Saturday 20 October 2012

Another weekly garden update

Woke up this morning with only one thought..

Yeay, I can spend time in the garden with The Other Half finishing all the projects.Smile

The Other Half pulak bangun asking UNenthusiastically, “Is there much that needs to be done in the garden?


Walaupun he was unenthused, but after a cup of coffee and a few home-made blueberry, macadamia and white choc muffins, he straight away went into the garden with gusto.

See what a cup of coffee and great muffins can do to you, hahahaha…

Someone said the other day yang our garden must be the nicest looking garden on the street…

And I jawab, “jauh sekali! sebab I haven’t shown you our lawn yet! kalau you all tengok our lawn, mau pengsan agaknya Smile“.

Ini rupa our lawn pagi tadi..


Penuh dengan dandelions!!!!!!!

Dandelions are pesky weeds, sangat lah senang nak membiak especially during wet Spring season.

And they are so difficult to cabut because they are quite deeply rooted. Memang kena spray with weed killer baru mati.

But kat Bunnings, ada jual dandelions ni under ‘herbs’ category sebab memang boleh makan the leaves as salad. Diaorang jual for $4/pot.

I rasa nak aje I suruh sape2 yang nak dandelions buat salad ni to come to my house and bersihkan my lawn from it, hehehe….

So, one of the jobs that The Other Half had to do tadi was to mow the lawn and to clean up the edges of the lawn.


Dah kemas sikit rupa our lawn petang tadi. But he still needs to poison the weeds tomorrow so tak membiak again.

And we also managed to go to our favourite Bunnings to buy a trellis and also a pot of raspberry and a pot of boysenberry.

We bought these 2 plants sebab nak letak against the fence on the other side of the house.


This is one of the vulnerable spots around of house, senang untuk pencuri panjat masuk to enter the undercover area.

Kat sini tak boleh nak letak broken glass sewenang2 nya along the fences to deter pencuri. Nak letak spiky things pun tak boleh rasanya.

Kalau people aka pencuri yang climb up the fences and cedera kena broken glass, we can be sued and held liable for the injuries. Stupid kan!

The next best thing is either to plant climbing roses that have loads of thorns or to plant berries that have loads of thorns as well.

We opted for berries. Tu yang beli raspberries and boysenberries because they have thorns! And they can grow quite tall and produce berries which is a big bonus Smile.

the boysenberry plant.


the raspberry plant.


Tapi kan……nak tunggu dia besar and penuh thorns and memanjat the trellis tu, mau lah kot makan masa 2 tahun, itupun kalau tak mati lah, hahahahahahaha…..

So, since the berries have taken that spot, we had to move the watermelon pot further along the garden.

Our garden beds are also getting along quite nicely at the moment.





the kesum is happy and the kangkungs are slowly growing.


The zucchinis jangan cerita lah, mencanak2 naik nya Smile.


The blueberry plants pun tersangat lah happynya.


Kalau all these blueberries menjadi semuanya, alangkah seronoknya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lepas habis The Other Half mowed the lawn and lepas we all siap membaja semua plants and the lawn, we let Miss 9 played in the sprinkler while the sprinkler is watering the lawn.





Ini lah yang dikata, sambil menyelam, sambil minum air, hehehe…


susumanis said...

ahhhh...seronok tgk LG n kebunnyerr, tp lg seronok tgk ms 9 having fun with t air pancut..hehe

Kniedaz said...

Wah..seronok tengok kebun LG tu..kat rumah saya depan rumah seberang jalan ni ada ruang banyak tapi tanahnya tanah merah penuh batu...kami tanam kacang botol n cili tapi cepat mti sebab tanahnya kurang subur...kena tanam dlm pasu la pulak

Anonymous said...

Salam. Saya selalu ambil dandelion dan stinging nettle dalam kapsul. Banyak khasiat dan baik untuk kesihatan badan. InsyaAllah. :)

Mat Gebu said...


