Rasa macam tak percaya pulak yang this is the last full week of school holidays. The Little Misses’ schools will re open next Wednesday after 6 weeks cuti.
(Jom ramai2 emak2 bersorak gumbira, woohooooooooo
Jadi for the past few weeks, I dah pergi kedai buku, kedai uniform and also kedai2 yang jual stationery masa tgh ‘back to school’ sales.
For Miss 7, tak perlu susah sangat nak beli uniform baru sebab her old uniform ada lagi and they are still good. I just need to buy a new hat for her sebab she’s lost her old hat. Pastu, cuma boleh beli hat at school aje pulak tu because kena beli yang ada the school logo on the hat.
Untuk Miss 11 pulak, kena lah beli semua serba baru sebab dah masuk sekolah menengah kan. Last week, I pun pergi lah beli uniform untuk dia.
Punyalah lamanya we all kena queue up semata2 nak beli uniforms dia, hehehe. First, kena ambil number untuk tunggu dia panggil to try the uniforms. I sampai, dapat nombor 63! Masa tu baru aje nombor 50! 40 minit we all menunggu for our number to be called!
Then, bila dia panggil our number, the lady helped us to find the right size uniforms for Miss 11. Nasib baik ada saiz untuk dia, hehehe.
Pastu, dah siap tu, dia bagi us 1 form which we had to take to another room for them to find the correct sizes for her. Then, kena queue up untuk bayar pulak!
Mengalah kan nak buat visa aje! hikhikhikhik…..
Ini lah the receipt of the uniform yang we all beli.

Nak tercekik tengok harga for only 5 pieces of uniform!
Harga shorts pun dah $31. Padahal shorts dia biasa2 aje, bukannya buat dari benang emas. Shorts pulak tu, mana ada pakai kain lebih2 kan. Agaknya sebab ada 5 pocket tu yang buat harga dia melambung2 kan, ye lah, banyak pocket, so banyak lah pakai kain, hahahahaha….
Pastu, masa PE or sports, tak boleh pakai t-shirts or shorts biasa2, kena pakai t-shirts and shorts khas dia. Sports t-shirt and shorts aje pun dah $50. Memang agaknya diaorang buat dari special kain yang serap peluh sambil keluarkan perfume Giorgio Armani so tak bau hangit kot! 
And then, school kemeja dia lengan pendek pun dah $26 each.
And I belum beli lagi the school jumper yang harganya $50 tu. Tunggu dah sejuk nanti lah baru beli, hehehe….
Kat sini, school informs memang beza2 antara sekolah and diaorang bukan jual badges sekolah yang you boleh semat kat any t-shirt. Kena beli school t-shirts yang memang dah sedia ada the school logo on the shirt which means lagi mahal lah dari t-shirt biasa kan.
T shirt sekolah biasa takde logo boleh dpt $5 satu, t-shirt yang dah berlogo harga dia around $15-$25, hehehe.
And ini pulak book list Miss 7. Text books cuma boleh beli kat 1 kedai ni aje, tempat lain takde jual.

List dia panjang tapi cuma 2 aje textbooks yang dia kena beli, hehehe. Yang lain tu stationery list yang dia perlukan which we can buy at any shop.
Pastu, each school uses different textbooks pulak nya so kalau you pindah sekolah lain during the year, you might have to buy new textbooks (on top of the new school uniforms).
Pening kan!
At least, we don’t have to buy any textbooks for Miss 11 sebab the textbooks will be provided by the school. They are included in the school fees.
But Alhamdulillah, semua yang major dah beli kot including school bags, lunch boxes, stationery, school shoes…