Sunday, 18 December 2011

No more garden photos, only food!

After few days of just gardening updates, I pun dah tak larat tengok garden tu, hehehehe….

I might as well tayang gambar the foods lah pulak kan or else people might think this is a gardening blog pulakkan!

The girls and I went to a pool party at a friend’s house last Friday. Luckily the weather was excellent for them to jump into the pool and for the Mak Mak to borak2 and makan2.

It was as usual a potluck party with the hostess cooking a few things as well.

Some of the spread on that day. Ini pun ada a few people yang belum sampai lagi so memang lagi banyak kuih muih and lauk pauk terhidang once they got there. But masa tu I dah start makan so malas betul nak ambik gambar lagi, hehehe.


I buat pizza for the kids to eat and also serimuka as dessert.



Both very easy to make so tu yang I volunteered nak bawak these things Smile.

Obviously malam tu I tak masak, cuma makan toasts aje while The Other Half makan the stuff yang I tapau kan.

Semalam, The Other Half kata dia teringin sangat nak makan nasi lemak so I pun buatkan dia nasi lemak.


I buat ikan goreng as lauk but the ikan bawal was too big to put on the plate! Heeee…


The sayur terung and okra goreng ni came fresh from the garden. Goreng dgn bawang, bilis and kicap sungguhlah sedapnya Smile.

Then for dinner tadi, I made savoury mince with baked eggs.


I used the banana chillies, tomatoes, fresh oregano leaves, fresh basil leaves and fresh parsley from the garden.

I just diced the onion, garlic, tomatoes and banana chillies tu. Finely sliced the fresh herbs.

Sautee the onion and garlic in olive oil until wilted. Add a teaspoon each of cumin powder, coriander powder and paprika and cook for a few more minutes. Add the beef mince and cook until it has turned brown. Add the diced tomatoes, chicken stock powder, 2 tablespoons of tomato paste and let it simmer until all the tomatoes have become mushy and the liquid has reduced to half.

Put the mince mixture in an oven-proof glass dish and break as many eggs as you want on top of it. Bake it in 200°C oven until the egg white is cooked and the yolk is still runny.



Makan dengan home-made parmesan & garlic bread, bean salad and roast potatoes.





I guess when you dip a piece of bread in runny egg, everything else will taste nice too kan Smile.

And then for dessert, we had fresh fruits.



The gorgeous Summer fruits of peaches, plums, cherries, strawberries and figs.


We love figs but they are so difficult to get and so expensive as well. Yang jenis ni we found at the Sunday market tadi for $5/kg saje! So, beria lah we all makan sampai puas tadi, hehehe.


ameeza77 said...

kak LG, tersangatla geram ngan fresh fruit tu, untung sungguh badan boleh menikmati fresh fruit sepuas hati kan, klu nak makan strawberries n any other berries kat msia nih sampai belas2 ringgit, fiq pun x pernah rasa lagi yg fresh cam tuh, huhuks... sedeyyyy nyer :(

ADEEYA said...

I like foods ! xD uuuhhhh geram tengok fruits tu hehe

NoRa said...

Mmg best la..your food n fresh fruit..i sgt suka strawberry..

jumurama said...

bestnyer dpt masak dgn tanaman sendiri.fresh gitu.jakun la tgk figs tu...sedap tak kak LG?

lydia said...

meleleh air liur nih.......
savoury mince with baked eggs yg akak buat , mcm kacang pool...

Unknown said...

Fruits tu nmpk sgt cntik dlm gmbr! Fresh jek..

Miss Bliss said...

nampak yummy...rupe pun mcm shaksuka..nak kena buat ni :)

Anonymous said...

That's a lot of food there. But we all need to take a lot of them 'sometimes'

whitecappuccino said...

oh! sungguh sedap hidangan tu! akak pun suka goreng okra dan terung macam! dah lama juga tak goreng!

lemongrass said...

Bila duduk negara 4 musim ni, masa Summer ni lah baru dpt rasa segala cmm jenis buah yg sedap2 :-). We all pun jarang makan figs ni, tu yg bila dpt jumpa, terus makan sampai kenyang, hehe

I like food too :-), too much at times which is a problem, heeee

I tak brapa minat strawberries ni. Yang minat strawberries kat rumah ni cuma my youngest aje. But I slalu beli utk buat strawberry sauce aje :-).

Figs ni for me sedaplah. Dia manis and crunchy sikit kat tang biji dia tu but so soft, even kulit dia pun soft sgt2 :-).

you tau tak, I kan tak pernah makan kacang pool tu. One day balik Msia, mesti kena cuba makan lah sbb semua orang kata sedap :-).

