-4 large (59g/ size A) eggs at room temperature, separated (asingkan the yolk from the white)
-1 cup caster sugar (gula halus)- kalau tak nak manis boleh kurang kan to 3/4 cup
-3 teaspoons cornflour
-1 tbsp (20 mls) white vinegar (cuka masak biasa tu)
-With Pavlova and meringue in general, perkara yang paling penting is to make sure masa you asingkan putih and kuning telur tu, the mixing bowl is completely clean and dry. Kalau ada setitik air pun dalam mixing bowl tu, the egg whites takkan become fluffy masa kita pukul nanti. And also, make sure takde sikit pun kuning telur yang tercampur dalam egg whites tu or else it wont aerate. So, banyak jugak lah pantang larang nya, hehehehe....
-Then beat the egg whites using electric mixer (Kalau you ada lengan macam Popeye then you can use hand whisk) until soft peaks formed.
-Then add the caster sugar 1 tablespoon at a time and beat until sugar's dissolved and the mixture looks white and glossy and the egg white mixture has formed firm peaks.
-Then add the corflour and the vinegar to the egg white mixture.
- Then you can decorate it with whipped cream and whatever soft fruits you like.
This is what's left of our pavlova after the Little Misses and the other half had a 'bite' of it :-).
Now, you can hear what the 'food critics' say about the pavlova..... ( Sila abaikan what the other half said at the end of the clip ok! That is so NOT true :-)). Haa....Haa...Haa..... But memang pun the Little Misses had to 'berlakon' under duress. They said to me, "we just want to eat the pavlova Mummy, pleasssseee........." . I wouldn't let them eat the pav until they've said something tu yg macam kena paksa aje, hahahahahaha..... Memang tak boleh jadi actresses like Maya Karin lah the Little Misses ni!