How did the ‘party’ go last nite?
I guess it went alright sebab the invite said from 6-8.30 but her friends started coming from 5.45 and stayed until 9.15, hehehehe.
We all put 6pm sebab sempatlah nak solat maghrib dulu before orang datang kan but tak sangka pulak orang nak datang awal. The Other Half lah kena keluar and say hi to the parents sebab I tak siap pakai apa2 lagi pun and tengah tunggu nak solat. Terpaksalah one of the Mums yang nak sangat jumpa I tunggu sekejap while I finished praying.
Out of the 5 invites, 4 of them turned up so kira meriah jugak lah with big girls in the house. And believe me, some of them are big girls! The Other Half was the only male in the house last night . And the house malam tadi memang sounded like a cinema with ‘Cirque du Freak’ playing quite loud. The Other Half kata when he went outside, he could hear the movie playing so loudly, hehehe. Ye lah, the window was wide open so tu yang boleh dengar sampai ke jalan raya
(padan muka neighbour I yg slalu bising tak hingat tu. Now it’s our turn to buat bising pulak, muahahaha gelak evil).
And with only crisps, jatz, shapes for munchies, pizza and fries for dinner, pods and choc biscuits for dessert and pavlova layer cake for the finale, I didn’t have to do much at all .
The girls were quite happy because they sat infront of the tv the whole time and Miss 7 as the usherette brought them food and drinks.
The chit chatting before the movie.
The movie starting.
The cute usherette.
The cake assembling which had to be done just before the cake had to be served.
Tapi nak jadi cerita, I broke the glass cake platter just before the assembling. Tension betul, so terpaksalah letak the cake on a plate aje .
I made 4 round pavlova discs which I sprinkled with hazelnut meal before baking them. I made the discs on Thursday.
The baked version. Ada lebihan batter tu so I made meringues out of it.
Topping each disc with whipped fresh cream.
Then grating mint chocolate on top of the cream before layering it with another pavlova disc.
The end product.
Layered pavlova cake. Miss 12 tak nak anything else on her pavlova cake, she only wanted cream and choc sahaja.
memang saje je I buat all the grated chocs to be everywhere, ala2 rustic style gitu, hehehe.
Upacara memotong cake.
Everyone has to have a jump shot one way or another .
Nice party ;)
macam gadis dewasa eh diroang ni?
teringat one of my patient yesterday kat spital, a 13yo aussie girl involved in a trauma. she's sooooo tall & well built, besar dari i. considering i ni tall ~170cm, kalau i baring sebelah dia, i nampak pendek. haha. surgeon yg involved in her case lagila nampak ketot coz the surgeon tu plak half of the patient's size.
anyways, sedap nampak pavlova cake tu. glad Miss 12 & the whole family had fun. & Miss 7 tak allergic kat hazelnut ye? only peanuts?
wow love the layered pavlova cake..
looking good on pavlova cake...hihi...nyum..nyum...
nak komen lari dari tajuk ni...
slimnya akak!!! boeh jadi inspirasi ni....ehehehe
setuju dengan lydiarahayumahmod.. kak LG slim gilerr... biasa dalam gambar nampak tangan je.. hehehe..
besar2 kengkawan Miss 12.. kalau kat Msia dah bleh masuk meminang dah.. :)
syoknya depa Min.
Ibu creative lah u ni..
it's nice for me as well sbb tak payah susah payah masak, hehehe
My daughter is the smallest among her friends. her girl friends yang datang last nite have bigger boobs and so much taller than me! hahaha. If I were a surgeon, memang kena stand on stepping stool in the OT lah or else tak boleh nampak what I'm doing, hikhikhik....
Miss 7's allergy to nut is only peanut specific which makes her very lucky :-).
