The Other Half said that everytime we go on a holiday, I always cook and bake as though macam nak pergi berbulan2 and nak bagi makan an army!
I said to him, I would rather cook and bake everything now and take it there then having to buy fish and chips or seafood pasta or vegetarian food for meals every time.
(And I also bake all the sweet titibits to be eaten in between, hehehe..).
So, we are going on a very short winter holiday esok. Tak lah as far as our Monkey Mia Winter holiday last year.
People say if it’s Winter time, you head up north where it’s always sunnier and hotter so tu yang we went up north to Monkey Mia last year but we still got to experience the worst storm when we were there, hahaha.
So this time we are heading down south and guess what? When we looked at the weather bureau tadi, they are predicting and
again this weekend, muahahahaha…
And then when we were in Msia in Dec 2009 and we took a holiday ke Melaka, it rained the whole time we were there as well sampai tak boleh keluar langsung.
I think someOne doesn’t like us taking holidays eh
Where are we going this time?
We are going to a farm, yeayyyyyy……. hikhikhikhik…..
Why a farm? Why not?
The Little Misses will enjoy it very much helping to feed the animals, collecting the eggs for breakfast. But I don’t think milking the cows or goats will be included in the activities though, hehehe.
And there’s also a small lake there where we can hopefully try canoeing and rowing.
And if it’s pouring all the time, we have board games to keep us entertained.
Doesn’t matter what the weather is, I am sure we will have plenty of fun there .
What have I been cooking and baking you might ask… (well kalau tak nak tau pun takpe, I still will story, hehehe..)
I’ve cooked bolognese sauce so we can have spag bol one night, I’ve cooked butter chicken and rice for another night, I’ve baked some chicken wings for one day’s lunch, I’ve baked frankfurt bread roll for another lunch. I have frozen semua ni so tahan lama and bila nak makan tinggal thaw and reheat aje .
I’ve made karipap for lunch esok to be eaten with some of the frankfurt rolls.
I’ve baked brownies and muffins for afternoon teas bila lapar2 masa hujan tengah mencurah turun kat farm tu.
And don’t forget all the other snacks and what not yang penuh satu bag tu! hahaha…
After all the baking and cooking semalam and the whole day today, I definitely need this holiday, hikhikhik…
So, bersyukurlah anda yang tinggal kat negara yang senang dapat makanan halal yang sedap kat mana2 jua….Tak payah memenuhkan boot kereta dengan makanan sahaja!
On top of that, still kena masak dinner but I cooked something really simple,
Chicken nachos.
Dah lama jugak we all tak makan nachos ni and I dont think I’ve ever made chicken nachos before.
I added some red kidney beans to bulk it up.
So, farewell for now, I won’t be blogging for the next few days. Once we’ve come back and dah settle semua laundry and kemas2 and relax2, InsyaAllah I will cerita cerita about our farm holidays ye.
Sape2 yang rindu kat blog ni, bukak2 lah entries yang lama2 tu ye, hehehe…
Selamat bercuti. Safe journey and don't forget to share with us your holiday stories.
Bab masak-masak ni Akak memang tabik springlah, Min.
yup.. org msia mmg bertuah bila sebut pasal makan. dulu masa duk london pun. bila fikir nak berjalan mmg seronok. tp bila part nak sediakan makanan utk berjalan. adui.. semput..! untung bibik msia. ;P
I think kan it's a Malaysian trait bab makan-makan ni.I pun sejak 2 days ni sibuk masak-masak and bake-bake sebeb we all pun nak pi holiday kat Mt.Ruapehu...main snow.Unlike you, we all memang boleh bertenggek kat mana-mana restaurants along the way but my family tak suka.Mak punya cooking jugak they nak...hahaha.Nasib badan lar we both in NZ is experiencing the worst storm ever!!Hopefully we will not be spending our holidays in our rooms saja.Good luck to both of us and have a wonderful time.Take care.
kak LG, wow bestnye, never had farm holiday before....mmm agak2nya bakul makanan tu muat sombat ayu sekalik????
Muaahhaha...perasan kecik la pulak....:P MM Happy Holiday sis;)
have fun!! gonna miss reading your blog. :D
Happy holiday, selamat pergi dan kembali.
Kak Aidah,
thanks. Rasanya memang I akan ambik gambar banyaaaaak nanti so once I start blogging balik memang penuh dgn gambar lah ye :-)
tu lah kan, nak jalan seronok tp bila fikir nak kena bawak makanan tu yg tak laratnya, segala benda kita hangkut sama, hehehe..
I am so jealous, you pergi main snow, we all kat sini main hujan aje, hehehe.
I hope our holidays will be so much fun and we can go outside instead of cooped up in the room aje :-).
Bakul makanan lagi besar dr bag baju so definitely boleh muat klu you nak masuk, hahaha.
It's going to be my blogging resting days. Saje nak tengok I akan dpt withdrawal symptoms ke tak, hehehe.
Kak Zai,
thank you :-)
wahhh! bestnyaaa.... happy holidayyy n have fun ;-)
tak sabar nak sampai ke farm tu, hehehe.
selamat bercuti kak min.. :) have fun.
hahahah baca je list of food yg you prepare mmg mcm nak bagi makan satu batalion army.. tp better than kena mkn fish and chips ye tak..hehehe...
btw, camne nak buat the smiley face.. i tried tapi tak jadi..
anyway enjoy your holiday..have a safe and pleasant trip..
Enjoy yourself with your fun family. Take care. We'll be waiting for your next entry about farm holidays tu. see you ;)
Kak Min,
Oooooo nak gi bercuti ye? SELAMAT BERCUTI, have fun and take care! :)
Seronok tengok segala list makanan yang Kak Min dah prepare. Saya pon gitu, kalo nak travel.. bawak bekal and canned food. Kalo tak, cari seafood memanjang.
Have a nice & save journey tomorrow.. Enjoy ur trip!!!
wow! tapi bestkan..mcm camping jadinya..kadang2 kak lg, beli kat luar ni rasa tu tak menepati citarasa kita..sudahnya masak lagi best kot..boleh mkn sambil relax2 n tak payh kuar jauh..hehe
kompom sedapkan :)
alaaa...rindu la nak bc entry kak min pasni...=(
Have a nice trip and enjoy yourself ya. Take care..
wah, sya yg rasa kepenatan bile tgok list masakan kak LG tu...hehehe
mmg betul kak, kalau kite tak read mknan mmg kena ngadap Fish n Chip je kan sbgai 'safe food'
so enjoy ur holiday & Take care :)
salam kak min. wow best kan cuti hihi.. kami pun nak gi PD weekend ni. walaupun cuti dlm M'sia senang dpt makanan halal etc, still i've to bake muffin, brownies (sama lak menu kita) sbb bila mandi laut ni budak2 cepat lapar. yg syoknya mlm tak payah masak, bbq seafood aje hehe..
selamat bercuti ye kak!
aslmkm kak...
hepi holidays..... tkcr... errr jgn luper pics ehh!!!!
tata... babai....
salam LG..seronoknya bercuti ya,musim sejuk mesti sedap makan kan..especially yr wonderful cooking;) Masa winter togel lah bunga nampaknya:) tak per spring tak lama lagi..kita org pun tak sabar jugak nak ke oz ni..tapi this year after penat buat pertimbangan akhirnya booked sydney;):) have a wonderful holiday ya.
Cuti kat farm???Waaahhh..sangat best...follow u bleh ke???:D
Happy holidays!!!!
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