Before I start bercerita tentang what we did today, I want to thank Ben sebab promote blog I di blog dia malam tadi. And because of that, tetiba ramai new readers masuk blog I ni and tetiba aje my followers meningkat naik .
Selalunya yang baca blog I ni gang yang suka masak2 and readers with kids aje sebab my blog mostly cerita about our dinners aje (and then di selang seli kan dengan cerita about the 4 of us and the garden ). But lately I noticed yang makin ramai budak2 muda remaja yang masuk blog I and follow blog I, which is a bit mengherankan jugak lah to me (not that I mind
I asked The Other Half, apa agaknya yang menarik minat diaorang to read my blog ye?
He answered, “maybe sebab nak tengok body baru I yang cun and hensem ni.”
Yo lah tu Jang, hahahahaha…..
So, I nak tanya all the young people out there just to satisfy my curiosity (ok lah, under 25 y.o. tu kira young lah for me yang dah nak masuk 41 ni, hahahaha)…
What attracts you to read this blog?
Back to our cerita today, Miss 7 participated in a sing fest today. It’s basically a group of schools singing their own songs in front of audience. But cuma sing for fun, not a contest. So, The Other Half and I pun pergi lah tengok them singing.
Waiting outside the hall to go in. That’s her music teacher who’s really good.
She’s in the junior choir which basically comprises students fr Yr 1 to Yr 3. Tak ramai in her choir group ni. But the other schools semua have loads of students in their choir groups.
Menyanyi pun siap ada action kan .
Actually, masa budak2 tu menyanyi, a lot of the parents pun ikut nyanyi sama senyap2 sebab we all pun dah hafal most of the songs. Mana tak nya, hari2 dengar diaorang practice kat rumah, hehehehe.
Nanti lah, one day I will put up a video of her singing bagi you all pulak sakit telinga, hikhikhik…. .
For dinner tonite, I made chicken burritos from ready made pack. Tinggal provide the chicken and the sayur2an aje.
It was a bit too spicy for The Little Misses. Macam I aje masa kecik2 dulu, sikit pun tak tahan pedas, hahaha.
nampak betul badan miss 7 tu lagi debab dari kawan2 dia yg lain tu kan..comel sangat...hehe
what attracts you to read this blog ?? hmm..for me your blog can improved my english walaupun campur2..i like the way u wrote all these entries.. and i love to see ur food pictures..its look delicious..
and for this entry punya picture , sedap kot..macam kfc taw .. apa ek yang kat kfc...haaa...pocket pocket tu...xigt what that things name..hehe..sorry if i used broken english but im going to improved my english with reading ur blog... smile :)
come to visit my blog..
dont hesitate to critic my blog.. :)
Sy suke baca blog akk coz of all de foods yg akk masak! Hahaha.. But i juz love de away akk tulis blog ni. X membosankan!
xpelah LG sekali sekala bg your other half perasan macho..hahaha
saya dah terlebih umur. tak leh komen. hikhikk.
psstt.. blog akak ni tak baca lagi, tgok tajuk kat dashboard blog dah sengih. lagi la bila masuk dan baca.
kadang mak saya pun heran. apasal sy gelak sorang2 dpn laptop. hehe.
eehhh.. komen ke atas ni..? ;P
Im 24, and dah ikut blog kak LG almost 2 years kot. but jarang drop comments. I think kak LG is the only blogger yang show us masakan ala carte yang cantik-cantik je hidangan dia. heehee, and all about exercises turun berat badan semua mmg I loikeee!
Sy kira boleh ke sbb sy 27 thn?..hehhe.. i just love reading ur blog, besides the food la kan. blog akak sangat happy, parenthood, happy family, proud to be malay walaupn stay kat OZ, everyday after update blog saya mesti visit urs, i put urs under my favorites ye, top one..hehehe..u should put ads, mesti lagi mahsyuk nnti..hehehe
salam kak LG..heheh sye suke bca blog akakk sb LG kazen nana..hahah...ehh tk lah...actually sye suke sb de msak2 tu...smpai kan sye suh asbn bli oven hahahha...konon nk masak cengggitu gak...hahaha...
