Thursday, 28 January 2010

What accent?

We have 2 Australians in this house but it’s very rare to hear pure Aussie accents coming out of their mouths.

When The Other Half talks, no one can figure out what accent it is :-). Some says American, some says Canadian tapi tak pernah orang kata dia Kiwi, hehehe. I guess when you were born a Kiwi but grew up in OZ, you tend to lose your Kiwi accent but not taking up the Aussie accent fully and then married to an Asian so bercampur aduk lah sikit ;-).

Miss 6 pulak is a true blue Aussie but she didn’t go to a nursery when she was young. I looked after her from birth until she entered Kindy. So, in a way, she learned to talk listening to me (which is a mixture of Malaysian and Aussie accent). Pastu, bila masuk sekolah, masuk pulak sekolah Islamic yang penuh dengan budak2 berbagai bangsa and languages. So, memang tak develop sangat lah her OZ accent tu.

Miss 10 pulak grew up listening to BM mostly until we moved to Adelaide. But she straight away went to a nursery yang penuh dengan Aussies and then pergi kindy and primary school yang penuh dengan Aussies as well. Masa tu memang pure OZ accent yang keluar dari mulut dia, hehehe…. But now, after so many years mixing with kids with English as their second language, her cadence has changed a bit. Tak lah pure sangat OZ nya.

But bila balik Malaysia, memang kadang2 kena gelak dengan sedara mara sebab they talk ‘funny’. Ye lah kan, bila dah selalu dengar kat TV American accent and dah terbiasa dengan American accent, bila dengar Aussie accent memang lah funny kan, hehehehe…..But it’s quite interesting with Miss 10, bila balik M’sia, she’ll still speak English but kadang2 dia tukar cara cakap dia ke ala2 gaya Manglish sikit. Maybe dia dengar cousins dia cakap macam tu so dia pun terikut2 lah :-). Miss 6 bila dengar kakak dia cakap lain sikit, dia pun ikut lah, hehehe.

Why this ramblings, saje je sebab I letak video kat bawah ni of Miss 6 reading Dr. Seuss. You be the judge whether she’s got Aussie accent or not.

Presenting Miss 6 reading Dr. Seuss ‘Marvin K. Mooney will you please go now!

Sorry lah, terlebih panjang pulak video ni. She wanted to read a longer Dr. Seuss but I pujuk her to read a shorter story instead. Kalau tak, mau berjanggut lah I tunggu video ni nak upload!


Azita Zain said...

k.ita suka pipi dia, idung dia, mata dia, dagu dia, rambut dia!!! soooooo cute! senyumannya manis jer... kalaulah k.ita ada baby girl lg, dpt mcm anak min yg ini cukuplah! hahaha...
"go go go...." penuh perasaan dia menyebutnya...

lemongrass said...

Kak Ita,
hahahaha, Perut dia tak suka ke? :-P... Penuh perasaan memang sbb dia tau yg Mummy dia nak letak kat blog :-).

rainoserez said...

go go go..
hahaha, comey laaa..!!
tak pasti ada bunyi kiwi ke tak :p

Nadia Dzai said...

I dont think so la ;p kalau new school dia byk OZ, nanti berubah la tue :p

CS said...

LG, cik Kak you tu mmg suara omputih habis. I suka suara my OZ boifren Hugh Jackman n Willem Dafoe (the latter isnt my bf, suka suara jer, hehe).

Rahmath @Anak_Mami said...

Dear Mynn,
I like her..simply adorable and bersungguh-sungguh sebut go,go,go..cute and I will still wait in the long linr to masuk meminang for my son, Ameer Izzat..ha..ha..ha.

T said...

Hi LG,
She's too cute. She is very clear in her speech and doesn't have very thick accent(aussie or malaysian).

She's very calm too :-) Unlike my nephew who read me that same story to me before, but with a lot of expressions and silliness.

Gotta love these kids before they turn to teenagers.

shaz said...

I can see what you mean,her OZ accent is not that tebal, but whenever the word has the letter 'O' in it,then terserlah her OZness like when she said 'shoe', 'moonie (ye ke i tulis this word)...

