Spring's been here a month but baru hari ni terhegeh2 nak bermain2 dengan our garden beds. I guess bulan lepas tak kuasa nak penat2 tanam anything sebab busy berpuasa, then busy pulak beraya. Weekend ni lah baru ada free time sikit nak pergi Bunnings and plant all these flowers and seedlings and seeds for the coming summer months. Every Spring, we always feel so enthusiastic nak tanam segala macam bunga lah, herbs lah, sayur2an lah. Rasa macam apa aje yang di tanam, sure nya boleh hidup, hehehe. So far, our plants been doing well from Spring to Autumn but bila masuk Winter aje, semua nya jadi hidup segan, mati tak mau. So, we all pun bila Winter aje rasa sayu tengok all our plants macam tu, and terus takde mood nak prune or tend to them and pastu terus terbiar aje sepanjang Winter tu...... Until Spring comes again, hehehe...
So, layan gambar our project today with the help of the Little Misses and Miss 9 as the photographer :-).
Mummy and her herbs :-).
The lone Lavender plant in the middle surrounded by Gazinias.
And our lunch today, mini baguettes melts with metballs, pickles and cheese.
I tak tanam bunga lagi. Sbb bunga kat taman masih hidup lagi. Tapi last week I beli beetroot. I love beetroot so cuba nak tanam pulak. Yesterday pulak baru je trim my daun kesum. Biasalah winter time semua tidur. So sapa yg tidur memanjang tu kena kerat. Banyak new shoot yg tumbuh. Lepas tu I buang pokok cili. Actually salah terbeli cili tu last year. I nak cili padi tapi terbeli cili hiasan. So I let them grew last season, but this season they're out. Selain tu I nak tanam terong lak. Banyak tul angan2 nye.
tgk ur basil teringat kat pokok basil yang i bawa balik dari cameron highlands tempohari dah mati... akhirnya. sama juga my thyme sumer tak mau hidup... sedeyyy.
U suka beetroot ye? My hubby pun suka but I dont like it so klu buat burger or salad ke mmng lah tak pernah letak,hehehe. And the colour tu yg I tak larat pun,purple everywhere! I skrg tgh cari benih cili padi but tak jumpa. Semlm I jumpa Burke's hot chilli, I dah semai but I takut ornamental chilli aje yg mcm u ckp tu. We'll just have to wait and see I guess.
Basil I tu pun nanti bila dah tumbuh bnyk sgt sampai tak termakan, I akan biarkan aje sampai lah dia mati sendiri, hehehe... Sebab by that time, selalunya I dah malas sikit nak look after them :-).
LG...i tgh jelesss nihh tgk u tanam herbs n lagi satu lavender tuuu......whaaaa!!!!!!!!!, kalau boleh hidup, aku tanam penuhh kat tepi2 rumah..jeless nihhh ( arghhh!!!, sambil makan saki baki tat nenass!!!!)....
Wahkahkahkah Cik Mat,
I pun jeles tengok rumah my neighbour yg ada bnyk giler pokok levender gemuk2 kat depan rumah dia. Tu yg we all cuba tanam 1 tu, harap2 tak lah mati! I tak buat lagi tart nenas Cik Mat, tinggal 4 keping aje lagi ni, sedih weih!
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