Kak Anymz,
memang dia chubby sgt2 esp tang perut. Daddy dia dah berjaya turunkan berat badan, now ni Miss 7's turn pulak nak turunkan berat badan, hehehe
Kat sini that chicken wrap at kfc is called twister tak silap.
It's good you are trying to improve your english because it's good to know different languages :-).
Hari2 I kena masak kan so might as well letak kat blog ye tak :-). Sometimes lama jugak I duduk tercangak depan PC nak reka jalan cerita to make it interesting to be read :-)
My hubby tu skrg memang sgt2 perasan macho aje, hahaha
I pun slalu gelak sorang2 dpn pc, hahaha.... Tapi kan, nak pilih tajuk yg sesuai tu kdg2 amatlah membuntukan kepala sungguh! :-)
Thanks for being a loyal reader of this blog. Lama jugak tu dah baca blog I ni :-). I think my food boleh katakan every week lebih kurang sama aje kan :-).
saye suke tgk mknn..hehe.. & saye suke bce entry akak pasal family n sume :)
Boleh aje because I lagi heran when a guy reads my blog so since you are a guy, your input is greatly awaited :-).
That's what my hubby ckp as well, so many people read my blog so how come I dont get any money fr it, hahahaha...
Zila, bff nana ye? :-). Apalah rahsia yg dia citer ye kat you, hikhikhik. Simpan diam2 tau :-P
tengok food kat blogs ni memang kdg2 boleh buat kita terus lapar kan :-).
Hai kak LG... saya dh lama juga follow blog akak ni.. to bar 2x tggl comment sbb saya takda blog hihi. Boleh kata sehari 2 3x jgk la say a baca n3 akak. Saya suka baca pasal the little misses akak tu... pastu tgk menu akak. Boleh kata take boring la blog akak ni. Nmpal la akak bjiwa muda skt bila Ramai remaja2 follow blog akak. Hihihi
Follower BA tu mmg byk anak2 dara ngan bujang...siap bole ada yg bertemu kasih kat situ..muahaha.. So bila Ben promote blog akak..mmg abis la...mencanak naik traffic tu..hehe..
Amy rasa reason plg kukuh sekali org baca blog kak lG sbb the way you wrote all the posts...sgt2 menarik..boleh buat reader stick to pc lah..hehe..mcm I ler....huhu..
And also personality akak yg still proud to be Malaysian and guna bahasa Melayu campur. Sangat membanggakan bila masih ada yang ingat asal usul... Thumbs up to u kak!!
hi kak LG,im selalu baca blog jd silent reader baca blog akak since awal tahun suka baca blog akak sebab sy tak pandai masak n tak minat sangat nak masak2 sejak baca blog akak n juga blog cik mat gebu tu sy da ada kesedaran dan semakin berminat untuk memasak.selain tu,sy juga suka tengok family akak.especially anak2 akak yg cute2 tu.
so,sy suka blog akak sebab blog akak menarik dan memberi semangat untuk sy belajar memasak.hehe..thnx.
hai kak LG...
Saye terlajak setahun dari 25.tapi tak kire nak komen gak.hahaha
saye start jadi penagih blog akak dr bln 10 thn lepas. kwn yg kenalkan koz sentiase bc blog akak dlm bilik guru.hehehe...
Faktor utama harusnyer saya kagum koz akak orang Jawa yg boleh survive kat sane. n nak tau aper yg anak jawa leh wat kat sane. n u make me proudlah!if u org Ijok i org Tg Karang. hahaha.nice blog.. tak pernah miss okay.. :)
I dh nk msuk 29 ni leh x kira org muda??? Hik hik!! I love ur blog coz i love 2 see ur food pic&ur cute doter!!! Everyday, saya akan buka akak puyer blog...
hidup di rantau orang yg mempunyai adat & budaya yg berbeza membuatkan ramai orang ingin mengetahuinya. memperkenalkan makanan melayu, cabaran dlm membesarkan & mendidik anak2 dengan adat dan cara hidup orang Melayu yg berpaksikan ajaran Islam. perkara itu yg paling saya kagum..
me 25 y.o still young lg kn? hehe I like reading your blog because I can feel your sincerity in your writing. Not show off, not merungut2 with your life. Kalau sehari akak tak update rasa lama gler takde new entri.
