So, out came the DVD (nasib baik all the dust hasn't collected on it yet) and for 30 minutes, Mummy pun berpeluh2 lah. The Little Misses just looked at me and giggling to themselves, hehehe. They asked me why I have started exercising again, is it because I think I'm fat? I can't tell them that because with my BMI, I'm considered very normal. Tak nak lah nanti bila the Little Misses besar they are going to have some weight complex thanks to their Mum. So I told them that I just want to be fit and healthy because exercise is very important. Then Miss 9 asked, "Can you be fat but fit?" I told her that there are people who are slightly overweight but still very fit but that's not normally the case in the obese. And I also told her that there are more people who are thin but very unfit as well. Naik tangga 1 tingkat dah tercungap2, hehehe. I used to belong in that group even when I was really thin. So sekarang ni dah gemuk sikit, lagi lah tercungap2 yang lebih2. And bila umur dah makin meningkat, lagi lah penting nya to keep fit and healthy ni kan.
The problem with me is I love food especially all those sweet desserts and cakes. Bila I'm stressed, I'll eat, bila I'm happy, I'll eat, bila I feel neutral pun I eat. The only time I don't eat is when I'm depressed and sad ( and also when I'm sleeping ;-)), then masa tu memang lah boleh turun berat badan giler2 without having to exercise or dieting at all, hehehe. But kalau boleh I don't want to be depressed nor sad at all, so kenalah dengan berat hatinya I mula exercise and dieting a bit. I want to be thinner when I go back to M'sia at the end of this year for my brother's wedding so bolehlah show off sikit, hehehehe. So, insyaAllah if I keep up my exercising and healthy eating, I'll get to my ideal' weight soonish.
But, since hari ni memang boring tahap gaban, I baked to release the kebosanan! Hmmm, how am I going to lose weight when every time I get bored, I go and bake? Such a contradictory perangai, hishhh!! Maybe I should have gone shopping then tak lah I feel compelled to bake kan. Kalau gi shopping, badan makin kurus and my bank account pun makin kurus too, haa..haa...
Anyway, this is the poloni and cheese bread that I baked for dinner tonite.
Yang kuning2 atas bread tu melted cheese yang bakal menggemukkan my thighs lah!
k LG,naknye buat senamrobik tp kan... sy dok rumah flat tau.jiran bwh sy ni mmg suka maki hamun org.mmg pantang org buat salah sikit dia tak peduli,dicarutnya org tak peduli perasaan org.klu sy tlompat2 kat atas ni sure dia kat tingkat bawah cam berdentam-dentum je bunyik.and 4 sure sy kene maki nnt.ish...buat gaduh je...
tak pe kak...samo2 kita sedapkan ati walau hakikatnya heheeheheheh hanya diri sndri yg tau..cuma mgkin akak lebih istiqamah ler...kita hehehhehe azam kejap jer thn ni mgkin ada perubahan sbb tiap hr kena turun naik bangunan 4 tingkat hehehehe
wakakkaka.. mmg gelak betul larr kat u ni LG.. tp mmg kita byk persamaan.. makan bila-bila masa, bila boring, masak, pastu hantam!. :P pastu tgk body/weight.. at least u x ler npk sgt gemuk kalo i ni.. dh ler tunjang.. bhg pinggang kebwh.. mngembang jer mcm ur roti tu... konon nk diet.. tp bila masak.. segala mcm maknenek benda yg menggembukkan tu yg byk dimasak.. camno tu?? kekeke.. :P
weyyy.. word verify kt bawah ni pon mcm perli jer.. "EXERSIGH" ?! :p
U nak kurus kena tambah sorang girl lagi..Jadi powerpuff girls.
I dah ada Charlie's Angels. Yang kecik ni baru lepas confinement so tak pandai gaduh lagi. nanti le...
Yep I ni Rod's batch. My hubby pulak MATES 4. Sempat ke jumpa MATES 4 masa kat Adelaide?
yeah i pun too much of comfort food kenalah jenis sweet tooth lagilah i can't resist dessert. in fact klu pergi mkn buffet kat hotel i mkn dessert dulu. such unhealthy eating habit kan?
and yet i keep on membebel kat hubby abt his eating habit... just because i'm thinner than him.
yeah i am slim but am i fit? NO. so i'm going to start emphasize more protein in my diet, less carbo, less sugar, more fiber bla bla bla...
susah lah ye klu nak buat exrcise dgn jiran yg kurang ajar camtu. Nak buat samabl belacan pakai lesung pun sure nya kena maki gak dgn dia ye sbb kelentang kelentung.
kat area rumah akak ni nak jumpa tangga sikit nya susah so nak tak nak kenalah buat exercise sendiri. Tapi kan, tak tau lah sampai bila 'panas'nya ni, takut hangat2 taik ayam aje, hehhehe
wahahaha, tu lah kan, susah jadi orang mcm kita ni. sikit2 nak makana, sikit2 nak makan. Mcm mana lah bdn tu tak naik :P. I pulaknya klu gemuk, naik kat bahagian perut n peha aje, tensen!!!
Hi 3AS,
cukuplah 2 orang ni, itu pun kdg2 tak terjaga,hehehe. I rasa I kenal yr hubby probably n dia pun maybe kenal I too sbb I kenal budak2 MATES 4 :-).
samalah kita. I pun klu pegi buffet kat hotel, I gi usha the dessert section first. Mkn main meal 1 pinggan and then terus pergi dessert, hehehehe. Tu lah, I pun still not considered fat but memang lah so unfit, teruk betul!
Waaaa...roti tuuu, memang sihat...gebu sungguhhh....
Cik Mat,
mula2 roti aje gebu, pastu tak lama kemudian, tuan nya pulak makin menggebu,hahaha
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