Monday, 21 September 2009

What a wonderful Eid celebration we had this year. Even though it’s not as meriah and as hectic as a Malaysian Raya, it was still joyously wonderful. I guess I’m so used to celebrating Raya at a smaller scale that when I went back to Malaysia for Eid, I found it a bit too hectic and too full-on for my taste, hehehe….

And since I’m still feeling bloated and full from eating too much since semalam, I won’t membebel lebih2 lah ye so I’ll just letak gambar aje lah ye of what we did semalam n hari ni.

Semalam, we went to Rockingham mosque untuk solat Raya. This was our first time pergi the mosque for Eid celebration. Memang terasa macam kat M’sia aje because there were so many Malays kat situ, hehehe. And the food spread after the solat was so sedap as well, The Other Half makan macam tak pernah jumpa Malay food :-). Segala macam rendang ada, segala macam nasi ada, segala macam kuih ada, segala macam lauk pauk ada, it was heaven for perantau like me, wehehehe… Then we went back home and terima tetamu the whole day before going out to Sheri n Hafiz’s for beriani dinner that night. Lepas tu, by 9 malam, semua dah tertidur kepenatan. Kalau kat M’sia, masa tu masih makin rancak terima tetamu kan :-).


We totally forgot to take gambar Raya family apart from this. Busy sangat makan and berborak2 kan so gambar tu. Ini pun thanks to Salina tolong ambilkan gambar, kalau tak, memang takde langsung lah :-). Btw, we all memang tak pernah pakai baju raya sedondon since ever, tu yang macam2 kaler ada, hehehe.


The Little Misses after Solat Raya masa tengah menjamu selera.


Beramai2 menjamu selera in the hall kat masjid tu.


Ini lah my kuih muih Raya. Tengok lah my bekas kuih Raya, macam2 jenis ada :-). I seperti biasa totally forgot to buy the bekas kuih again this year so on Saturday tu, baru lah kelam kabut selongkar my storage area cari bekas2 yang sesuai untuk isi kuih, hehehe… But 3-tier cake stand tu benda wajib yang kena ada on the table, baru lah nampak canggih sikit kan my kuih muih display tu ;-).


The cakes yang I buat untuk Raya. Baklava, kek batik and fruit cake. I know kek batik I tak cantik sebab I tak pandai potong, hehehe..

I terlupa langsung nak ambil gambar lauk pauk yang I masak untuk Raya….

Then, hari ni pulak since The Little Misses’ school still cuti Raya lagi, we all pun ambik cuti from work so we could spend the day with them and jalan2 kat city sambil beraya at Salina n Muzaffar’s house for lunch.

Some photos we took at the city.


Hmmm….. maybe she could have found a more gorgeous boyfriend?


Miss 10 and Miss 5 at their favourite games shop. Miss 10 and Miss 5 both have crushes on the guy standing next to them since they started painting the models, so cute, hahaha….


Hari Raya pertama aje lah we all akan beria2 pakai baju kurung n what not, lepas tu, takde lah, hehehehe….


Sizuka said...

k.min, selamat hari raya! i love looking at ur family photo, nampak comel je mummy dia org tu pakai baju kaler purple. slim je.. hehe

adslmh said...

selamat hari raya! :)

p/s: i pun suke that guy hikhikhik ;P

Anonymous said...

hey girl.. and your pretty daughter.. selamat hari raya to you...........i love all your pics and the food memang menyelerakan.

lemongrass said...

I like the words 'comel' and 'slim' tu, wehehehe... But after 2 hari melantak sakan, I rasa the word 'slim' maybe tak boleh guna lagi lepas ni, hahahaha

hehehe...bolehlah u join the crush club dgn my daughters ;-)

thanks... pics kuih muih raya memang very menyelerakan kan :-)

Ms Red Hat said...

Dear Mynn,

Thousand apologies. i thought i managed to capture the name of the mosque. Ni nak kena gi jumpa optometrist tak lama lagi

Thanks for the warm hospitality and great food. We finally found our small lovely 'kampung' to go back to for raya.
It was a blissful raya for us too and i have to thank Sheri's family and yours for the great time. Cuma segan sikit dengan you Mynn, bila datang to my house makanan tak seberapa.

lemongrass said...

