What’s a good thing to do when it is so hot and humid like today?
(Well….apart from having a long cold shower, turning the aircond on full blast and sipping on iced lemon tea that is ).
It got up to 38°C today so I decided to bake some buns.
It’s fun watching the dough rises up so quickly in hot weather .
And in OZ here, we love our finger buns so that was what I made for The Little Misses after school snack today.
They had it with choc frappe.
Finger buns are just sweet breads with cream or glace icing on top of the bun with decoration on the icing.
Most of the time it’s mock cream or whipped cream with dessicated coconuts. Or just plain glace icing usually pink in colour .
Basically it’s every kid’s staple food for morning tea or afternoon tea lah, hehehe.
But The Little Misses wanted choc rice and cream on their buns.
I still haven’t bought a replacement for the breadmaker baking tin yet so terpaksalah I menguli the dough tadi.
They were still gebu I think even without the kneading machine . But finger buns yang jual kat kedai tu lagi lah gebu sangat2 nya banding dengan I punya ni, hehehehe. And most of them just use normal white bread dough for the bun which is such a let down I think. I like the bread to be richer in taste
This is the recipe I used for the sweet bread base.
(this is the same recipe I used to make doughnuts, cinanmon walnut scrolls or any bread that requires a sweet dough).
Sweet dough recipe
-2 tsp yeast
- 1 cup warm water
- 1 egg (50g size)
-3 tablespoons soft butter/ margarine
-1/4 cup sugar
-1/4 cup skim milk powder
-1 tsp salt
-1 tsp bread improver
- about 3 cups bread flour (you might need more, you might need less depending on the weather, the humidity, the type of bread flour you use. And you can even use all plain flour or 1/2 plain and 1/2 bread flour like I did today).
- If by hand, measure the first 8 ingredients into a big bowl with 1 and a half cups (1 1/2) of the flour and mix thoroughly and well. (I used a hand whisk at this stage because it makes mixing so much easier.)
- Set it aside for 30 minutes until the batter has risen and bubbly a bit.
- Then add the rest of the flour and mix it until a soft dough is form.
- Put it on the bench and knead the dough until smooth and springy when pressed. You might have to add more flour at this stage to get the right consistency for the dough.
-Put the dough in an oiled/ greased bowl and leave it to rise until double in size.
- Then punch the dough and shape it any shape you want and let it rise again before baking it in a 170°C oven until brown to your liking.
-If you want to make doughnuts, shape it into small balls or doughnut shapes and fry them in medium hot oil straight away.
Senang aje nak membuatnya, bukan susah mana pun kan.
Kalau takde breadmaker pun boleh buat .
I am not sure what you will call this kind of buns in Msia land though, hehehe…..
dah lama teringin nak beli breadmaker...tp asyik x jadi aje...banyak fikir..last sekali x jadi2 nak beli.
Nampak sedap sangattt
Kak Kasih,
Skrg ni saya takde breeadmaker sbb tin dia rosak so skrg ni asik menguli pakai tangan aje everytime nak buat bread or pizza.
Toned dah lengan saya, hahaha
BAb buat roti ke kek ker, memang Kak Azie kalah terus. hehehe
Tapi tengok finger buns penuh krim camtuh, terus terbayang. Sapa yang makan mesti bibir dia comot dek krim kan? Comel!
i panggil ni roti ada cream ada cekelat beras2.. hehe..!!
bab uli2 ni memang tak pernah lulus.. mixer punya dough hook pulak hilang entah ke mana (geram bila orang pinjam).. i pernah makan ni rasanya.. sedaaappp sangat..
akak mmg suka bun yang ada cream gini..laju ajer makan..gumukk!!!!pasti ajer..tapi sesekali tak perkan..tengok Min tayang roti gini suka ajer nak cuba..
I tgh berura2 nk beli breadmaker jugak ni. Selalu je tak puashati makan roti kt sini. Rasa nk buat roti sendiri je...
Kak Azie,
I boleh buat kek and roti tapi tang nak deco2 tu yg kalah terus, hehehe.
