The other half's got home safely from NY, alkhamdulillah! He asked me what he could get for me from there. Let's just say, even if what I really wanted was a handbag, I wouldn't in a million years ask him to buy 1 for me! He's not in the slightest bit fashion nor colour conscious so kalau I suruh dia beli handbag, maulah handbag tu nanti akan tersimpan dlm wardrobe for a very long time tak di pakai, hehehe.... And dia pun dah awal2 told me yang he wont buy me one sbb he knows I won't like the style that he chose. So, nak bagi senang for him tak payah perah otak penat2 nak carikan presents for me, I told him to buy me chocolates, baik kan wife dia ni :-). Specifically, chocolate for baking, sebab kat sini the choc chips for baking cuma ada dark, milk or white saje which is a pain! So the other half bought caramel swirl and white/milk choc swirl choc chips and hershey's choc which we can't find here. So, weekend ni bolehlah try buat choc chip cookies with the little misses. Other wives dapat handbags, perfume, shoes, scarves bila their other halves pergi overseas, I dapat baking chocolates, hahahaha......
Dinner malam ni was something simple instead of nasi and sambal cos the other half wanted a light dinner after being on the plane for so long. But he's already asked for rice n curry for tomorrow nite's dinner :-). Tonite's dinner was spaghetti with crabmeat and tomato bruschetta.
Ini lebih kurang spaghetti goreng but fusion style, mat saleh and asian. I sauteed garlic, fresh chilli and taucu ( yes, I used taucu instead of the mat saleh anchovies which I really detest) then added the crabmeat and diced fresh tomatoes and a splash of lime juice. then add the cooked spaghetti to the pan and toss it around and ready in no time at all!
i ingatkan buat spagetti ni susah sgt kena sos daging cincang tomato tu ajee..
tk terfikir lak boley buat dgn lain2 bahan cam crab meat ni.. kalau pakai sardin pun mesti syiok kan..?
thats why i like western food, simple aje cam Bruschetta tu tapi very nice.
hi mommy lily,
pasta ni rasanya lagi snng dr masak mee sbb klu dgn garlic,chilli, fresh basil n olive oil aje pun dah sedap. Tu yg I suka masak western especially yg simple camni, hehehe...
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