Monday, 3 June 2013

Love notes on the food

The Other Half and the girls usually have leftovers for their lunches.

And usually I will convert the leftovers into sandwiches especially if we have roast chicken or schnitzels or roast turkey or silverside for dinner.

But typical of them, each one will ask for specific things/condiments to go in their sandwiches.

And selera the girls dah bertukar nowadays compared to when they were younger so obviously the fillings and condiments inside pun dah berubah juga lah.

I will normally make their sandwiches the night before, right after we’ve finished our dinner sebab kalau nak buat pagi2, sure tak sempat sebab The Other Half usually leaves very early in the morning.

So, kalau buat malam and letak dalam fridge, the next morning I would have forgotten which sandwich belongs to which kid.

Kalau tersilap masuk the wrong sandwich into the wrong lunchbox, mau lah kot diaorang tak makan sebab tak kena dengan tekak diaorang kan.

So, every time lepas buat their sandwiches, I will write their names on their sandwiches so I dont mix them up.

But, kadang2 I will write other things on it…. Smile


I used to write only on the girls sandwiches aje sebab The Other Half’s sandwiches memang lain dari the girls so memang takkan mix his up.

Tapi dia sedih sebab tak dapat ‘love notes’ on his sandwiches like the girls’ so terpaksalah I tulis gak on his sandwiches, hehehe….




Nasib baik lah bukan buat sandwiches hari2 or else pening kepala I fikir what to write and habis I kena bukak dictionary every nite!



penDragon said... baca all love notes yg akak tulis..boleh tambah pengetahuan juga!

Unknown said...

Sejuk mata memandang.
Too bad so sad, anak2 Sham xda yg nak bawak bekal mcm ni. Or else, blh tumpang idea you.

♥♥azatiesayang ♥♥ said...

Salam sweetttttt (^_^)

Cik Lily Putih said...

akak comelnya, macam baca dictionary plak ek... eeheee

suka suka said...

Assalam...sweetnya..mesti hati depa berbunga-bunga sepanjang hari

Nota Cikgu Anum said...

Ya Allah..klu sy jd full time housewife..adakah sy akn jd se creative ini.

Zulfadly said...

hahaha, cute nya kak, cuba try write in malay, hehe

Ummu Madihah said...

Salam LG,

So sweet the notes that u have for your other half! Senyum meleretlah dia baca pagi2 ya! Kenalah rajin2 semak kamus ya utk beri info baru!

Unknown said...

Hai Kak LG,

This post really makes me laugh! Hubby Kak LG is so cute... jeles dengan anak2. Btw, that's a very good effort from u. Kalau saya langsung tak makan sbb suka dengan kata2 yang akak tulis tu.

Badar The Great said...

its very creative of u LG sweet sgt note2 tu.
Untongnye mrka dpt mummy n wife mcm u, shld gave u an award.

strawberi said...

waa...untungnya ade mak yg rajin masak dictionary on the go...hehe..good idea

IrinaSGP said...

bagusnya! :)

eda said...

alahaiiii .. .too great mummy laa akak neh ... sweet tauu ~~

JunAina said...

So cute...untung anak2 ada mak yang kreatif yang rajin mcm ni.

Umm AA said...

mcm fun lak kan ngan sandwich bersulamkan sweet words...heheh..sure seronok diorang dapat!

Aida Salleh said... sweetlah sis...bestnya kalau I dapat mcm tu jugak...tapi I prepared my own lunch mmg tak dapeklah...huhuhuuu...

ida said...

sweetnyer message tu.
Surely akan tersenyum , ingat kat mommy bila nak makan ...

afid said...

oh, saya tau sudah sungai ke4 terbesar di africa!..hahah..sweet..:)

Kniedaz said...

great idea!

Anonymous said...

Ya Allah bagus nyeee kak mynn! I wish I can be like you. A mommy like you. Jeles nyee!!

Try la buat bahasa melayu pulak. Teach them one word a day. Hehe!

rennylesa said...

o sangat lama sy tak komen..tapi this post is so so so so cute and love it..sis..u are a mother not just an ordinary stay at home mother but i can say mother with a inspired me.

God Bless u sis LG.

Aida said...

Awwww that was sooo sweet of you sis!

amirah said...

great idea la it..hehehe..

