My oven is finally resting in its right place this afternoon.
The carpenter came to enlarge the cabinet this morning and 45 minutes later and $99 poorer, I was already on my knees cleaning the oven
But before I could use it, I had to run the oven for 4 hours so all the chemicals are burned off.
Balik aje from picking the girls up, I terus bertapa in the kitchen playing with the oven’s functions, hehehe.
First, I baked an apple pie.

Sebelum I switched the oven on, jenuhlah I baca the manual to figure out what is the best function to bake a pie.
I really have no idea so I just used function no 6 which is ‘pizza’. It says that it is a great for foods such as pizzas, quiches, meat pies and fruit pies.
After the pie, I used the oven to make potato bake.
I used the fan-bake function to cook the potato-bake in the first 20 minutes and then the fan-grill function to brown the top of the potato bake.
And then I made large size meatballs on the stove top.
And while cooking each batch of meatballs, I kept the already cooked meatballs warm in the oven using the base heat function.
So, I managed to play around with a few of the functions today, yeay….
I love the quadruple layer oven door sebab even though the oven was continously on since 11.30 this morning until 6 o’clock at night, the oven door stayed cool.
With my old mengong oven, I baru aje turned the oven on for 5 minutes, dah panas gilers the oven door. Kalau berdiri depan the old oven, memang boleh tanned habis lah, hahahaha.
(I don’t care if you think I am a bit jakun or kemaruk with this new baby of mine cos I am. Who wouldn’t be
I am happy with our new purchase ni.
I’ve been wanting this oven for so long and sekarang baru dapat, hehehe.
Masa we bought a house in Adelaide, we threw the oven and stove top that came with the house out but instead of buying a new set, we got given MIL n PIL ‘old’ set.
They were renovating their kitchen and changed all their kitchen appliances to new ones. Their old stove top and oven were still in very good condition, tu yang we all terima.
They served us well in the 3+ years we lived in that house.
And then when we moved to Perth, we stayed in a rental property for nearly 5 years so bila dah duduk kat rumah sewa, mana boleh pakai oven and stove top sendiri, kenalah pakai oven yang memang dah tersedia kat rumah tu.
And then when we moved into our own house end of 2010, we thought of tunggu nak renovate the kitchen baru nak change the stove and the oven.
But then bila fikir2 balik, entah bila lah nak renovate the kitchen ni so baiklah beli aje oven and stove top baru since the old oven pun dah makin mengong.
Begitu lah cerita nya….. hikhikhikhik…..
Dinner and dessert we all tadi kiranya memang menggunakan oven tu sepenuhnya lah

We had meatballs with gravy, potato cheesy bake and boiled veges.

At first I ingat nak masak fish n chips aje tadi but apa kelas rasmikan oven dengan fish n chips aje kan, hahaha

Apple pie crumble with vanilla ice cream.

I know it doesn’t look pretty but the taste was good! 
Esok, The Other Half requests I buat his belgian biscuits sebab dia nak bawak pergi ofis on Friday……
Pakkal ada oven baru, senang aje semangat I nak baking naik, hahahahahaha….