Nasib baik dia tak mintak sarawak layered cake! Mau pengsan 2-3 hari I nak membuatnya :-)
Pavlova is really easy to make but it looks so posh ;-)
Salam. Hahahaha...I pulak sbb hari2 tengok myself tak nampak the slimness. Tapi bila tengok the photo baru perasan yg I ni slim jugak actually, hehehe
I kena sama2 slim dgn hubby, mana aci dia sorang aje yg slim n gorgeous kan, hikhikhik...
Kawan2 dia memang besar2 n tinggi2, kalah lah I yg kemetot sgt2 ni :-).
Kak Yan,
I ni tak creative mana, nasib baik skrg ni senang nak google mcm2 kat net so tu yg boleh buat :-)
Bestnya tgk pavlova tu K Mynn!
Nanti ajar saya ya! Looks delicious!
Yes yes ada gambar pavlova! Miss 7 nampak sungguh gembira masa kakak potong kek :)
Budak remaja gitu la kan, mesti ada gambar lompat tu, kehkeh
Alamak! I tak sempat nak baca entry u yang lepas...Happy belated birthday to Miss 12. Nanti bolehlah u ajar i buat kek. Coz i ni tang masak-masak memang Hampeh.Com hahaha.
bestnya... kalau ajak i pun confirm i akan attend..i pun lebih kurang Ms12 juga..ha ha ha
wallaaaa.... seronok tengok semua seronok... kudos to super mom...!!!
bestnye pavlova tuh.hehehehe. sy nak try kak, tapi mak dh rosakkan mixer, so, kene la tungguyng baru, hehehe
usherette tu cute sgt. hehehe
dlm byk2 gambar ni I paling suka gambar chef 'kuda belang' iteww....sgt tekun dia mendecorate cake! k LG, pavlova cake ni mcmana ye, mcm pelik je tgk...sekali tgk mcm biskut...
huhu...baru je mkn pavlova last thursday.ayu ada course kat jw marriot so masa bfast dia serve mini lain mkn 1...ayu bantai 4.muahahahaha....benda sedap,takkan nak tgk je kan.bayar mahal tu....rm1500.kena la manfaat kan ye tak.hehehe...
ok gak kan buat pavlova cake.simple je n takde heavy sgt mcm cake biasa tu
kak LG..dah nampak tulang!!!!huhuhu....senang tak nak buat kek tu?care to share?
Happy birthday Alya darling...muahhhh...Wish you success and happiness and also being blessed by Allah always.
Ummi Maryam,
Pavlova tu senang aje nak buat. I pernah buat step by step cara nak buat nya :-).
Mak budak remaja pun kadang2 nak buat gak gambar lompat tu. Tapi tulang temulang tak kuat nak lompat, hahahaha....
thank you for the wish. I pulak tang ajar2 orang tu yg hampeh sbb asik terketar2 aje tangan bila orang tengok kita masak :-).
Kalau you join the party, memang prang akan ingat you adik beradik dgn Miss 12, hahaha
I superMom bila they asked for easy food aje. If they asked for complicated stuff, awal2 I dah reject the idea, hahaha.
Kalau nak buat pavlova tu, memang kena ada mixer or else memang menguh lah tangan nak memukul :-)
pavlova ni rapuh kat luar but chewy inside and sweet. Macam macaron kot sbb ingredients dia cuma eggwhite and sugar aje mostly. Chef kuda belang tu tgh acting aje sebenarnya, hahaha...
I pun dulu kalau ada courses, memang tuju area dessert aje dulu, hahaha. But betul jugak kan, kalau dah kena bayar sampai 1500, baik kita betul2 gunakannya :-).
Katak Ayu,
Models kan memang nak bagi nampak tulang tu, hahahha ;-)
Senang aje buat pavlova ni, I pernah buat entry about it dulu.
thank you :-).
happy belated birthday kakak...sedap kek tu pandai akak LG buat...hehehe selama ni jadi silent reader n follower je
thanks ye sbb sudi jadi follower blog ni. And thanks wish birthday tu :-)
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