Penat satu badan hari ni sebab bertungkus lumus with the other half megemas dan mencuci rumah for our quarterly house inspection esok. I took time off work semata2 nak mencuci rumah and the other half pulak just happened to be his teaching free day today.
So, lepas aje sent the Little Misses to school today, bermulalah operasi 'nyah kotoran', hehehe. Tapi biasalah kan, I kalau duk rumah every hour kena ada internet break, tu yg ambil masa the whole day kemas n cuci rumah. Macam lah besar sangat2 and messy sangat2 rumah ni sampai it took us the whole day to get everything done :-). Sometimes, memang bosan pun kena kemas rumah for inspection ni sebab we have to do all these extra work before the inspection. Most of the things on the 'inspection list' memang lah we all buat tiap2 minggu or daily like keeping the toilets and bathrooms clean and tidy, vacuuming the carpets and mopping the tiled floors, dust all the sawang /cobwebs but there are things on it yang memang we all buat semata2 tunggu the day before inspection. For example, cleaning all the extraction fans in both bathrooms and on top of the stove, cleaning the aircond vents, cleaning all the windows and the glass doors inside and outside. Dah lah our windows and glass doors ni sliding windows, so kenalah make sure the 'runner' in between the 2 sliding glasses are clean of dirt and habuk! Tu yg kadang2 tak larat sebab all the tiny details pun diaorang nak 'tick'. Sheeeshhhhh....... Nasib baik lah only quarterly inspection aje, kalau tiap2 bulan, mau hangin satu badan!
But since I ni ibu mithali kan (perasan sekejap :-)), still sempat gak masak dinner, hehehe. But memang dinner yang paling senang. I cooked some pasta and sauteed some sausages and then put them in a pyrex dish and pour a jar of Leggo's pasta bake 'tomato, ricotta and spinach' sauce into it and mix them well. Then top it with grated mozzarella cheese and bake it in the oven until the cheese is brown. Voila, dinner is ready! Memang express dinner betul. But when you have it with green salad and crusty bread, it's really yummy and healthy too :-). I think you can find this brand of pasta bake sauce kat Malaysia as well. If you can find it, do give it a try because it's really yummy and so much cheaper than going to Pizza Hut for your pasta :-). If you bawak pergi pot luck party, memang lah orang akan kata you pandai sangat2 masak western food, ha..ha...ha...... Habislah pecah rahsia I macam ni ;-).
Memang letih kl mengemas rumah ni. Mcm2 nak kna buat. kl half day memang xsempat.Ngn nak masak lagi. Best dinner hari ni.
Adoiii....mmg penat kemas rumah...bila sebut sliding door...hehe rumah i kan LG, 2 - 3 bulan sekali je i lap cermin dia (tak suka sliding door!!!!), tu pun kalau rajin..TAPI kan cermin oven i mmg kilat, sebab hari2 i lap..kalau blurr mcm mana nak tgk kek dlm tu..betul tak?...hehehe
Sapa agent you, Wentworths ke? Kalau yg ni mmg fussy habis. My agent skrg ni LJ hooker. Diaorg tak fussy mcm si Wentworth.
I ni pulak nmpknye kena pindah lagi. The owner nak balik ke Perth. So kenalah cari rumah baru. Told my hb, I dont want to do the packing anymore sbb it gave me a nightmares. Kalau ada fulus lebih, rasanye nak upah je org kemas. I ni kan baru je nak setahun kat rumah ni skrg. Setengah brang belum lagi keluar kotak dah nak pindah..... :(
Hi Shafa,
Tu lah, masa ni lah rasanya best klu ada maid, hehehe...
Cik Mat,
I pun, dapur n dining room aje yg slalu berkilat lebih2, hehehe... Masak n makan tu dah memang wajib kan,hahaha...
A'ah Mallan, our agent in wentworth. My property manager is very nice, tak cerewet. Yg cerewet ni yg the inspectors, nyampah betul! Lah, siannya u kena pindah. Klu I mmng lah tak larat rasanya nak pindah randah ni. U nak pindah kemana lepas ni?
Rasa mcm baru je u citer pasal house inspection... ni dah dtg lagi. Meaning that 3 bulan tu cepat je berlalu kannn.
Satu rahsia masak western food we all dah tahu, ada lagi tak rahsia nak share???
How are you dear? tu lah kan, cepat betul masa berlalu :-). Mana boleh bagitau semua rahsia, nanti orang tak lah ingat I terer masak lagi, heheheh
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