Saturday, 10 September 2011

A gardening weekend

We spent the entire morning until early afternoon doing the garden. Before that, we spent our entire life saving at Bunnings! hikhikhik….. Winking smile.

Takdelah sampai our entire life savings but it seems like every time we go to Bunnnings, memang tak sah kalau tak habis beratus dollars. Dengan compostnya (our home-made compost wasn’t enough to cover 2 vege beds and 1 big vege patch, tu yang kena beli berkilo2 lagi), pastu dengan mulch nya lagi, dengan pesticide lagi, dengan segala macam baja untuk all the different plants lagi. Pastu dengan segala macam tok nenek benda lain lagi.

Sekarang dah masuk Spring season in OZ ni so obviously, everytime Spring comes, semua orang bersemangat nak hias kebun, nak cantikkan the lawn and nak tanam macam2.

We all dah terfikir2 nak tanam tomatoes, chillies, eggplants, capsicums, cucumbers, some more herbs, lettuce and beans Spring ni so adalah supply during end of Spring and Summer nanti (konon2nya lah sangat2 excited nak tanam macam2 sekarang ni, hahahaha.)

And we are also thinking of planting more citrus trees around the garden. I thought of planting calamondin (which is the same as kalamansi/limau kasturi tak silap I). Tapi kaler kulit dia kuning oren bila buah dia dah masak. Pastu nak tanam Tahitian lime and also mandarin. Tahitian lime ni lebih kurang limau nipis lah but seedless. But still tengah berbelah bagi tak tau nak tanam kat mana, hehehe. Our yards bukannya besar sangat so we have to try and find the semi dwarf varieties.

Tak sabar rasanya nak menanam and menyemai, hehehe…(menanam and menyemai and menuai I suka sangat2. But menjaga the pokok in between tu yang I malas gilers, hahahaha).

By the way, this is the biggest rose bud on one of the rose bushes so far.



The Other Half kata, “I swear that every time I turn my head away, the rose bushes grow another foot taller!” Hahahaha. Memang cepat sangat2 the rose bushes membesar bagai johan!

And this was what we did today in the front garden.


The Other Half trimmed the edges of the lawn while I tried to clear the area around the bases of the rose bushes of grass and weeds. Pastu, we all letak  this plastic edge trimming  and also some pot plants to brighten up the entryway to the front door.

Even our neighbour who lives opposite us perasan yang we all dah ‘cantik’ kan sikit our garden. Siap tegur we all when we were outside tadi how the white plastic thing makes the entry way pretty. Nampak sangat lah sebelum ni our front yard ni so plain abis kan, muahahahaha.


Ambik gambar pakai baju kurung sebab baru aje habis beraya 3 rumah petang tadi Smile. Senak giler perut I, hahaha.

Esok nak sambung buat gardening again…..


June said...

suka the last picture both of them looks pretty ;)

Anash said...

soil kan?
seeing them growing...
soo many seeds to plant and soo limited space...wish had bigger space...
pepepun...gambar berbaju kurung itu amat comellll....
LG-lemongrass..kena sangat dgn tanaman...hehe..jgn marah

kasihredha said...

cantiknya miss 7 & 12

lemongrass said...

thanks :-). Masa pergi beraya, barulah diaorang nak pakai baju kurung :-).

I know. I love buying all the seeds and planting them but when it comes to looking after them, ada malasssssss sikit :-).
I have a bush of lemongrass on front of my house :-D.

Kak Kasih,
Sekali sekala pakai baju kurung, terserlah kemelayuannya :-).


comel2 nye yr doter..

salam Aidil Firi yea.

salam singgah...salam ukhwah :)

Aidah said...

Cantiknyaaaa rosebud tu. Akak bab cucuk tanam sangat pemalas. Tapi bab memetik sangat rajin. Adooiiyaii nak mencangkung tu tak laratlah, badan berat sangat. Kehkehkeh.

lemongrass said...

Green Jade,
Salam Aidilfitri. thanks sbb sudi singgah ke my blog and thanks for the compliment :-)

Kak Aidah,
I pulak tak kisah langsung cucuk tanam ni tp nak menjaga hari2 tu yg slalunya terlebih malas, hehehe

Anonymous said...


nak bagi tips for curly hair.

guna extra virgin olive oil for the hair. akan jadi lembut and fluffy and tak mudah kusut.

i know, salah post nak tulis ni. ritu tak sempat nak tinggalkan comment.

your daughters, ever so cute!!!

Unaizah said...

Your neighbor is right. Bukan before this your garden tak cantik tp MAKIN cantik dgn adanya little white fences tu....

penDragon said...

I dh x sabar nk tgk all the flowers tu kembang! I boleh nampak pokok yg akak panggil "Cousin Itt" (Addams Family) tu...I sgt suka tgk itu pokok...kalau dh keluar bunga mmg sgt2 cantik...

Azian Elias said...

MASYALLAHHH...comenya anak dara Jawa Mat Salleh tu Min.. So stunning wt the color.

Zaitun said...

Nanti bila roses tu berbunga lagi cantik tamannya.

Dulu kak Zai ada pagar tu tapi dah rosak kena hujan panas lama2 rupa dia kelabu asap dan reput.

lemongrass said...

Hi. My fren sorang ni, memang letak olive oil kat rambut dia everyday and rambut dia lebat cantik but lurus lah. Tak tau pulak boleh letak evoo kat curly hair jugak. thanks for the tips :-).

before this, our front entrance tu memang sgt2 lah plain nya sbb we all tak masuk rumah guna that entrance, tu yg slalu terlupa about that entrance, hehehe.

you remember Cousin Itt :-). I pun tak sabar tunggu dia nak berbunga sebab sgt lah cantiknya bila dia berbunga :-).

Kak Yan,
Memang sgt cantik colour baju kurung tu kan. Someone gave the baju kurung to her, rezeki dia :-). It matches her colouring kan :-).

Kak Zai,
we all pun beli the plastic trimmings yg murah sbb nak tengok ok ke tak dulu. Kalau ok, nanti we all nak ganti dgn yg mahal sikit, hehehe.

eliyaezlinalias said...

miss 12 tu kalo dok kt mesia konpom da kena sambar ngn modelling agency
wat iklan sana cni
chantek menawan la beliau!

lemongrass said...

Sbb dia duduk sini and kat sini bersepah muka pan asian, takde sape pandang dia, hehehe.

SJB aka SUELYN J-B. said...

Wow, miss 12 makin tinggi lah.