Ribbon and Circus said...

aww.. you're so creative kak min!

t.a.t.a said...

Memang sangat manis kata-kata itu.

Honey said...

Untungnya ada mak yg dok umah tp ada MBBS!

Engineers Love Cooking said...

Salam LG et al., Please press 'VOTE' for my dish 'Ayam Panggang Madu Berempah' at AFC. Please click on link below and wait for flash photo. Thanks.

afid said...

tetiba komen lagi, mesti syg nak buang pembalut sandwich tu..hehe

lemongrass said...

hehehe...xde kerja dah mlm2 tu yg tulis mcm2 ;-)

Kenapa yr sons tak bawak bekal? Diaorang x suka sandwiches ye?

Salam. sekala sekala sweet :-)

CikLily Putih,
hahaha...jenuh I bukak dictionary yg besar gabak tu :-)

Suka suka,
Wassalam. Kdg2 diaorg tak larat tengok perangai Mum dia ni, hahaha

Cikgu Anum,
xde lah creative mana pun, heeee

hahahaha...jenuh diaorang nak paham klu write in Malay ;-)

Ummu Madihah,
Salam. Memang kena rajin selak kamus berat2 tiap2 malam, hahaha

Hubby I jeles sbb dia pun dah lama tak terima love notes dr I, hahaha

Kak Badar,
takde se creative Mak2 yg buat bento ala Mak2 jepun tu. Yg tu lagi comel kan, hehehe

kena rajin masak sbb kantin kat skolah diaorang bukan jual food yg halal so tu yg kena bwk bekal hari2, hahaha


hahaha...kdg2 sweet, kdg2 mcm naga :-)

rajin sbb mmng diaorang bwk bekal hari2 so kena jadi rajin. Yg bab kreatif tu kdg2 aje ;-)

lepas ni boleh lah you buat utk Abah Aidan kan. Sure dia akan tersenyum lebar punya, hehehe

takpe, you tulis lah jugak, pastu buat2 terkejut bila you bukak your lunch box, hahaha

Teringat kan Mum dia yg perangai giler2, hahaha

hahaha...bertambah pengetahuan kan. Diaorang buang aje pembalut tu sbb next time dpt love note baru :-)

Menceriakan sekejap their lunch time kan :-)

Best jugak kan klu ajar diaorang bahasa melayu one word a time cara mcm ni. Baru lah ingat sampai lama2 agaknya :-)

thanks for the vote of confidence :-). I guess SAHM has to find ways to make their lives interesting kan, heeee

everyone can do it now kan :-)

hahaha...mana ada, biasa2 aje :-)

kena cari kata2 manis so diaorang boleh tersenyum masa lunch :-)

hahaha...untung kan but less money lah! :-)

Unaizah said...

Foods prepared with tender loving care siap ada general knowledge for the girls & love notes for TOH.

Mama Rocks said...

wah nice love letter! nak buat jugak ni, tapi selalu beli nasik lemak aje, nak selit loveletter camna ntah heheheh

noor said...

Thank you, that is very good idea, to prepare sandwich the night before... but won't the bread become soggy the next day? Ke it depends on the bread type? Ideas of filling that you want to share, are most welcome. BTW I am in malaysia... :-)

Yong Is My Name said...

Yong suka-suka ;-)

Beautecology said...


~Am said...

Kak, this is so sweet!

can I share it in my blog, pleaseeee?

lemongrass said...

it's nice to get love notes kan. How I wish I pun boleh dpt love notes occasionally, hehehe

Mama Rocks,
kena selit celah2 bungkusan nasi lemak tu lah, hahaha

it depends on the type of fillings. Kalau tuna atau sardine and fresh tomato, memang akan go soggy habis. Tu sebab I tak pernah buat tuna sandwiches for them and tka pernah letak fresh sliced tomatoes :-)

boleh lah you pun start buat jugak :-)

Sekali sekala mmng cute, hahaha

boleh aje, no hal punya :-)

ADEEYA said...


blu4sky said...

salam LG,
hihhihi so sweet.. mesti your mr.right's collegue jeles klu tgk his sandwiches

The Makeup Artist said...

Gigih sungguh demi anak2 tercinta. saham akhirat yang tak ternilai nantinya.. salam ziarah kak!