saya pon suka blog kak LG..gambar semua cantik dan selalu dihidangkan dengan makan yang sedap..hehe
hai LG. actually dah lama nak drop a comment tp segan pulak. hehe.. i've started to read ur blog 2 years ago. at first i'm attracted to your recipes. i have tried few recipes from ur blog like pavlova and anzac biscuits. eventho after that dah tak banyak st recipe i try, i masih lagi baca ur blog. i found the contents are very interesting. u exposed the readers to australian culture plus jawa culture. hehe..
hai kak ur life over there???i start follow blog akk since april if tak salah took 1 day to read all ur n3...huhuhu..crazy rite...anyway i like ur recipes, tapi tak da kesempatan untuk mncuba lagi...n sy suka bile akk LG cite pasal ur gojes daughter...
I suka baca ur blog (nie dah telebey umur tp nak komen gaksss :)) cos bole release my stress buat PhD nieeeee....huarghhhh
P/s: K'min for the first time in my life I masak paruuuuuu (suruh hubby pie beli kat cecil av. tu semalam....balik dr lab mlm2 dgn jayanya cuci and merebus)...mlm tido sampai termimpi2...bangun pagi2 terus goreng and buat sambal...Mr hubby yg x penah makan seumur hidup sbb takut nak makan dah jadi my competitor la plakkk....
P/s: hehehe....bila tgk zahra kat choir, amirul pun esok ada choir kat melville and monday kat UWA...seronok dorang bernyanyi2 walhal suara dia tu serak2 basah....aduhhhh
ish2....panjang lak komen kali nie...huarghhhh jom sambung taip report...esok mengadap SV!!!!
Yup, memang datang lompat dari blog abg ben . and memang blog akak awesome la !
entry yang menarik n blog owner yang peramah buat orang suker follow sini tak kira usia...(agaknya...hehe kita umur dah 30 thn)
salam kak LG....ape khabar??dh lame alang x drop comment kt sini...wah2,dh glamour skrg...makin semangat la nk update blog lps ni kn...hehe...if heran knpe org muda remaja suka jenguk2 blog kak LG,for me,your story n picture of food will make me smile eventhough on stress(^_^)
nyanyi + action ni ala-ala choral speaking lah kan.
maybe netui gak sis alasan aka jawapan encik hubby u too...hehehe.
to be frank...i read ur blog bcoz of da food...n sometimes i just imagine eating all of da food walaupon just makan biskut kering wit hot milo...haha.....dah nasib student yg lived abroad kan.
hi sis!im new in this blog! (^^)
hehe..been wandering here for 9days till now & somehow terus melekat to this on my way mengkhatamkan blog akak ni..fuhh..chaiyok2 ;)
to answer ur quest,i really enjoy reading abt ur kids & also ur food..saye pun suka main masak2 & try mcm2 resipi tp definitely tk seterer akak..hehe..
but i think the biggest answer might be bcause i just love reading ur style of writing & inspired to be a good SAHM like u,too! sungguh bersemangat,kannn?? ehehe
p.s: nk jadi adik angkat kakak,bole kah?? hihihi..xoxo~peace! (^^)v
I'm 22 years old & I've been your silent reader kira setahun gitu...saya suka blog ni cz bnyak sngat info yg saya dpat. Tpi yg paling saya suka bab makanan, kebun & family..Kekadang memang bolh gelak sorang2 bila bca blog ni:D..& sejak mbca blog ni,rsa mcm diri ini dpat memahami perasaan mak saya..Pendek kata, blog ni mmg BEST!
im 23 years old n a silent reader since 2009 kot :) i like the style of ur writing,the food that u cooked n the stories of ur family.pendek kata,semuanyer best lah.
I am not under 24, tapi selalu perasan that I am 21.
I like your blog because it's very captivating. Those foods, and Miss 7 says the darnest thing.hehehe. Also, since I am married to non-Malaysian too, your blogs make me feel like I am not alone, and that we are just as normal as other couples.
Banyaaaaaknya komen you! Meriaaaah! I ni dah tuo, dekat sebaya dgn you, segan pulak nak comment tapi memang I selalu baca your blog, siap entry lelama pun I korek gak!Thank you Min for inspiring me especially when it comes to cooking.
