Dulu cuma ada 5 seater Ford aje, sikit nya susah ke nak bawak guests jalan2 sbb tak cukup seats. Kat Australia ni pulaknya, the rules are very strict, tak boleh bawak lebih passengers dari seats. Unlike kat M'sia, nak sumbat 8 orang dlm Kancil pun takpe,hehehe...Tu yg bila sampai Perth aje, terus cari kereta baru yg 7-seater. And we found this Zafira at the right price so we swapped the Ford with a Holden and I loooovvvve my Zafira. My next car (bila this one dah mencapai usia yg lanjut) would be something in the line of Honda Odyssey. It's slicker than Zafira and much cuter,hehehe...
Hari ni terasa sgt nak buat roti yg manis sbb dah lama tak buat. Tapi malas nak buat yg complicated sgt so belek2 buku resipi, doughnuts jumped out. Budak2 pun suka doughnuts so pagi tadi buatlah 1 adunan. I buat doughnut tak pernah yg ada lubang, setiap masa buat doughnut balls aje sbb yg paling senang.
Hari tu I was telling someone I want to go global with my food, hahaha... Not that I want to pasarkan my dishes, cuma nak buat resipi2 dr se antero dunia. Actually, memang tiap2 hari buat resipi fr around the world but I'll make more of an effort to find and try these exotic recipes,hehehe, kalau rajin lah...
So, dinner malam ni was Chicken Paella from Spain I guess. Rupanya lebih kurang risotto, pilaf, pilau, briyani, claypot rice tapi the taste lah yg I guess membezakan all these rice dishes and it uses arborio rice /short grain rice. Yang buat I suka, it's a 1 pot dish so tak lah banyak periuk belanga nak kena basuh,hehehe...
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