Zulfadly said...

laman rumah saya pon byk pokok tu, tak tau plak boleh makan, tapi nampak mcm salad yg selalu jual kat coles, after this maybe boleh try makan, hehe

LynnAiza said...

miss 9 cuteeeeee sangat! :P

Nina @ BabyBoon said...

i remember dulu ada someone i know was involved in a case where he terlanggar a jaywalker tapi in the end dia kena sue by the jaywalker. mmg tak patut sungguh. org yg buat perangai bukan-bukan ni ada hak plak nak menyaman kita. ish ish ish cobaan.

NOW we can say that your lawn's probably one of the best looking lawn there! ;D

kasihredha said...

sekali tengok blueberries tu macam buah kemunting pulak :)
bestttnya miss 8 main air

mamasuri said...

seronok nyer ada rumah yang ada laman sendiri..teruja tgk ..


Salam ziarah,
bestnya main air macam miss 8,rasa nak jadi budak kecik balik semula..;)

Shila Muin said...

Teruja tgk plant U.

Unknown said...

Assalamualaikum LG,
Seriously & sincerely.. setiap kali you update gambar garden.. I just wish Cik Asben blh retire awal so all of us can balik ke Malaysia (for good).
Cemburu bila tgk gambar2 mcm ni..

Mulan said...

aarr..?? keselamatan pencuri pon nak kena jaga..?? tapi i guess sana crime rate rendah kot..

ehhh comelnya menantu i main air..!!

lemongrass said...

I pun kecik2 dulu, suka betul main air pakai hose tu. Anak I pun ikut perangai, hehehe

Kat rumah ni pun we all kena letak baja and segala benda utk suburkan tanah, baru boleh tanam lepas tu. kalau tak, hidup segan mati tak mau tanaman semua nya :-).

Salam. I tanya hubby I nak tak kalau I bubuh dandelion dlm salad, dia kata, bnyk lagi bahan salad lain boleh makan, tak payahlah letak dandelion weed tu, hehehe

Cik Mat,
kebun yg best atau main air yg best? hahahaha

Kat Bunnings dia jual $4/pot, kat depan rumah kita, free aje, hehehe

Seronok kan main air ni :-)

tu lah pasal, tension we all as tuan rumah ni. Kalau takde sape nak saman, memang dha lama we all letak the broken glass nak deter the pencuri.
Still tak cantik lagi sebab tak sempat nak poison the weeds tadi, hahaha

Kak kasih,
buah kemunting ni boleh makan ke? I tak pernah tengok buah kemunting ni mcm mana.

Salam singgah. Memang seronok main air masa kecik2 dulu, satu hari suntuk pun tak kisah :-)

Masa Spring n Summer ni ajlah yg best bercucuk tanam kat sini :-)

Waalaikumsalam.susah jugak ye nak bercucuk tanam kat negara yg panas sentiasa ni. Kena jaga betul2 or else, mati aje kan. Takpe, nanti bila you dah balik for good, make sure you buat laman besar2 just for the vege patches :-)

tu lah kan, patutnya apa nak kisah kat pencuri lah kan. It's their own fault sbb mencoroboh masuk rumah orang. Crime rate kat sini tinggi jugak but maybe tak setinggi Msia kot sbb population sini tak seramai sana.

H O N E Y said...

Kak Mynn,

You know what? Kat Mesia ni susah sungguh nak cari herbs! I mean untuk tanam la.. yang banyak rosemary rosemary rosemary. Punya lah fed up. The only place i boleh dapat Thai Basil and Sweet Basil is at Jaya Grocer or Cold Storage yang sememangnya famous dengan products import.

I beli satu pasu Thai Basil.. after few weeks, dah start kering and terus mati. Geram betul lah.. bosan betul beli benda-benda tu sume sebab Mesia ni panas nak mati! Takkan lah everytime I nak masak kena pegi Cold Storage cari benda tu semua? Uwaaa how I wish I have kebun like you. Too bad lah.. Now kat sini musim hujan. Hari-hari hujan, so gemuk lah pandan i and pucuk kaduk tu. Kalau tak jangan harap!

P/S : I tak boleh pun nak tanam herbs or lettuce dengan cuaca tropical ni. Leceh betul. Btw, I managed baca sampai sini dah hari ni haha.