Monday, 11 March 2013

Another first time….

After saying at the start of the year that I want to lose 3kg of weight in 3 months, I am nearly there Smile.

The first month and a half, I tak consistent with the exercising and also still melahap segala junk food and sweet things like there’s no tomorrow.

So, the weight takde pergi mana2, stayed kat situ aje…

But for the past month, I’ve been quite good with both exercising and controlling my food intake especially the sweet things and junk food.

And pagi tadi bila timbang, I only have around 700g to go, yeay, hehehehehe….

Hopefully, it wont take me long to reach that target weight.

I guess with me, I kena get down and really focused on doing it, baru lah boleh berjaya.

And I memang kena betul2 exercise keluar peluh menjejeh2 baru lah it works for me.

Setakat 20 minit exercise aje, memang takde effect apa2 lah kat lemak2 kat badan I  ni, hahahaha.

And I kena jaga makan jugak….

Sebab our main meal in this household is dinner, my bfast and lunch slalunya mmng sgt simple.

Like today, my lunch was sandwich aje.

I like my sandwiches to have plenty of greens, segala jenis lettuce and sprouts I suka letak in my sandwich.

Kadang2 I letak tuna, kadang2 I letak whatever leftover meat in the fridge and kadang2 I letak egg.

Tadi I buat egg sandwich. I panfried the egg in a squirt of olive oil.


Selalunya I guna multigrain bread tapi tadi yang ada cuma hi-fibre white bread aje so gunalah yg itu.

And I memang tak makan afternoon tea. That’s why we have early dinner kat rumah ni, around 6-6.30 at night dah dinner.

Kalau early dinner, malam2 boleh lah I exercise Smile.

And our dinner tonite was panfried salmon in maple orange dressing with scallop potatoes and mixed salad.



You nak tau tak, sepanjang2 I kahwin dengan The Other Half, ini first time I masak fresh salmon steak!

Kalau canned salmon and smoked salmon tu biasa lah I buat, tapi fresh salmon memang tak pernah I masak.

Makan pernahlah, masak tak pernah, hahahaha.


I dulu tak berapa suka salmon ni sebab salmon yang pernah I makan (yang orang lain masak) kebanyakannya too dry and the skin tak sedap.

Tu yang membuatkan I malas sikit nak masak salmon…


But malam ni I forced myself to cook it and surprise surprise, everyone loved it including Miss 13!

the combination was just perfect!

Obviously, lepas ni kenalah I masak salmon selalu kan, heeeeee……


Mulan said...

bravo...!!! tapi u ni masak lah apa pon itik, ayam, unta mesti semua sedap lah... i guarantee... cer tanya semua bloggers, mesti semua setuju dgn i.. hehehee.... bila la dapat rasa masakan u ni..

gerraammm pulak tengok cik salmon tu.. i ada sekeping tak guna lagi.. hhmmm ada harapan untuk esok ni..

Badar The Great said...

LG pernah mkn salmon msk asam pedas? huhuhu.....sedap tau. akak mkn masa visit my aunt kat glasgow dulu, smpai skrg akak msh ingat lg. Tp akak sendiri tak pernah lg cuba masak salmon asam pedas tu, hehehe.

susumanis said...

oh salmon..soo yummm

Beautecology said...
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Anonymous said...

mesti fresh kan salmon tu?? sedapnyee..

shniza said...

Hi there..i selalu masak asam pedas salmon or kari ikan salmon. The trick is, for me lah, make the gravy/kari dulu, then salmon tu panfried dulu then bila dah brown around the edges, put into the kuah for five minutes, dah coz for me, tak nak salmon tu hancur dalam kuah. Kari kepala salmon pun sedap..:))

Kniedaz said...

apa rasanya salmon tu? xpenah try makan...scallop potatoes tu scallop + potatoes la kan...tanya macam2 kan saya ni hehehe....
bab losing weight ni, saya pun sedang mencuba...harap2 bukan hangat2 taik ayam huhu

ieda iedana said...

hee...salmon. nyum2...
cuba try buat sup salmon. pon sedap...baru je semalam masak. but, i dont know u. my tekak semua pun sodapp..hahaha

hudamohamed said...

Hai kak mynn.. Pepagi kat upis tgk makan2 akak ni.. tetiba lapa perut ni. bila nak berganjak ke tghari.. oppsss lupa, i de bawak bekal.. bila2 boleh makan.. hehehe try imagine Salmon tu dok dalam bekal i.. hehehe

Zaitun said...

Selalu kalau untuk breakfast kak Zai memang makan roti tapi badan tak pernah turun.

Kak Zai tak suka makan salmon tak tahu kenapa.

Unknown said...

Kak sedapnyaaaa

Aida Salleh said...

cantiknya ur salmon sis...

lemongrass said...

bila lagi kan nak menerai segala binatang yg boleh dimakan kat dunia ni kan, hehehe.
Nasib baik sedap gak or else buang duit aje beli :-)

Kak Badar,
sedap ye? I suka masak asam pedas tp hubby kureng gemar sikit. Lagipun my asam pedas tak power, itu kot yg buatkan dia kureng gemar, hahaha

memang yumm esp klu fresh kan :-)

fresh lah jugak but dont think baru kait dr laut semalam, hehehe

panfrying the fish before masak kari my Mak slalu buat. Next time nak kena cuba in masak asam pedas like that lah, so sure lagi sedap kan

scalloped potatoes tu the style of masak potatoes slice nipis2 :-).

wah....mcm2 style orang masak salmon skrg kan. Takpe, one day I akan try gak one by one, hehee

Ni sure jarang bawak bekal pergi kerja ye sampai lupa ada bekal, hehehe. Best ada bekal ni, bila lapar, boleh terus makan :-)

Kak Zai,
kdg2 benda2 lain yg kita makan sepanjang hari tu yg buat berat tak nak turun, hehehe

memang yum :-)

cantik sbb panfry so tak hancur, hehehe