Yeah, another inspection over and done with. Bolehlah relax until July, hehehe. Selalunya bila the agent datang, we try not to be at home sebab rasa janggal pulaknya nak duduk diam2 masa orang tu pergi keliling rumah check segala benda. But yang tak best nya, they wont give a specific time bila diaorang nak datang cuma kata from 9-5 aje. Sometimes when we are lucky, they came while we were out but ada jugak diaorang datang when we were already at home.
So, hari ni lepas hantar the little misses to school, I went shopping, window shopping, grocery shopping, presents shopping, party shopping and cookbooks shopping :-). Dah penuh 3 shelves kat rumah ni dengan cookbooks but biasalah kan, kalau nampak bargain and sale, mana boleh tolak, hehehe.....Don't ask berapa banyak resipi from the cookbooks yg I dah try, sbb lagi banyak yang belum try dari yg dah try, hahaha....Let's just say if I were to cook all the recipes from all the cookbooks and the food magazines I've collected, the little misses would have grown up to be big misses and there would still be lots of recipes I haven't tried! But I love collecting cookbooks. Even now with all the recipes you can find on the net, I still love collecting them. Some people like to collect handbags and shoes, I like to collect cookbooks, hahaha.....
Yang ini pula, dinner orang malas, maggi goreng with sausages. The other half gelak aje sebab beli cookbooks sikitnya banyak hari ni tapi masak maggi aje for dinner, wakakakaka....
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