Nampak Miss 7 yang semangat angkat tangan 90 deg, yang lelain tu lemau aje, hehehe
sy baca blog akak sebab kawan yg selalu crite...die blog reader tp xde blog..just read for fun..
so sy try and menarik minat sy..sebab masakan akak suke masak..dan of course penceritaan akak about ur famili mmg menarik..dan tu yg trs melekat....6 bulan sy jadi silent reader blog ni...heee..~
then byk kali gak sy promot kat kengkwn sy to read dorang pun da tersuke..
kawan² sy remaja la...dorg kate suke tgk ape yg akak hidang utk dinner...
awak tau tak..awak ada anak dara cung lah..itu sebabnya..hee
akka rasa lah..
satu lagi, food awak tu jenis food yang menarik minat org muda2..gitu lah gamaknya..
I am a veteran (47 tu), and I am a guy. And I love to read your blog. Tiap pagi kalau tak read your blog, mesti gelisah punya sebab nak tau apa kisahnya hari semalam.
Your blog kinda remind me of my wife... dia pun rajin cam tu jugak lah. And also rajin melayan anak jugak lah. Cuma dia bekerja. So tak boleh la buat macam you buat 100%.
But what you did, the way you interact with your family, that is what most people should do. It promotes closeness and openness between family and binding them together. My mom is one... and she handle 9 kids (and at 47, I am the youngest(. And till today, all 9 are so close. And this also has been insaminated into the next generation's mind. We are one big happt family.
But bila I pencen nanti... I la yang akan jadi house husband dulu sebab bini muda lagi and anak baru umur 3 tahun. Then its time for me to do the masak masak for my wife pulak... he he.
salam kak LG,
ive been ur silent reader like... forever, dah khatam blog u dah pun. tp i dah over 30 so bukan young readers la kan..hihi...
i like ur blog, tiap2 hari wajib baca. klu tk baca tu cam ada somethings missing. from ur blog gak i ikut blog kak anis, kak aida spain, akak TTM (ngan akak ni i masih silent reader, tatau bila nak introduce kan diri, hihi)
keep on writing, u make my life ceria, nak pulak time stress tuh...
klu ada masa, jemputlah ke rumah i, tp dah lama sgt tk bersapu, kena lalu celah sawang la yek...
pssttt i'm young, single and available.. ahaks.. but seriously i loveeeeeeee reading your blog. ok between i malas masak. tapi thanks to you yg banyak influence budak malas macam i nak masak coz i sukaaaaaaaa tgk u capture gambar2 food cantik.. so end up for the first time in my life i baking tau :D
pssttt i'm young, single and available.. ahaks.. but seriously i loveeeeeeee reading your blog. ok between i malas masak. tapi thanks to you yg banyak influence budak malas macam i nak masak coz i sukaaaaaaaa tgk u capture gambar2 food cantik.. so end up for the first time in my life i baking tau :D
I got the answer. My 16 yrs old son & 13 yrs old daughter terpengaruh with their mak (maybe) like reading your blog. Below listed the anwers:
1. Sempoi & relax
2. Knowledge about daily life there
3. Happy Mixed family
4. FOODS...mak along want this, adik want that.
5. your kids
6. your blooming flowers
Another blog that my kids spend time is ChezRatna from France. Food, Scenery & Language.
Thank you
i'm below 25yrs old (LOL)~ I love your blog bcoz i want to follow up your journal of hows life as asian in west without rice..i think so~heheh..hope u don't mind~
kak LG..hahahah tk de cite rahsia pe pon...nama pon rahsia...heheh btw CK contradiction tu sye la yg oder huhuhu
i'm 24 y.o dan mula baca blog akak ni since 2 years back. lama dah kan? mula2 baca sebab suka nak tau life malaysian yang stay dekat negara lain sbbnya saya nak suka sgt2 nak melancong negara orang.
bila dah lama2 baca, rasa suka tengok masakan akak yang sedap2 tu and your beautiful daughters!
p/s : nak anak cantik macam miss12 and cute macam miss7
sy 26..lbih sthun bleh kot ye nk post comment kt cni...
