Wednesday, 20 March 2013


This week is Harmony Weekat Miss 9’s school which is a week to celebrate all the different cultures and religions that can be found in Australia.

So, besok diaorang ada Harmony Day picnic where the families are invited to have a picnic in the school ground with the kids.

And on Friday pulak, the students can come to school dressed up in their ‘cultural clothes’.

Moss 9 wants to pakai baju kurung and i akan hias rambut dia sikit2 lah to make it nicer Smile.

And at the picnic esok, selalunya ramai gak students yang siap bawak Atuk, Nenek, Makcik, Pakcik, sanak sedara datang ke picnic ni so memang meriah habis lah.

For the past few years I’ve been taking along karipap for the picnic.

Tak kuasa I nak buat benda lain yang complicated, hahahaha.

This year pun I akan bawak karipap jugak sebab kalau I bawak karipap, my picnic rug gerentinya akan tiba2 ada 3-4 anak extra!

Mat Saleh ni memang hantu karipap betul lah! Heran I!

And since I akan goreng karipap for tomorrow’s picnic, I pun suruh Miss 13 to ask her friends if they want any ‘curry puffs’ as well.

So, ramailah yang nak jugak.

Kiranya esok pagi, dapur I tu akan jadi macam gerai jual karipap lah!


Tu yang hari ni I busy buat inti karipap and mengelim karipap.

The girls kadang2 bawak bekal karipap for their lunches tu yang Miss 13’s friends pun dah slalu merasa and tu yang diaorang siap order but I tak jual lah, hehehe.

Ini pulak gambar Miss 9’s lunches today and on Friday last week.


Since malam tadi I masak sushi rice so I buatkan egg maki sushi for their lunches today.

And for recess she had plum, pear, strawberries and carrots.

I guess sebab she only eats healthy stuff untuk recess and tak banyak sangat makan for lunch, tu yang dia dah kurus sikit sekarang, hehehehe.

And ini pulak bekal in her lunch box last Friday.


Sebab it’s the end of the week, I gave her a little treat of oreos. I kena bagi 2 keping sebab dia akan share sekeping dgn her best friend.

And she had kiwi and plum and almond for recess. Almond ni pun dia selalunya share with her friends jugak.

And the carrot sticks and apples for ‘sip n crunch’ time.

And kuey teow goreng for lunch.

Some primary schools kat sini ada this term called ‘sip n crunch’ which is basically the students can eat in the classroom anytime during the day when they feel like having a munch but you are only allowed to drink plain water and crunch on vegetables amd or fruits. Lain semua tak dibenarkan during this time.

Miss 9 is quire happy to have carrot sticks or cucumber or any fruits because she loves her fruits.


ibh_sue said...

Nampaknya sy kena blaja bawa bekal yg mcm miss 9 tu. Cepat kuruih..hehehee

Umm AA said...

wah karipap begitu mendapat sambutan yer..blh bukak gerai tuh..heheh
Best jgk bekal miss 9 tuh..seme ade yang healthy.

susumanis said...

salam LG, nk jadi ms 9, nak lunch box de shusi n fruits bagai tu..hehe

Hafizah Mohamad said...

sedapnyer bekal miss makanan seimbang...fiza kagum ngan akak..rajin akak masak...

Neny said...

sukanya with the lunch boxes!!! Bagus rules sekolah sana...promote healthy eating. I wish i can do the same for my kids...baru nak mula2...belum dpt sambutan lagi...mkn buah pon pilih2...huhuhu

NEKCIK said...

Bagusnya menu bekalan....berkhasist... .kalau nrkcik ni..mau satu bakul bekal baru kenyang..nak ganti nasi lemak ngan ubi kayu..hi..hi...

Sutera ungu said...

comel dan variety sungguh lunch box Miss 9..mine punya asal cukup syarat jer..biasanya sandwiches dengan 1 type of fruit..mak dia tak sempat nak buat..harini chicken sandwich, esok tuna, lusa sausages, tulat steggles burger..last2 roti sapu nutella hihihi..buah pun, i tak sempat potong2 kecik..either belah 4 or sebiji gitu jer. Harini my dotter's school pun sambut harmony day..sadly, both of us totally forgotten about it till we reached the gate..hhuhuhu konon2nya nak pakaikan dia baju kurung, called her dad suh ambil baju color purple or orange, dia pi bawa t shirt purple..nasiblah anak, mak tgh pening tulis thesis hwaaaaaa.

babylola2u said...

rajin betul akak. kalaulah anak saya rajin membawa bekal, kan senang. mungkin anak lelaki segan kot..

Gina said...

Kak LG
Sekolah anak saya punya Harmony Day dah lepas dah tadi. Kononnya ada parade for the traditional costumes,. sekali hujan so buat indoor ajelah

Huda Ahsin 2 said...

Sama la macam anak yang sulung tu. Bekal yg dia bawak, kengkawan dia pun sibuk mengendeng. Pernah tu sebijik karipap dibahagi 5 percaya tak?

Bila bekalnya setakat sandwich, boleh diaorg komen, "Whaat... your Mum can do better than that!" Hamboooiii... hehehe...

lemongrass said...

hahaha....Sbb I yg buatkan bekal dia, tu yg dia terpaksa makan all the healthy stuff. Kalau dia yg prepare sendiri, maulah kot penuh dgn chips and chocs aje, hahaha

karipap mmng sgt2 digemari Mat Saleh sbb diaorang tak tau nak buat. Kalau kat Msia, dijual tepi jalan aje kan, heeeee

memang best kan lunch box dia tu. I aje lah yg pening kdg2 fikir nak letak apa dlm lunch boxes tu :-)

I kena rajin masak sbb budak2 tak bnyk choice nak beli kat kantin, kena beli vegetarian stuff aje. Kalau masak sendiri, boleh letak benda seimbang kan :-)

My eldest pun memilih jugak. Buah cuma nak apples atau bananas atau grapes aje. Yg youngest yg telan semua buah. Seronok buat lunch boxes for her :-)

My youngest ni jenis yg selagi ada food dlm lunch boxe, selagi tu dia akan habiskan. Tu yg I kena ration sikit so tak lah dia overeat, hehehe

Sutera Ungu,
I think last time my kids pakai baju kurung to school was 2 or 3 years ago kot, tu yg tahun ni beria2 sikit, hehehe. Takpe, next year, your daughter can wear baju kurung again, make sure you letak in yr diary with reminder :-).
I kena potong buah2 tu kecik2 because my eldest pakai braces and she can't bite into hard fruit takut terpatah. So, since I kena potong utk dia, I potong jugak lah tuk the other one sama :-).

I guess sbb culture kat sini culture bwk bekal so mostly everyone bawak bekal to school tu yg mmng hari2 lah diaorang bawak :-)

lah, siannya, tak jadi lah ye nak parade kat padang? Your boy pakai apa? baju melayu?

hahaha...samalah mcm my daughters. Kalau I bekalkan karipap sikit, dia akan bahagi dua karipap tu and bagi her friends sorang setengah :-). Best sgt agaknya 'foreign food' ni ye :-D

Beautecology said...

Bahagianya kalu ada org bekalkan lunch box mcm ni tetiap hari. Gerenti kurus and healthy!