaizah said...

Sana sini org sibuk dgn twitter. Saya tak ambik pot pun, facebook pun baru join last year. Apapun keputusan akak, jgn la berhenti blogging ye.

ayang said...

Ayang pun ingat goreng pisang tadi.. K pe, fish jadi pisang... mana leh dpt dr chef lain... hehehehe.. Meh le sini, kita belanja goreng pisang panas.. sedapppppp oooo...

lemongrass said...

I think Zahra definitely says the darndest things! Pening I, hehehe

Hehehe...Nak buat mcm mana kan, dah duduk negara Omputih so bagi dia soklan tu soklan normal lah, hahaha

Lagi lah mau mengamuk hubby I tu nanti klu tiba2 followers I mendadak naik :-D

tu lah yg I told hubby I. I said to him, berapa banyak kali I nak tell people the same story, hikhikhik.
Syyy....simpan your pasta maker senyap2 so dpt lah u beli breville pasta maker yg baru! :-)

muahahaha....sedih betul kan hubby I tu, mengharap followers giler2 :-D

my hubby pun tak tweet sgt, he's more the reader type like you :-).
Pastu he said, kalau I join tweeter, instead of talking on the phone, boleh I and him tweet aje!
Good lah yr suggestion about the Q&A, hahahaha....

Kak Sofea,
I pun masa makan fish tu, asik terbayang nak makan pisang goreng aje! hahaha...
Sure tension hubby I klu followers I ramai, hahaha

Cara baru makan pisang, dgn salad! Orang johor makan dgn sambal kicap, orang perasan mat saleh makan dgn salad lah, hikhikhik...
Anak I tu kan, kdg2 pening kepala fikirkan pasal soklan2 dia, hahaha

Uncle Rod,
Kalau I put down all the questions that she's been asking lately, sure hari2 orang gelak guling2 baca my blog, hahahaha.
Just pray and hope Nuha and the twins tak tanya her kinds of questions, hehehe...

Sian kan hubby I tu, tak femes mcm wife dia, hahahahha ;-).
We told Miss 7 yg as Muslims, you have to get married first before you can have babies, hehehehe

I pun kan tak larat rasanya nak keep bnyk2 account ni, pastu sure rasa pelik kalau I tweet and takde sape baca, hehehe.

I rindu betul gerai2 tepi jalan kat M'sia tu yg jual pisang goreng panas! Memang kaw2 betul kalau beli petang2 :-)

Sooyaree said...
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Madam Sooyaree said...

Meh sini twitter name OH. Boleh ada 4 follower :D

lemongrass said...

Nanti, tunggu I join Twitter dulu, pastu kita boleh follow each other n then bolehlah semua follower I follow hubby pulak, hikhikhik....