I dah selalu sangat rasanya (semenjak ada anak2 ni) buat roti, doughnuts and yang seangkatan dengan nya.
Especially doughnuts lah, boleh katakan every month mesti I buat at least twice kot.
And roti pulak memang every week I akan buat, in the shape of pizza lah .
Kalau tak buat roti in a week, rasa macam lain macam aje, hahahaha….
Tu sebab, I beli tepung roti in 5kg bulk or 10kg bulk! 
Takde lah I beli setakat sekilo dua aje, buang masa I pergi kedai aje kalau beli sekilo dua, heeeee….
Walaupun I dah selalu sangat buat doughnuts, I still learn new things every single time.
Like hari ni, I baru aje siap buat doughnuts untuk bawak pergi rumah my friend.
Sebab I nak kena tinggal kan the girls at her place this afternoon sebab nak temankan The Other Half pergi cabut the wire in his finger tu.
So, since anak2 I suka makan doughnuts and I pun tau anak2 dia suka jugak makan doughnuts, I buat lah doughnuts.
I selalunya akan guna this recipe setiap kali I buat doughnuts or anything using sweet dough.
Ini gambar the doughnuts I made tadi.

Nampak tak perbezaan between the doughnuts on the left and the doughnuts on the right?
Ini doughnuts batch pertama yang I goreng….
Sangatlah tak cantik the shapes kan, berombak2 and tak cantik seragam aje the ring shape and ter over brown jugak.

Ini batch ke 4 yang I goreng tadi selepas membuat a few observations, hehehehe…
Cantik sikit and nampak gebu sikit dari yang first tu

What I know about doughnuts:
1. Memang tak boleh guna api besar masa nak goreng, or else akan jadi Dayang Senandung. Api kena perlahan aje. Tip ni I dah lama tau bila ditugaskan menggoreng donuts masa I muda remaja dulu, hehehe.
2. Jangan biarkan the doughnuts naik too much after you’ve shaped them. Kalau boleh, terus goreng pun takpe. Mak I kata doughnuts tak cantik kalau overproof.
3. Jangan tinggal kan the doughnuts in the pan masa menggoreng to do other stuff like basuh pinggan, vacuum rumah, jemur kain, surf the net or else akan jadi Dayang Senandung again!
( I pergi buat another bread masa menggoreng the first batch tu, tu yang ada ala2 Dayang Senandung jugak, hehehe).
4. Masa doughnuts tu still suam2, golekkan dalam caster sugar so the sugar will stick. Tapi kalau nak letak choc or iced toppings, kena tunggu doughnuts betul2 sejuk lah or else meleleh the choc toppings bila kena the heat of the doughnuts.
And this were the things I observed tadi:
5. As soon as you masukkan the uncooked doughnuts in the oil and dia dah kembang sikit aje, straight away terbalikkan the doughnuts so the other side pulak will get the hot oil. (Doesn’t matter how much oil you put, doughnuts will float so memang kena terbalikkan lah. Well, my doughnuts float, tak tau lah doughnuts orang lain, hahaha). So, the nice ring shape will be retained, cantik sekata aje. Tak besar sebelah.
6. You basically have to stand in front of the stove top bila menggoreng doughnuts ni and make sure the hot oil is evenly distributed by keeping on turning the doughnuts.
7. Doughnuts ni sangat temperamental, kalah women having PMS! Kahkahkahkahkah…..