Fresh fruits dlm gambar memang cantik kan esp kalau colourful :-)

Ummu Nuha,
Shaksuka tu sama mcm kacang phool ye?

de engineur,
I love a lot of food, that's why I love pot luck parties, hehehe.

goreng terung dgn okra guna recipe sempoi mcm tu sedap sbb tak tenggelamkan rasa terung n okra tu kan :-)

Ayu said...

kak...ayu tak prnh jemu baca n3 akak psl ur garden.klu psl ur food...lg la ayu xprnh jemu.hahaha....

kak...ur savoury mince with baked egges tu akak bake guna api bwh ke?apa rasa buah fig tu ek? mkn mcm tu je ke?

btw komen ayu ilang lg la.iiisskkkk....

Ayu said...

kak...ayu tak prnh jemu baca n3 akak psl ur garden.klu psl ur food...lg la ayu xprnh jemu.hahaha....

kak...ur savoury mince with baked egges tu akak bake guna api bwh ke?apa rasa buah fig tu ek? mkn mcm tu je ke?

btw komen ayu ilang lg la.iiisskkkk....

kasihredha said...

akak cuma pernah rasa sekali je figs yg fresh.
Tapi yg dah dikering kan pun sedap juga :)

AnimNaim said...

Teringin nk mkn figs tu...yang kering pernah mkn kalau time org blik Mekah, buah tiin kita panggil, sng dpt yg kering, yg fresh tu mcm buah ara...kak LG tak cuba tnm fig ke?

Azian Elias said...

masyallahhh.. frsh fruit tu.. Suka tgk figs tuu..

ibuhebat said...

all look yummy! macam tu rupanya fresh figs! selalu makan yg kering punya..

jemput join kuiz GA di blog saya


blu4sky said...

salam LG,
eii geramnye tgk all the fresh fruit..
the veggie all from your garden..bestnye.. ada tak feeling2 alah-alah jamie oliver.. dlm rancangan masak memasak sll tunjuk dia kutip sayur mayur straight from his garden..jeles gue

penDragon said...

semuanya fresh, begitulah hasilnya apabila berbudi kpd tanah! figs tu boleh mkn fresh2 gitu ke? sedap x k LG?

zuwaidah said...

sis, you boleh masuk masterchef australia nanti...tunjuk bakat terpendam tuuu

Shereen said...

Yum..I love it eaten fresh, in desserts and absolutely delicious in Ice cream.My neighbour's pokok tengah bergayut with the fruits..macam nak rebah the pokok..hahaha.But not all figs are delicious though.Some species not so nice and lembik.

Mama said...

hai kak lemon...happy to gledah ur dapor again..he he he he... well, camane akak wat garlic bread tu..its like roti nan plak gebunyer?? n ur cherrys was wonderfull...

lemongrass said...

kena guna api atas bawah sbb telur tu kita letak kat atas daging tu. Kalau guna api bawah aje, takut telur tu tak masak pulaknya :-).
Fig ni manis and soft. Tak tau nak ckp dia serupa mcm buah apa.

Kak Kasih,
we all pun suka dried fis tapi klu dpt jumpa yg fresh, lagi we all suka, hehehe.

pokok fig ni besar, kalau tanam, memang tak cukup tempat kat rumah ni, hehehe. Tapi memang sedap yg kering or yg fresh :-).

Kak Yan,
Summer ni yg bestnya cuma buah2an dia and tanaman2 yg tumbuh dgn galaknya, hehehe

Yg kering memang senang nak dpt banding dgn yg fresh ni :-)

Jamie Oliver tu tiru we all sebenarnya, hahahaha... But memang seronok bila tgh masak suddenly berlari ke kebun nak ambik fresh herbs or veges :-).

kat Dubai sure banyak fresh figs kan sbb Arabs suka fresh figs ni. For me, lagi sedap makan fresh dr yg dried :-)

i tak boleh masuk Masterchef sbb gabra lebih2 depan camera, hahaha

How I wish I have a neighbour with a fig tree! Boleh I buat muka tak malu panjat their tree and duduk atas tu until sakit perut makan figs, hehehe.

Hi. Garlic bread tu I guna pizza dough but instead of leper, I just bulatkan dia aje. Pastu I sapu olive oil on the surface, tabur garlic granules, dried oregano and grated parmesan. Then bakar sampai naik and brown :-)