My Life My World said...

Ala ala ala comei nyerrrrrrrrr .... kalau ada depan akak budak nih mau akak gigit gigit pipi dia ... opppsss perut dia jugak. Awak bertuah LG dapat anak cantik macam ni. Jaga dia elok elok tau, balik Malaysia mana tahu boleh jadi artis, glamour you ... hahahaha akak dah merapu dah nih :)

Anak LG faham Bahasa Malaysia tak? Kirim peluk cium untuk Miss 6 yer dan Miss 10 also ;). Cair hati akak bila Miss 6 senyum pandang kamare, so sweeettttttt ...

Anonymous said...

salam lg.sejuk hati mak cik bila tenguk kedua2 anak lg,cantik dan menawan sekali.
memang Aussie's accent ni susah bagi yg tak biasa dengar nak faham. anak auntie pergi perth bulan 12 dulu cakap dia tak faham aussie cakap dan aussie tak faham dia cakap. tapi sehari dua dah boleh faham dan dia sangat2 memuji perth aussie baik2 . ada yg masih contact shingga sekarang.

lemongrass said...

Bunyi Aussie, bukan kiwi ;-)..

tu lah, new school dia memang penuh Mat Saleh Aussie so rasanya after 1 year, sure dah pekat aje nati, hehehe

Hugh Jackman dah takde aussie accent sgt sbb dah campur aduk dgn American, kadang2 aje keluar Aussie accent dia (tapi memang hensem giler dia tu, hahahha).

Sanggup tunggu dlm queue tu! Hehehe.....

I guess because she hears the parents talk everyday without any obvious thick Aussie accent, so she follows us who's 'accentless' :-).
My kids play silly billy as well most of the times when reading Dr. Seuss :-).

You are right there. I pun noticed it when she says the 'oo' sound, hehehe. But at least she doesn't say 'noi' !!!! Hahaha

Kak Acik,
Balik M'sia, semua artis kurus2. dia ni tembam abis, camner nak jadi artis, hehehe... Boleh jadi model iklan rambut kot ;-).
I pun cair hati bila tengok dia senyum, tapi bila dia tengah nangis, gerammmm aje hati I, hehehe

Auntie Meriam,
Aussie accent ni memang lain dr american, tu yg kdg2 susah nak faham :-). Tapi we all yang dah biasa dengar ni, dah lali lah, hehehe

Watierman said...

Salam Min....dah universal English sound dah pun....tak macam Aussie's accent pun....but dia memang born to pose sweet & cute...Hugs & Kisses....Gerammnya!!

Unknown said...

untie dah jatuh hati lah cam ni. comey.

Anonymous said...

comelnyerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... geramz at her hair... who has curls in her family.. her mom or dad??

lemongrass said...

Kak Watie,
tu lah kan, I guess sbb bila tengok TV dengar American accent, [astu kat sekolah dengar mixed accent, cikgu dia ckp with Aussie accent and parents cakap dgn mixed accent, tu yang terus jadi universal, hehehe...

Susah lah mcm ni kalau you dah jatuh hati, hehehe


How are you? It's been a long time since I last heard from you. Hope life's treating you well :-).
The curls come from my side, I had curls when I was small but now dah jadi wavy. My nieces got curly hair as well :-). My cousins ramai yg ada curly hair esp the boys, don't knwo why the boys :-)

Unknown said...

LG, dah berapa hari tak boleh tinggal comment coz entah apa kena tak boleh buka bhgan comment, jenuh dok tunggu but hari ni baru boleh. Unfortunately, pc I kat opis ni tak boleh pulak main youtube & tak ada sound card. Biasalah, pc zaman dinasour. Nanti, I tgk kat rumah, mmg teringin nak dengar suara your daughter, sure cute.

Anyway, want to congratulate you on your fire work photos! Mmg cantik banget! Good job! Memang teramat berbaloinya you attend course. Kalau I dok dekat2 dgn you, boleh jugak nak join sama2 attend course.