No need to apologise, I cropped the picture, that's why you can't see the name of the mosque :-).
It did have that kampung feel, didn't it? It was really lovely having you guys to celebrate Raya with :-).
Matt & I makan tambah semalam at your house, it shows yang your food sedap lah tu, hehehe...

my little family / kaftanbatik said...

wow! LG, rajin tul u..mcm2 biskut & kek u bt ekk.. MA beli jek... mmg mals + xpandai pun..hahaha
psst: xtau bila nk mai angin rajin bt biskut segala nih pun xtau la..

my little family / kaftanbatik said...

Lg, kasut purple lagi tuuuuuuu..hhehe

arapink said...

kak min, selamat hari raya :-)

cantik2 semua pakai melaram dengan baju kurung...ur hubby pon ensem dgn baju melayu yg separuh itu...hehehe

lambat dapat masuk umah kak min ni...bizi lah konon...kekeke

Gembo said...


Can't remember how I stumbled upon your blog but I've been reading your blog since then.. It was the first week of Ramadhan I think..(obviously my memory fails me quite a lot these days..hehehe)..

I'm a mom to 3 the 30s and lives in Brunei..

Gembo's my hubby's moniker..he blogs and I "blog hop".. Anyway, would like to wish you and your family Selamat Hari Raya..

Look forward to more of your postings!

lemongrass said...

Mama Anis,
I pun rasanya klu duk M'sia mmng main beli aje lah biskut2 raya ni, tak sanggup n takde masa rasanya I nak buat. But since dah tercampak ke sini, tetiba jadi rajin pulak nak buat kuih muih raya ni, hehehe..
Psst.. You minat ke kasut purple I? hahaha...

Entah bila lah agaknya we all ni nak pakai sedondon :-). My hubby tu dia cuma kan pakai baju ala2 pakistan tu aje, jgn haraplah dia nak pakai baju melayu exc masa sanding dulu, wakakaka...

Mrs G,
I think my memory pun has been getting worse since ada anak2 ni, luckily it's only 2 ;-). Thanks for visiting my blog and reading my ramblings :-).

arapink said...

Tahun depan kak min....iksh ara ni, semua nak tunggu tahun depan yer...lambat lagi...hehehe

Kalau semua pakai baju kurung & baju melayu dari kayu yang sama, sedondon lan...mesti lawa gilerrr...hehehhe

lemongrass said...

My hubby tu sikit nya susah ke nak tukar baju raya.Selagi tak koyak selagi tu lah dia akan pakai, hehehe... Balik bulan 12 ni kena beli baju sedondon lah, baru lah meriah kan ;-)

Ayu said...

salam k.min...

slamat hari raya!!! huhu...baru b'kesempatan nak pun sbb dah keje.sepjg cuti raya aritu mmg ayu tak online lgsg.malas!! tak b'kesempatan pun ye gak sbb time schedule pack giler.tu yg smpai t'demam2 sbb kepenatan.

hm...suka tgk gambo2 yg akak post especially tier cake yg m'jadi idaman ramai tu n the guy yg cute tu.hahaha....gambo ank dara b'dua tu toksah ckpla...mmg sentiasa suka least akak ada gak gambo family raya ni.ayu? lgsg takde.klu beraya umah MIL mmg takde sesi b'gambar.tak mcm sebelah ayu...ada sesi maaf2 n posing2

lemongrass said...

selamat hari raya!!! Wehh kamu seminggu raya, hehehe. Nasib baik lah sanggup gak u bangun pagi tadi nak pergi kerja kan :-).
Rasanya semua orang kat MyR ada kek tier tu kan masa raya ni, hahaha....
Masa sebelum raya, rasa mcm nak berposing sakan bila Hari Raya tp bila Raya tiba, rasa mcm busy sgt2 kan dgn entah apa2, tu yg kadang2 sampai tak sempat nak berposing, hehehe...