How do I feel right now? Masa student dulu, setiap kali balik bercuti ke Malaysia, mesti rasa sedih teramat aje bila nak balik ke Australia balik. But sekarang ni selepas berbelas tahun tinggal berjauhan dengan parents di perantauan and dah ada keluarga sendiri, rasa sedih tu dah kurang sikit lah. I guess sebab walaupun parents n adik beradik jauh but sekarang dah ada the little misses and the other half, tak lah rasa sunyi sangat hidup ni. Maybe bila dah beranak pinak, your focus will shift to finding your happiness with your other half and kids and sharing everything with them instead of with your siblings and parents. I think the little misses find it harder to go back to Perth than me. Diaorang yang dah rasa sedih sesangat nak berpisah dengan nenek n atuk and the cousins. I can understand their feelings, kat Perth there's only us in the 'family'. So, kemana2 and buat apa2 pun cuma berempat aje lah. Bila balik M'sia, every weekend main dengan cousins and nenek n atuk sentiasa kat rumah layan diaorang. On top of that, kat rumah nenek n atuk ada kucing, ayam, pokok to be climbed, monkeys to scare, plenty of space to run around so memanglah diaorang terasa sedih sgt2 nak tinggal kan tempat ni... Miss 9 pun dah berapa kali cakap yg she wished she can live surrounded by her Malaysian family :-). Miss 4 1/2 misses her bed in Perth so I think she's looking forward to going back home :-). The other half pun tak sabar jugak nak balik rumah sebab he misses Perth's weather, his office :-), his own bed, his wife's cooking :-). I pun tak sabar jugak nak balik rumah sebab I really miss my own bed, the cold Perth winter right now and of course my dapur! Tak sabar dah nak masak segala macam food in my own dapur. But since the other half and I have put on lots of weight during this holidays, we have to go back on our healthy eating plan and exercising, erk, itu yg I'm so not looking forward to! Can't remember if my muscles still know how to exercise!
Well, I better get back to the packing. Nak harapkan the other half, alamat banyak lah benda yang tertinggal nanti, hehehe.. But before that, nak tayang the stuff I got from my cyber friends sepanjang berada kat M'sia ni. Thank you so much for the ole2, we really appreciate them.
Souvenirs from Fatinz, Masz, Kak Nor, Zie n Hunny......
p/s to Moi, I'll take a photo of the pashmina yang u bagi when I wear it nanti ye :-). Bolehlah I bergaya tgh winter ni....
Selamat jalan ye dik!
semoga LG & family selamat sampai kat perth!!!
wa..kak LG dh nk balik da...memang terasa bru smlm u ckp blik msia,dh nk balik msia cantik betul bebudak omputih pakai kaftan,ct pernh pakaikan bju tuh g nursery,sume omputih puji,katanya cantik..tak taula puji ikhlas ke,puji mulut.hehe..
behsnya dpr byk hadiah..sonok!
i guess mmg mcm tu la bila dah kawin..masa study bujang dulu homesick sgt2 rindu parents n siblings, tapi bila ada family sendiri mmg kurang sket rasa rindu dan sedeh di perantauan.
anyway, slamat pulang ke perth..;P
salam LG...selamat hendak-NYA sampai ke perth..
dah nak balik ke??
baik2 yerrr.. semoga selamat sampai semua...
welcome back...
kami pon tk sabar nk tengok LG mula masuk dapur...hiiii
sedey kan nk tinggalkan mesia
comelnyer..little misses dgn kaftan tu.. :P
Selamat pulang dgn selamatnyer ke PERTH!..jgn lupa kami disini... :P
To everyone,
thanks ye for the wishes ;-). dah selamat pun sampai kat Perth, tp mood still holiday mood lagi so ada siiikit malas mau masak lebih2, hehehe. Kena slow2 warm up dulu, takut lak terkehel tangan nanti klu tiba2 terus masak yang canggih n complicated kan ;-).
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