A lot of people asked me how I managed to masak all the stuff for the open house all by myself.
I bukan superwoman tapi occasionally I can be a very organised woman, hehehe…
Like I said before, I love my lists.
Any major things that I need to do, I kena ada list so I tak kelam kabut and stressed out.
Seminggu sebelum open house tu I dah siapkan all the lists.
Unfortunately I have deleted all the lists, kalau tak, boleh gak tayang kat blog untuk tunjuk kat you all betapa anal nya I when it comes to things like this, hikhikhikhik…
Some people will think I’m obsessive sebab ada list bagai but for me, it’s just being organised.
The main reason I do it is so I don’t feel stressed out.
For that open house, I created 3 to do lists.
The first list is the menu list of what I want to offer on that day. Selalunya I will ask The Other half’s input on what is best to offer the guests. But selalunya he will leave it all up to me sebab I yang nak masak so dia kata I would know better apa yang senang nak buat and apa yang complicated yang I tak nak buat.
Then, the next list is of things to buy for the do from the small stuff like serviettes to big stuff like how many kilos of chicken and seafood and beef. And once I’ve bought them, I ticked them so I tak terbeli 2-3 kali.
Then, the most important list of all, – daily tasks to do list which has every tasks and chores from when to kemas rumah to when to buat all the food to when to buy all the groceries to when to write the labels of the menu, hahahaha….
I wrote down what to do on each day and I normally will stick to finishing all the chores listed on the day.
Once each task is completed, I put a done next to it.
It felt very relaxing everytime I typed that word ‘done’, hehehehe….
Macam hari tu, I buat open house hari Sabtu but my preparation started on that Monday.
I buat sikit2 and pelan2 so by that Friday night, I cuma tinggal rebus nasi impit and telur aje. Takde lah I berjaga sampai 1-2 pagi untuk siapkan segalanya the night before kan.
The sate I dah cucuk awal2 and simpan dalam freezer so I cuma tinggal defrost them in the fridge on Friday night tu.
Pagi Sabtu tu I bangun macam biasa at 6 in the morning. I sempat lepak2 depan PC pagi tu sambil minum kopi before starting that day’s tasks.
I cuma tinggal goreng karipap, buat the choc strawberries and masak kuah mee kari and potong all the desserts and nasi impit and what not.
Kuah mee kari tu I guna ready made paste so sangatlah senangnya nak masak.
For me, if you can make life easy then go for it. I dah jumpa a really good curry laksa paste, so why susahkan diri nak buat from scratch kan.
But it is better when your family can help you with some of the chores.
The Other Half helped with rearranging the dining tables and the chairs and setting the BBQ and BBQing the sate.
Miss 13 helped pagi Sabtu tu organising the dessert table and putting all the labels out.
Miss 8 helped by not getting in anyone’s way and not making mess, hehehe…
So, when the guests arrived, I could sit with them and chat with them instead of sibuk kat dapur
So, up to you nak call me organised or crazy kan, hehehehe….
And since takde gambar food untuk entry ni since we weren’t at home for dinner last night, layan lah gambar Miss 8 that I took malam tadi when she went for the WA Primary schools’ massed choir concert.
450 students from 7 schools around perth performed in a mass choir.
They sang all the songs beautifully together amazingly. The conductors did an amazing job making sure all 450 students sang harmoniously in tuned together.

Since we had to be at the concert hall at 5.30, kenalah Miss 8 makan dinner there. I buatkan mee goreng aje for her.

With one of her choir mates.