sbb apa suka blog ni? :
i) blog ni ja entry ..xbosan..
ii)suka tgk ur family.. tomey2 kiut kiut ja..
iii) pic menarik..sentiasa bt sy rsa lapar bla buka blog ni..kdg2 suka ikot resipi kt dlm nih..
iv)mayb byk suka psl kakmin msk mkanan berkalori rendah..pendekatan utk kuruskn bdn..hubby kak min kn berjaya menkuruskn bdn dia..hehehe
apapun..truskan chaiyok2x!!!!
salam kak min.
i'm definitely under 25 coz i will turn 23 this, i didn't feel young ok k.min;(
i know your blog from blog CMG rasanya.i've been reading salam dua benua for almost 2 yrs.
this is actually the 2nd time i drop comment here.the 1st time was on your entry yang teka2 brpa your MIL bagi voucher tu.hehe.kira setahun sekali lah ye;)
as for me, i love reading blog k.min ni sbb i like your writing style.from your writing,i can tell that u r a fun person(hehe am i rite?)seriously,the readers can feel your happiness too.mmg jiwa muda lah kak min.itu pasallah kami muda mudi ni suka baca blog akak kot.hehe.i envy your family of four.happy selalu;) n i like the way u approach your daughters, very mat salleh punya style.kira blog kak min ni boleh jadi panduan lah utk masa akan datang kalau saya dah kawin n ada anak nanti.hehe
saya rasa kak min patut dapat award 'the most innovative housewife ever' !hehehee.i think many college girls out there bercita-cita utk jadi housewife pulak when reading your blog.oh!
hi kak LG, suka baca kak LG punye blog coz of your food pictures ):. coz i do love cooking ... and ur food really mouth watering okay hehe. and also ur simple life, i can sense sincerity reading ur stories . and recently about ur calories journey, i even asked my colleagues to read about your food intake to lose weight. its easy for us to understand rather than reading the proper explanation from internet hehe coz ur explanation is so simple ...
keep on writing kak . i am 28 by the way ):
sy suka baca blog kak LG kerana...
cerita family yg happy even sy tak kawen lagi.. kids yg comel2!!! the great foods!! and cara kak LG blogging mcm sy pon berada kat situh.. hehehe
first time nak drop a word here. all this while i read silently :p i love to read your blog because:
i) i love ur cookings.
ii) the pix are nice.
and i will continue reading urs :)
Pengalaman kak Zai lg ada keluarga mat saleh.Sebab apa kak Zai cakap macam tu ...sebab keluarga kak zai pun dah jadi tumpuan semenjak anak kawin mat saleh...agaknya ler...
hahaha... im 17,saye suke bace this belog coz bnyak crita tntang khidupan akak/auntie and your daughter..huhu.. plus.. saye suke tngok akak/auntie masak.. delicious.. and buat meleleh tngok masakan hari2 laen jenis.. kalaulah mak saye masak hari macam akak/auntie..
:x tau nak panggil akak/auntie: make me confuse... :)
this blog makes me addict.. seriously..:)
- kalau yg muda itu lelaki..makne nye...dia nak intai anak dara u lah min...
Hello. I'm a 16 y/o reader of yours from Kuala Lumpur. Actually, what I like about your blog is the fact that you keep it simple and funny! It was my mum who showed me your blog last year and she has been reading your blog for years :') And I think, it's cause you're humble and keep it real : the fact that like about your blog! And I do read your blog everyday. Salam :-)
Banyak kali juga ye you bukak my blog ni :-). Hati I berjiwa muda tp muka makin ada wrinkles, tu yg susah, hehehe.
Blog Ben tu memang ramai pembaca muda belia kan! Tu yg I rasa ramai readers I yg muda2 dtg dari situ and dari blog Cik Mat Gebu.
Nor Syafiqah,
Sometimes I rasa alangkah bagusnya masa I muda2 dulu ada blog jugak so lagi lah cepat I pandai masak and surenya by now dah terer sgt2, hehehe.
I ni orang Jawa yg dah global, segala benda makan ;-). Tapi tempe and tahu masih tetap di hati tak boleh dipisahkan, hahaha.
