We have a brand new still in the box capsule coffee machine for sale.
(And since it is really heavy for postage, I guess this post is for readers of this blog who reside in Perth only).
The reason for selling it:
We bought this Lavazza Modo Mio coffee machine online because it received good reviews and the price was good.
But…..A few days later, we saw the espresso coffee machine that we really adore went on sale at the shop.
Our coffee machine has gone kaput after working non stop every day for 6 years.
We love the DeLonghi coffee machine that we’ve got but it is a bit pricey when it’s not on sale so after thinking about it for a while, we decided to buy this Lavazza Modo Mio to replace our kaput deLonghi.
But then, a few days later while The Other half pergi berjalan2 to the GoodGuys, he saw the exact DeLonghi espresso machines as our kaput one were on sale there.
And it was a really good sale as well!
Setelah berfikir berbanyak2 kali, we decided to go ahead and buy the deLonghi even though we know that we will end up with 2 brand new coffee machines.
That’s why we have to sell this Lavazza Modo Mio capsule coffee machine.
It is still in the box that it came in, unopened.
We are selling it at A$150 ono.
If you want to read more about the product, here are the links, the review and the site.
Just drop a comment on this post if you are interested.
Thank you
I guna delonghi espresso yg paling kecik & basic. beli tgh sale. menggoda jgk yg ni tp i tgk je ni sambil terlopong. unless ada speedboat murah blh pi amik kt perth tu, hehee.. price mmg cantik tu, kalo hubby i tgk mau meronta2 nak tu...
Ohhh... coffee... my favourite...
Salam kak! i am looking for a coffee machine tp tak sure mana yg ok. since you have been using delonghi for very long time and seems very satisfied with it, boleh tak share which model you use and bg review sket why is it good? Thank you.
Salam kak! i am looking for a coffee machine tp tak sure mana yg ok. since you have been using delonghi for very long time and seems very satisfied with it, boleh tak share which model you use and bg review sket why is it good? Thank you.
Salam. I jawab your query kat sini aje ye. I think it doesn't really matter that much what brand you buy as long as it's the well known ones like delonghi, sunbeam, breville, saeco, nespresso and so on. It's more of what you would like out of it.
We used to have the basic espresso machine where you have to only use ground coffee beans and temper it yourself which we find a bit tedious. But a lot of people love this basic machines because they can manually control the pressure and what not.
Then we changed to a fully automatic one which we love so much because we just have to press a button and set the water level and the machine will do the rest. And we can use both coffee beans which the machine will ground for us or already ground beans. But our machine doesn't have an automatic button to froth the milk. It only has a spout for the steam to come out so we have to froth the milk manually. So, once in a blue moon aje we will froth the milk. The rest we just use unfrothed milk.
The expensive machines now have buttons for anything and some of them can even do hot chocs.
So, I guess it's up to you what you want form your machine :-). Hope this helps.
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