I am sorry guys, no one has guessed the right present yet but….
someone has managed to point to the right direction even though this person has got the birthday present wrong. Hey, at least, it’s heading somewhere ye tak, hahahahaha……
Punyalah banyak battery-operated stuff sekarang ni kan!
Kalau zaman dolu2, I bagi clue macam tu, sure nya orang terus ingat radio transistor or maybe lampu suluh aka torchlight or paling canggih pun camera lah kan, hehehe. Kalau budak2, either remote control car or anak patung yang pakai bateri and boleh keluar suara tu, hikhikhik…
Kan senang nak teka macam tu!
The Other Half kata kalau susah sikit the competition, boleh lah run it for 1 week. Kalau senang, 2 hari aje dah ada yang dapat jawab dengan betul kan
Hari ni kat Perth hujan lebat and poor Miss 7 sebab her class was flooded again!
So far tahun ni, dah 2 kali kelas dia got flooded from probably poor drainage on the roof and then mengalir kat ceiling which ran down the walls and dripped onto the carpets.
First time bocor, their class computers (all 3 of them) masuk air so I think memang dah kaput terus lah. And then since sekolah kat sini mostly ada wall to wall carpet, so habislah basah the carpet tu. Luckily they have a special water soaking vacuum so they managed to dry the carpet without any lingering smell.
Hari ni pulak, it happened again and since The Other Half yang hantar The Little Misses to school, he volunteered sekejap to help angkut the desks and chairs and tables to dry grounds
(berguna jugak hubby I ni kadang2, muahahaha).
See, bukan kat M’sia aje banjir ni, kat Perth pun banjir jugak and kat Perth ni pun ada banyak sekolah yang dah a bit run down sebab dah berusia berpuluh2 tahun
Since I malas nak letak gambar food tonite, I letak video Miss 7 singing one of the songs that she sang at the Sing Fest. But this song is supposed to be sung by 2 groups, 1 group singing one song and the other group singing the other song at the same time thus you could hear The Other Half and me singing with her.
The first video was when I didn’t sing it properly so got told off by Miss 7, hehehe. But lepas tu, dia pulak terlupa lyrics, apadah….
And then this second video is when everyone sang together ‘harmoniously’, hahahaha….
The Other Half trying to put on his deep baritone voice
Kesian Miss 7 dapat parents macam kita orang, cari glemer lebih dari dia
. Suara kitaorang aje yg terlebih2 kuat sampai tenggelam suara dia kan.