Bukan setakat bibir aje comot, jari2 pun comot jugak :-)
I ni kan kkdg2 ada angin kus2, kadang buat roti jadi walaupun cuma uli sekejap aje. Kadang2 tak jadi gebu walaupun dah bagi kasih sayang secukupnya :-).
sape yg nak menggumuk kan diri, memang disyorkan makan roti ada cream yg mcm ni. Gerenti berhasil, hahaha.
roti kat negara sana, tak mcm roti kat Msia kan, hehehe. I kalau balik Msia, sgt lah suka masuk bakeries sbb ada mcm2 jenis roti sampai rambang mata tak tau nak pilih mana, hehehe
kak min, saya nya BM tersangkut dia punya knead tu, nasib baik tak bocor...
dah 2 3 kali belek2 resepi roti tapi masih xde mood nak membuatnya lagi... :)
wow! semua nampak sedap jer...nakkk!!!
Salam Kak, umi pun dok buat roti juga 2-3 hari ni. mcm tau2 aje kan hehe.. akak letak bread improver ke..
Salam... Hi, just bloghopped from... I can't remember whose blog huhuh.. Hmmm dulu2 time study rajin gak meroti camni, balik mesia rajin gak.... Beli je roti.... Huhuh... But yours look sooo yummy!
saya panggil roti siput,sebab roti krim tu dibentuk mcm siput...
kalau nak makan,saya cubit ikut segmen2 siput tu...
sekarang susah nak cari roti siput ni,yg ada roti bun krim saja...
Thanks for sharing kak Min.Mind if I copy the recipe because i'm planning to make cinnamon rolls.Yep, I pun menguli guna kudrat yang ada sebab bread maker tadak.
Wah, frappe di tengah panas..syiok!
salam LG,
first time komen, nampak sedap krim tu ...ni makan pamas2 mesti sodap ...
RIZAL (meru, klang)
LG, semestinya sedapkan.. nak buat lah minggu ni.. tp canner u wat krim dia..?
nampak manisss beno la LG..sedap tuh :))
Betullah LG. Tak ada breadmaker pun boleh buat. My breadmaker pun dah 6 bulan dalam tersimpan. Guna 3 kali tapi rasanya kalau tak ada ada pun tak apa. Nak jual, advertise di FB pun, none of my friends nak beli. Buat simpan beras je dalam breadmaker..agak2 boleh ke?
Bab roti kak Zai kalah...
Cheq Sue,
I pulak, the sealant around the kneading blade tu yg tertanggal so kalau letak air, sure dia leaking keluar tu yg skrg terpaksa menguli pakai tangan aje, hehehe.
memang seronok klu kita buat roti and menjadi nampak sedap aje kan :-)
Ha'ah, I letak bread improver, beli kat Msia, hahaha
Salam. thanks for bloghopping here. I pun kalau kat Msia, rajin sgt2 membeli roti especially every time I pergi all the shopping malls :-)
best jugak kan kalau buat roti siput tu, tanggal sikit2 sambil make sure cream tu tak terjatuh :-)
go ahead, but make sure you adjust the flour accordingly ok. I might make cinnamon roll tu this wknd lah :-)
Salam. thanks sudi comment :-). Makan panas2 or sejuk2, memang sedap, hehehe
I buat mock cream, ambik recipe dari site ni http://www.mouthwateringmunchies.com/?p=939. Dia mcm buttercream tapi lighter. Cream yg ni tak manis sgt sbb slalunya orang guna utk isi cream bun makan dgn jam manis. Kalau you nak lagi manis, kena tambah gula dlm syrup tu lah.
actually recipe asal cream tu manis2 buah aje but sedap lah kalau makan dgn roti :-).
Kak Suri,
I slalunya guna my breadmaker tu the dough cycle and the pasta cycle aje. Tapi sejak my breadmaker tin tu rosak, tu yg terpaksa menguli dgn tangan, hehehe
Kak Zai,
I pun dulu2 cuma tau buat donut aje but skrg dah ok sikit lah, boleh buat mcm2 roti n pizza :-)
yumeee nampak sungguh seleranya saya tgok blog aka ni...nak try la bun 2...
Salam Kak LG
Where to find the bread flour? Sama dengan bread mix ker, jenuh cari di Coles or Woolies
I beli kat Coles or woolies satu aisle dengan all the other flours. It's called baker's flour. I beli jenama Laucke and nama dia Wallaby's bakers flour. It comes in a 5kg bag.
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