I pun ada some blogs yg memang akan bukak hari2, mostly utk tengok their food jugak sambil cari2 ilham nak masak :-)
Kadang2 memang susah jugak hidup kat rantau and nak kekal kan budaya. Lagi lah bila 2 budaya yg berbeza and we all cuba serapkan dua2 budaya, ambik yg baik, buang yg tak berapa baik :-)
I slalunya akan tak update once every 2 weeks ke mcm tu, saje nak bagi jari jemari rehat, hehehe.
Gambar aje yg membuatkan all the food nampak sedap maybe ;-)
Cik Siti Wan Kuncup,
2 years tu lama jugak lah kan :-). Most times I ulang cerita sama again kan :-). I rasa sbb ada 2 cultures in this house, tu yg bnyk sikit cerita kelakar ;-)
Cik Aien,
1 day to habiskan 3 years worth of entry? Wah, cayalah! hehehe
clap5X sbb dah beranikan diri n berjaya masak paru goreng sambal! Lepas ni kalau you buat open house, boleh lah jamu paru goreng kan, hehehe.
I punya paru supply dah habis but I kena berani kan diri dulu nak masak paru ni :-). Kena berguru fr you lah mcm ni eh :-D.
Aunty P,
thanks :-).
I peramah dlm blog aje, kat luar pemalu habis, hehehe
Alhamdulillah sihat. I thought orang2 muda cuma baca blog yg sama wavelength aje dgn diaorang, tu yg heran, hehee
Hubby I tu patut buat blog sendiri kan, baru lah boleh dia nak perasan lebih2 kat situ, hahaha.
Crazy Heart,
siannya you makan biskut kering aje. I pun dulu slalu gak makan biskut kering and milo or maggi bila dah malas and too tired to cook bila balik fr lectures :-). Kenangan indah masa study kan :-D
I am not that good a SAHM sbb I have moments bila rumah tak berkemas and bercuci, food pun masak yg so sempoi and baju penuh menggunung tak iron and tak basuh and tak lipat, hahaha.
I pun bila dah ada anak and dah tau mcm mana mind boggling nya jaga anak and jaga suami and jaga rumah, baru lah tau perasaan Mak I dulu2 :-)
thanks sbb masih sudi baca my blog after many years :-).
I pulak always feel 30, hahaha. But it is nice kan to know that they are others in the same situation as us kan :-).
you are welcome. I pun suka masuk blogs yg inspire me to cook, to treat my family right, to muhasabah diri :-)
My daughter tu memang sentiasa over banding dgn orang lain, hahaha.
Lady Morgana,
thanks ye sbb promote my blog to yr friends, makin ramai lah yg tau pasal my blog ni ye :-).
Thank goodness for digital camera kan sbb senang I nak ambik gambar all my dinners :-)
Kak Yan,
semua nak jadi bakal menantu ye, hahaha.
Abang Mat Bond,
thank you for the kind words. I tabik betul kat orang dulu2 yg ada anak ramai but still managed to instil family values and look after their kids so well.
I ni ada anak dua pun akdang2 pening tak tau macam mana nak handle their moods and attitudes.
Luckily my husband has the same values as me so senang lah sikit hidup :-).
I think you will enjoy your new life as a SAHD and to watch your young one grows up :-). Sure wife you jeles nanti sbb you get to spend time at home, hehehe.
Salam. Ramai jugak ye yg dah khatam baca blog I ni. I jugak yg tak terkhatam2, hahaha.
I'm glad my writings boleh make you smile occasionally and reduces your stress :-).
Best weh kdg2 still so young, single and available ni kan, so many things you can do :-).
I'm glad I buat you teruja untuk start masak and baking :-)
Mak Wardah,
wah, so detailed in giving the reasons which is what I like. I guess it is a bit like reading an intriguing story book kan but with photos to boot :-).
We definitely cannot live without rice esp my hubby yg mesti makan nasi n kari seminggu sekali at least :-D.
Lah ye ke, I thought Nana bagi ke Syam that CK tu :-)
Miss Jue,
Lama lah tu 2 tahun baca blog :-).
