Monday, 19 March 2012

A whopping big one!

At last, I have finally started the journey on the road to Otter-dom today.


Hari tu bentang kain and perah kepala cari idea macam mana nak go about doing it.

Hari ni, dah berjaya melangkah setapak lagi by cutting the kain.

Esok, baru nak mula menjahit.

(Kalau selow macam ni, sampai tahun depan tak siap the costume kan, hikhikhikhik.)

Hopefully, I can finish most of the major work by this weekend so at least next week I can go about searching for things to complete the minor details.

I definitely need to go on a holiday once this costume is finished to de-stress Winking smile.

Memang melodramatic drama queen betul lah I ni, kahkahkahkahkah.

(Tak kuasa The Other Half nak melayan Open-mouthed smile).

Anyway, tadi when I was watering the plants, nampak yang one of the watermelons dah menunjukkan tanda2 dia dah ripe so I pun pergi lah petik.

Punyalah berat giler nak mengangkat bawak masuk dlm rumah.

And kenalah ada sessi bergambar of the watermelon on the weighing scale kan or else takde sape percaya the weight.

I thought the last watermelon was big enough but this one si massive!




I said to The Little Misses yang I tak boleh nak potong the watermelon lagi sebab takde tempat dlm fridge nak sumbat the melons.

(kena tunggu the new fridge being delivered lah baru I boleh potong kan, hehehe Smile with tongue out).

Kalaulah dinner boleh makan watermelon yang gedabak ni aje, senang kerja I kan, heeee

But since tak boleh, I pun masak lah spaghetti with prawns and calamari rings.



I just marinated the prawns and calamari in olive oil, garlic, dried chilli flakes, salt and five spice powder.


Then I fry some carrots and diced tomatoes and some more garlic in olive oil until cooked. Add the prawns and the calamari into the frying pan and sizzle on medium high heat until cooked.

Add the cooked pasta and a bit of the pasta water to the frying pan. Season with salt and toss the whole thing until nicely mixed.

Bila nak hidang, just drizzle some olive oil on the pasta and shred some basil leaves.


nqr said...

kakak! nampak sedap lah! fuhhhhh lapar nih *sbb pakai korset pegi kerja. terus tamau lunch dah* huhuhu

penDragon said...

Bila dh start tu, kejap je boleh siap costume tu. Beratnya watermelon, kalau cuaca tgh panas, mmg sedap menikmatinya.

whitecappuccino said...


kasihredha said...

hari tu punya 7 kg lebih
sekarang 9 kg lebih fuyoooo

banyaknya udanggg...syok juge

Mulan said...

kasi la i sikit watermelon tu.. kat sini dah panas semula.. garing rasanya badan i ni dok keluar masuk amik anak..

goooo lg...!!! esok lusa mesti siap otter-suit tu..

i masak macaroni tadi.. nak masak lain, jadi lain.. sbb bahan salah beli.. prrghh..

Yazreina said...

dapnyerr!!! bila lahhh nk makan camtu ek... nak sket watermelon tu kak!!

JieJ said...

Hehehe..mesti teringat jaman sekolah dulu time subject sains rumahtangga kan Kak LG. ada jak project jahitan yang kena siapkan.

Zaitun said...

Besarnya...boleh makan sekampung hehehe....

AbbotCottage said...

Kak Min, bebudak kat Malaysia sekarang cakap gini, "bapakkkk giler besoooo". Sekian terima kasih. keh keh keh keh..

MsFigure said...

Nice & Simple spaghetti recipe...definitely a must try for my dinner tonight but I kena ganti those udang & sotong with chicken & lotsa veggies...kalau bubuh jugak nanti mencanak naik my BP reading (dah borderline, kang kena makan ubat pulak *sad*)

Salam sayang to your kids :)

TopsyTurvyMum said...

Salam LG,
Lama i tak visit rumah u. Lama tak blogging pun yer..hehe..
Kemain tembikai u dekat 10kg tuu. Boleh la jual sekilo $2.50.
I pulak tunggu labu2 i mengembang ni..

Baru baca pasal u pun dah buang wisdom tooth...I tak lalu la makan soft food ni..huwaaa..merana seminggu dua!

Unknown said...

I am imagining that on the scale is actually a pregnant mom, peering over her big belly to see what the damage is....Hahahahhahaha...But remember the times when at that stage, tak bole nampak apa2 below the belly so the scale reading tak nampaklah kan...kenangan2 lalu...kikikiki

lemongrass said...

kalau pakai corset, memang kena makan seciput ajelah every time or else sesak nafas, hehehe

we all tak belah open lagi the watermelon. Nak tunggu I kemas fridge bersih2, baru boleh belah and simpan in the fridge :-)

memang sedap mkn pasta yg simple ni :-)

Kak Kasih,
tu lah kan, next one tak tau lah agaknya akan besar mana, hahaha.

kat sini pulak dah start sejuk sikit pagi2 n malam so klu nak makan watermelon, ken tunggu tgh hari, hehehe.

I suka makan pasta yg mcm ni sbb senang banget nak buatnya :-)

I tak ambik subject sains rumahtangga, I ambik perdagangan, hehehe.

Kak Zai,
memang definitely boleh makan sekampung! :-)

hahahaha...kalau I ckp 'bapak giler besaaarrrrr', kang ada orang ingat I perasan budak2 lagi, heeee

I think kalau subs chicken, pun sedap jugak. The combination of garlic, chilli, salt n olive oil makes it nice so anything with it will be nice :-).

Kat sini watermelon dah naik rege balik so kalau I jual $1.50 pun dah 'kaya', hahaha.
Takpe merana seminggu, pastu berat pun turun mencanak lepas tu, heeee

Masa preggy dulu, kena lean so far forward, baru boleh nampak the number on the scale. But kena make sure tak lose the balance, hehehe. Nasib baik now no more like that, senang aje nak nampak the number on the scale :-D.