And today sebab still quite hot, lagilah malas nya nak masuk dapur berpanas2 kat dapur tu. And sebab dah lama tak makan burger, I made burger tonite. We had open-faced beef burger, roasted potatoes with melted cheese and green salad. Cantik tak the bread that we used for the burger base? I made it myself too :-) but a few days ago. So I cuma kena buat the burger patties and the roasted potato and the salad aje for dinner today which wasn't that difficult ;-). By the way, I parboiled the potatoes first and cut them into thin wedges before roasting them in a hot oven until cooked. Pastu tabur grated colby and squirt some tomato sauce on it and then grilled it. Wa cakap lu, yummy gilers, hahahahhahaha.........
Nasib baik lah I had a very strong will, tak lah tergoda nak makan lebih2 unlike the other half who can't say NO to cheese-related food. Melantak lah dia tadi, nasib baik I masak banyak potatoes tu, wahkahkahkahkah......
roti apa tu kak??? roti sandwich ya...heheheeh terrer dh akak buat..lawoo je keraknyer tu real mcm kt kedai hehehhe kretip ler akak ni..
nak le resipi roti tu...bolehkan share....atau ada pengerasnya..hehehe
A'ah, roti sandwich aje.Uli guna BM pastu bakar dlm loaf pan. Sonang keje tak payah penat2 menguli,hehe. Tapi akak grill sandwich bread tu dulu tu yg nmpk cun aje :-).
boleh aje nak recipe tu tp I guna recipe yg dlm buku recipe breadmaker tu so tak tau lah klu guna tgn jadi sama ke tak.
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