Psst... we all pun kdg2 heran macam mana boleh dpt daughters yg comel, hahaha ;-)
I nak show to people yg tak perlu kena ikat perut makan rebus2 takde nasi utk kurus. As long as hati kena cekal utk exercise n kawal portion makan, lama2 kurus jugak, hehehe.
Salam. For me yg dah nak masuk 41, 23 is so so young, hehehe.
My kids think I am always strict and garang and only occasionally aje fun. But when we have fun, we definitely have fun.
I guess when the kids grow up among Mat Salehs and Dad pun Mat Saleh, cara didik pun tak boleh lah pure melayu kan, hehehe.
That award is definitely not for me, hahaha.
I'm glad you found my calories explanation helpful. I am trying to educate people (yang nak tau) about the right way to lose weight. Still boleh makan all the nice food but in moderation lah kan :-)
Macam duduk sebelah rumah I and dah kenal lama aje ye :-D.
Mummy Adam,
thank you for still wanting to read my blog after this :-)
Kak Zai,
Memang betul kan. I guess kita sentiasa tertarik dgn benda yg lain dr kita kan :-)
I think you boleh panggil I Auntie lah sbb you pun cuma 5 years aje beza dgn my eldest daughter :-).
You minat tengok muka dia ye???? hehehehe ;-).
My daughters pulak kdg2 bosan dgn apa yg I masak sbb for them benda yg sama aje.
hahahahha...I baru aje teased Asyraf about it. Kalau blog I ni still ada lagi in 4 years time, I rasa memang ramai yg masuk sbb nak tengok their faces :-)
Salam. Thanks sbb suka baca my blog even though I write mostly about things that are not the in thing for 16 year olds kan.
But I guess food is universal :-).
Herm, kita suka baca akak punya blog sebab bila tengok ada org kahwin dengan org yg bukan sama kaum je, msti dieorang cakap susah lah, nanti berpisah sbb tak sama thought la ape la. Bila jumpa blog akak, rasa sronok sbb ada jugak bukti yang org lain ckp tu tk betul ;) hehehe
I rasa skrg ni kahwin sesama kaum sendiri pun banyak end up in divorce kan. I guess kita cuma boleh berdoa and buat yg terbaik so our marriage berkekalan :-).
Hello..i'm 23 yo.
Meriah betul! i jer tertinggal sampan nak jawap kat sini. err..sedar diri dah tua tak boleh jawap haha.
i dulu 1st time baca ur blog pun sampai bukak page yang belakang2:)
Dah 2-3 bulan baca baru berani tegur..auww!
salam, hye akak..i love reading ur blog coz it fits my taste. i suka masak2..i love ur experiences. i wasi i could have one soon. it's not easy to find a devoted mommy just like u. working for family.bringing up children and forgetting about working for the sake of family. i wish i can be like u. i wanna be a chef for my family just like you.btw, akak blaja masak kat mane..creative la..looking at ur cooks makes me drool.
saya pun baru je follow blog ni...saya suka baca blog ini kerana...(macam contest pulak)..
1) seronok tgk kak LG ngan family, your children are so cute!
2) suka baca sebab the way you write sangat selamba dan kelakar.
3) seronok tengok gambar-gambar yang cantik
4)kak LG sangat rajin memasak..suka tengok menu,dimasak dalam kuantiti sekali makan je
5)I learn English too!
6) LG rajin update blog
Keep on writing!
saya 27 tahun, saya suka tgok gambar makanan dalam blog ni....lagi satu sebab suka ni tempat cari idea la..hhahaha
i'm 21. hehe. dah lama jugak follow blog ni,siap letak dlm bloglist lg. hehe. but i think this is the first time for me hitting the comment button :p suke blog ni sbb sy suka cerita-cerita tentang family
it's exciting nak tengok what's the next dish she's making even tak dapat rasa pun :P
silent reader mcm i ni tak reti nak komen..
apapun blog kak LG mmg TERBAIK.. tak pernah lagi la ketinggalan dengan cerita terkini n makanan terhebat kak LG..
*teringin nak jmpa kalau kak LG blik malaysia..tapi maluuuuu :p
salam LG,
akak ni pembaca senyap blog LG,
selalu juga akak jengah ke mari, bukannya apa...akak geram sangat tengok anak LG yang kecik tu...comel sangat...rambutnya kerinting dan pipinya tu...sedap dipeluk-peluk...:) anak akak semua dah besar...rasa rindu bila ingatkan ketika depa kecik2 dulu...kalau dapat putarkan masa kebelakang...
