The birthday song from yesterday.
Layan gambar Miss 5 from birth to now, from bald headed baby to the mass of curly-haired girl she is now. From a wrinkly 'ugly' baby to a gorgeous adorable girl (we think so anyway, hahaha). From a baby who couldn't sleep unless held to a girl who loves sleeping in her own bed. From a baby who used to suck her 2 fingers to a girl who still sucks her thumb! From a cry baby to a still occasionally 'gembeng' baby :-).
A few hours after she was born.

At 1 1/2 y.o., one of the pictures taken for her passport photos. Sikit punya susah dah nak suruh dia duduk diam!
At 2 y.o.
At 2 1/2 y.o. -still cheeky as anything.
At 3 - posing for a family photo, hahaha.
At 4, one of her wishes is to be a fairy, kids!
Happy 5th Birthday Zahra dearie.
Stay cute always!
Happy birthday sayang yg cute...
semoga membesar menjadi anak yg berguna dan baik2 saje...:-D
Happy Birthday dearest little Zahra, mommy and daddy must be very proud of you. They grow soo fast don't they..?
Thank you Intan, Mommy Lily n Sheri for the wishes. Zahra was so happy to be a big girl already! Hehehe.... She's been waiting for this moment since Alya had her b'day party, sikit nya lama ke dia tunggu :-).
Love her sleeping photos. Very angelic. I think semua baby looks so angelic masa diaorg tidur. Samalah ngan my anak2. Tapi bila diaorg jaga, tu lain cerita. Kkdg boleh giller kita dia buatnye...
selamat hari lahir zahra. semoga membesar n jadi anak solehah ye..
p/s: LG, kite nak pinjam rambut zahra, bagi kat ziya.. boleh? hihi
happy birthday dari nabeela dan nadeea... birthday nadeea sehari sebelum raya.. sibuk suruh nenek buat kek...
masa tidur mmng baik kan,hehehe....bila dah bangun, bnyk2 sabar aje lah :-).
Skrg snng nak dpt rambut mcm tu, masuk aje salon n keluar duit, terus dpt rambut curly mcm maggi, hehehe....
nenek buat kek apa utk nadeea? sudah semestinya kek coklat ye,hehehe.... Happy belated bday to Nadeea, nanti Mummy angah simpan dulu hadiah nya ye :-).
Happy belated b'day to Lil'Zahra.Fm Aunty Hazel & Family.
TQ so much Hazel,
She said she's not little anymore, hehehe.
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