Ingat nak masak rice n curry malam ni but tak jadi pulaknya. Lepas ambil the little misses from school, I buat jemput2 udang for afternoon tea sbb Miss 9 ada soccer practice so I wanted her to eat kenyang sikit, but semua pulaknya yang dah terkenyang lebih so masing2 didn't feel like having a heavy dinner. Tak jadilah masak rice n curry which made me quite happy, hehehe.....
For me memasak ni tak leceh but nak fikirkan apa yang nak dimasak every nite tu yg I really do not like. Especially when the little misses tak makan anything chilli hot and the adults pulaknya have different likes :-). Some people tak kisah and like to spend hours in the kitchen cooking many dishes everyday. A lot of people think, being a stay at home mum means you can masak segala masakan yang complicated yang ambil masa berjam2 nak masak sebab you dont have to be at work. But the truth is far from it! There are so many other things to do around the house that needs doing, kalau hari2 masak berjam2 kat dapur tu memang lah akan jadi tongkang pecah rumah I ni! Occasionally, I pun suka spend hours in the kitchen trying out and cooking different things but most days, I akan start masuk dapur at 5 o'clock for a 6 o'clock dinner. Kalau dinner lambat sikit, miss 4 1/2 lah yang akan bersuara dulu telling me that her tummy is rumbling because she's so hungry!
So malam ni, we had coated fried chicken aka ayam goreng salut tepung, potato croquettes and cruditès with guacamole. Crudites is a French term for sliced raw vegetables served with dipping sauce. Kalau in malay kiranya sayur mentah lah, but guna 'crudites' nampak fancy n chic sikit our dinner kan, hehehehe.....
Hi LG, yg potato tu you buat macamana?Nampak sedap je la.
Anak2 dok luar negeri agaknya semua sama, tak boleh makan pedas macam masa kita kecik dulu..dia org lebih ke hala western food.
Memanglah letih melayan budak2, masak dan kerja rumah tak pernah habis.
Jadi housewife bg I tersangat nya boring sebab I suka bergaya2 gitu..wakakaka... bila dok rumah tu tau-tau je lah.Tapi disebabkan I kena/wajib balik/keluar dari negara UAE ni kerap (kalau tidak jadi mereng)jadi takde lah I apply apa2 kerja.
Tapi apa2 pun baik juga anak2 kita jaga sendiri kan.
hi ann,
potato tu I buat the malas version,yg paling simple sbb didnt have enought time. I masak potatoes in the microwave until fully cooked.Then masa panas2 tu mash it well.Shape it like small sausages. Dip it in egg then in breadcrumb. Then pan fry in minyak sikit aje.
Kalau nak, boleh letak salt&pepper dlm egg tu sebelum celup but I tak letak sbb nak mkn dgn sos.
Thanks. Nak try lah.
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