Your hubby org kiwi ke? North or South Island? I like NZ very much. Very beautiful place esp South Island. Lastly, have a nice weekend!


ain said...

akak rasa pun kureng accent aussie nyer tu!!klu tak silap, aussie accent lg pekat kan..????

Mia's Mom said...

Salam LG:-D

She speaks clearly and without a thick accent. And she's soooooooo..... adorable! But kalau sekolah baru ni dia ramai kawan OZ, she will surely pick up a thicker accent!

Hugs & Kisses to Miss 6 and Miss 10 :-D

Anonymous said...

Salam Mdm. Lemon Grass,
Salam kenal. I'm your silent reader, tapi bila dah tengok video ni, Allah.. mahu tak mahu nak juga letak mesej di sini.

Cantiknya Miss 6! Really! Banyak iras kamu..

Rasa nak pilih cincin lepas ni nak merisik untuk anak teruna saya.. :)

s.c.h.u.l.t said...

so comel la miss 6 ni. :)

Lili said...

Salam LG!

Akak ni dah macam orang sewel gelak sorang-sorang sebab, sementara tunggu video Cik 6 kita ni di downlaod... akak main-main dengan that knob (ntah, apa ke nama mende alah tu!) and you know what? Miss 6's all kinds of gestures in candid! Ada yg when she was flicking her hairlah... sedang garu-garulah and what not! Lucu but cute tau! :D - kak emily

PatinPasta said...


Alahai kiut nye! Siap intonasi tuh! Huhu!

Aliza said...


ermmm no thick aussie accent..
only apparent when there's an R and O...


still cute la kan, regardless 'accented' or not :-D

lemongrass said...

kenapa ye tak boleh tinggal comment? I pun tak sedar that happened :-(.
I ni jenis yg kena buat face to face teaching/tutoring baru ilmu tu boleh faham, klu setakat surf kat net aje, memang tak paham2 lah, hehehe. But memang happy lah dpt pergi photo course tu n memang sgt2 berbaloi :-).
My Hubby orang South Island and tas far south as you can get :-). I tak pernah pergi lagi lawat kampung dia ni, one day...

Kak Ain,
memang tak pekat langsung kan her accent sbb hari2 dengar we all yg tak aussie ni cakap :-).

Mia's Mom,
In a way, I'm happy dia takde thick Aussie accent sbb I tak gemar sgt the really thick one, not music to my ears, hehehe..
They say thank you for the hugs n kisses :-D

Salam singgah to my blog and thanks for reading it :-).
You said Miss 6 ada iras I? Probably the chubby cheeks kot, hehehe...
Hahahaha... you have to join the queue untuk masuk meminang dia :-)).

thanks :-)

Kak Emily,
Knob kat mana? Yg kat youtube tu ke? I pun nak main2 lah mcm ni, hehehe...

Kalau baca Dr. Seuss memang kena act sikit, baru jadi, hahahaha...

I like her without the accent actually, nampak lah sikit she's different, hehehe...

Kniedaz said...

so cute and so entertaining...wish i had a girl like her (got 2 boys)...geram nak cubit pipi dia..hehe

lemongrass said...

Girls have their own set of problems yang menggeramkan like whining and whingeing and quarelling which can be so bingit telinga type, hehehe.
Occasionally aje diaorang cute and entertaining ;-)

Fzah Ruslan said...

I envy the hair!!!!!!

lemongrass said...

Ramai yg envy her hair but she doesn't like it that much,hehe

Ayu said...

uuuwwwaaaa...rindu kat zahra! w/pun aritu jmpa tak borak dgn dia,tp dpt jmpa sat depan mata pun jd la.suka dgr slang dia.penuh perasaan smpai siap kuak2 rambut tu.hehehehee....sooo cute!

lemongrass said...

Zahra tu memang sentiasa penuh perasaan, hikhikhik....

SJB aka SUELYN J-B. said...

She so cute.. Is that her original hair?. Cantik...

I pun tidak tahu macam mana aussie accent hehehe. But, her sound just like normal to me.

Mag said...

cute nte die..manissssss