It’s the last day of school holidays today. The Little Misses will be going back to school tomorrow for another 10 weeks of school term.
I am glad that they are going back tomorrow sebab they drove me up the walls today!
The Other Half took the car to work today so we stayed at home the whole day. To top it off, it was very gray and cloudy and raining dari pagi sampai petang. So The Little Misses were cooped up at home with only each other to play with (well apart from the iPod, the pc, the mac, the DSi, the toys
), nak keluar rumah main kat lawn pun tak boleh.
So, bila dah cooped up dalam rumah aje, tak dapat lah nak burn their excess energy kan so mulalah main gomol2, main fighting2 which was harmonious at first but gradually was followed with “stop that!”, “stop that!”, “stop that!” “I don’t like it”, and “give it back to me!”, “give it back to me!” “give it back to me!” and “that hurts, stop it!”.
Sorang kaki whining and sorang lagi kaki usik with an obviously selective hearing loss!
So Mak dia yang dari pagi tadi tak marah diaorang langsung sebab sungguh lah penyabar (muahahaha
), mulalah rasa gereemmmmmmmmm aje by 5 o’clock sebab masa tu lah kita nak masak dinner, masa tu lah dengar diaorang whining.
I pun went, “what is it with you girls? If someone says stop, what does that mean? It’s either someone is deaf or she’s just trying to cause trouble!”
Pastu The Other Half straight away said, “Right, come on you girls, go and put your rain coats on. Obviously you have so much energy to burn. We are going walking around the block now.”
Muahahahahaha…padan muka diaorang!
Miss 7 happy aje because she loves walking especially in the rain. But muka miss 12 masam mencuka sebab kena paksa berjalan, hikhikhik.
Tu lah, sape suruh buat Mum you geremmmmmmmm, kan dah kena paksa jalan by Dad
The Other Half kata sepanjang berjalan2 tu, Miss 7 didn’t stop talking and Miss 12 didn’t stop sulking!
Lega hati I besok dah start sekolah, hehehehehe….
Sebab cooped up at home today, I made something out of the ordinary (for me lah, kalau orang lain tu, biasa2 hari2 dia buat, hahaha).

Goreng keledek pun nak tayang kan, hahahaha.
I buat batter keledek goreng ni guna self raising flour, soda water (which is just carbonated non flavoured water), garam and a bit of gula. I like this kind of batter which can be used for so many different things
Pastu I baked choc chip cookies which I haven’t done for sooo long. Last time buat was bulan puasa tahun lepas kot, hehehe. I used this recipe but I added 1/2 cup of walnuts and only used 1/2 cup of mixed choc bits.

The Other Half tanya I, “how come you wanted to bake cookies today? You haven’t done it for so long.”
I said to him, “I did it because I haven’t done it for so long lah.”
Kan dah nak raya ni, so kenalah asah bakat buat biskut raya from now kan 