Another Raya di perantauan done and gone. Biasanya Raya kat sini cuma sambut sehari aje sebab most of the time it falls on working days so nak tak nak kenalah masuk kerja balik. Kalau kat Malaysia, sampai sebulan masih ada lagi open house :-). Don't get me wrong, ramai juga yang buat open house kat sini but kena tunggu weekend lah baru boleh buat.
We had a good time celebrating Eid yesterday. We didn't do much but it was still meriah. Went to Rivervale Mosque for the 8 o'clock Eid solat and we were back home by 9. Selalunya we stayed a while after solat for the food and socialising but semalam we went to a different mosque which were way too crowded and packed. Malas pulak rasanya nak bersesak2 just to get food so we all balik aje lah, hehehe. After a light breakfast at home, we went out beraya then came back home for a second lunch :-). Had some guests over that afternoon and then went out again to Siti's house where we makan again! They managed to buat lemang the modern way but rasa sebijik macam lemang kat M'sia, hehehehe. Bila balik rumah that night, ingat dah tak larat nak makan but we managed to have a 'light' supper of nasi impit and lauk pauk. Macam mana lah tak naik berat badan straight away after bulan puasa kalau hari2 makan mcm ni, hehehe.
Luckily hari ni, I had to go back to work so was quite happy not to have anything at all until dinner time. Maybe sebab perut dah penuh sgt from yesterday's overeating that I didn't even feel hungry the whole day! Kalau beraya kat M'sia ni, I think masih tak berenti mulut ni mengunyah since semalam, hahahaha.....
We didn't take that many photos yesterday sbb too busy doing so many different things but layan lah ye a few photos that we managed to take of us and the Little Misses. Selama2 berkahwin and berkeluarga ni, tak pernah rasanya we all ada themed colour utk our baju kurung n baju raya. Teringin jugak nak buat but tak pernah berkesempatan pulak nya :-).
Masa ni still kurus lagi sebab belum mula operasi melantak :-).
Terlupa pulak nak ambil gambar all the nicely laid out cookies yang I dah penat2 buat and Miss 9 dah cantik2 hiaskan on the coffee table. Takpelah, this weekend, masa birthday party Miss very nearly 5, I'll take some photos of it.
Selamat hari raya LG (again!!!)...Hahaha...."operasi melantak" kat aussie mesti tak sama kat M'sia kan....U tau jelah kalau kat sini, dengan masakan yg bersantan (yg guna kelapa berbiji2!!...boleh cepat pendek umur woo!!!) itu tak lagi campur dengan benda2 makanan yg manis "membunuh!!"...Kalau tengok masa masak tu kan, rasa takut dan serammm, tapi tak pelah kita masak, lepas tu bagi orang lain makan...hahahaha..pandaii kan?...
Cik Mat,
Lagi bnyk santan tu lah lagi sedap Cik Mat, lagi bertambah nasi kat pinggan tu klu makan,hahahaha....
Nasib baik lah Raya ni setahun 2 kali aje kan, kalau tiap2 bulan ada operasi melantak, mmng lah lagi cepat pendek umur!
Salam ziarah.. Kak, sukanya tengok gambar2 dlm blog akak.. Really loving family...:)
Anak akak pun tersangatlah comel + cute..
Salam perkenalan dr Nur di JB..
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