I pun selalu gak perasan muda ni, muahahaha. Tapi tak lah kot sampai 23, itu dah melampau bebeno rasanya, hikhikhik...
Rajinnya kamu bukak page2 yg belakang, mesti masa Amjah tgh tidur or nenen tu kan, hehehe
Salam. I belaja masak by tengok tv cooking shows, baca buku recipe, trial n error and now ni on the net. But I guess kalau kita minat masak, tak susah nak cepat pandai :-).
Sometimes I do miss the working environment, surrounded by adults all the time instead of kids aje, hehehe....
Nanti kalau I buat contest utk write essay, bolehlah you join, hehehe ;-).
I sebenarnya tak rajin memasak tp sbb terpaksa memasak sbb mahal giler nak makan kat luar hari2, tu yg lama2 jadi rajin sendiri, hehehe
Apa yg you angankan bila masuk sini ye? hehehe :-)
Thanks sbb excited nak tau apa yg I akan masak everyday. I wish my eldest excited mcm you nak tau apa yg I nak masak for dinner hari2. She's not into food, so tu yg tak kisah apa yg I nak masak.
aku la ros,
Kalau ada masa, boleh jumpa tapi slalu nya bila I balik Ms'ia, memang busy mengalahkan menteri, hahaha.
Kak Ida,
Salam.Anak I yg second tu memang sedap nak dipeluk2 sbb dia chubby sgt2 :-). I pun kdg2 wish diaorang still kecik lagi :-).
Salam P.G,
Saya dah 3 series ekekeek tp still nak bg comment jugak ;)
actually saya suka baca blog u because anak u yg cute 2 org tu and also suka baca resepi u (walau ai xberapa rajin nak masak sgt atleast bg ai aspirasi nak masak sedap2 kan ehehehe)
anyway suka sgt if u update pasal garden u sebab ai suka gardening. selain suka cerita pasal mix-family u.
Happy family tau :)
Hi kak LG,
I started reading ur blog about 2 years ago when I read one of my ex boss' blog entry yang linked her dinner recipe to ur blog.
From that moment, terus addicted.
Loved the way u write. Lawak. N loved ur entry about the food. Made me berkobar2 nak masak utk family jg (tp blm kesampaian ;p).
N I like reading about ur family outing. Esp the road trip u did with ur family.
N I like reading the little misses growing up. Kiranya nak ambil tips utk besarkan anak la ni.. Hehe
Ok kak LG, if u'r thinking of maybe moneytizing ur blog, try Nuffnang :D. Mana la tau kan, sambil2 blogging dptt generate side income .. Hehhe..
K kak LG,
Selamat maju jaya haha
salam kak LG, i'm 20. dan setiap hari sebelum mulakan rutin harian sebagai seorang student, lepas baca bismillah, i logged in and read ur blog. saya suka baca blog kak LG sebab blog kak LG comel, content dia santai dan it helps me with my English yang tersangatlah broken. anyway, keep it up :)
ive been reading ur blog ever since i was studying in australia. tapi dah lama tak berblogwalking so thats why today im here. hahahaa. i love reading ur blog entries about the food u prepared. XD
salam kak LG! :)
I'm 21. I do really2 love to read your blog because
1) FOOD!! - no doubt. haha
2) Parenting
- How u adapt yourself to be a good friend of your adorable little misses instead of being just ordinary mom.
- Since my mom had passed away few years back, as the eldest sister I am truly2 adore your parenting style because to raise a children nowadays is very2 challenging.
3) 2 benua
- Getting to know how's life in other country + mix culture is very2 interesting and u are one of the best and reliable source for us to learn bout that.
p/s : Keep on blogging Kak LG.
- Hope one day, the little misses dapat hero junior pulak to take of them. hihi.
Wish u and ur family all the happiness and blessing from Allah. :)
i just love the way you blog! from food blogging to random pics of ur babies! honestly sometimes i'll skip the words and scroll down to the pics :p take care sis! (:
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