The other half and I pernah pergi Melaka but the little misses memang tak pernah jejak kat negeri2 lain selain S'gor n KL everytime balik bercuti ke M'sia. So, tahun ni since they are a bit bigger and can remember more, tu yg ajak diaorang pergi jengok2 Melaka. Miss 4 1/2 was still a bit blurry about the states in M'sia. Sebab kalau kat Australia, nak pergi from 1 state to the other will take sooooo long and selalunya naik planes so bila we told her we are going to a different state but naik kereta aje, dia macam tak percaya aje, hehehe....
The other half drove the whole way there and back and I was the navigator sebab I sorang yang tau baca BM kan so segala papan tanda I lah yang kena baca kalau tak nak sesat, hahaha..... But kiranya macam the blind leading the blind lah sebab dua2 bukan orang Melaka. Nasib baik lah tak sesat sampai JB ke Singapore ke, hehehe.....
We got to Ayer Keroh pagi2 morning lagi so sementara nak tunggu check in kat hotel tu sempatlah pergi melawat Mini Malaysia. Disebabkan it wasn't a weekend, memang lengang abis tempat tu so the little misses seronok abis turun naik semua rumah2 kat situ macam lah rumah nenek and atuk aje dibuat nya. We all lah yang penat mengikut diaorang turun naik tangga rumah2 tu. But sayang sungguh sebab rumah2 kat Mini Asian either were under renovation or memang tak terbela langsung so penuh lalang keliling kelalang. We all nak masuk pun tak berani, hehehe....
The other half trying to be artistic, luckily all the models semua cun2 belaka ;-)
The next day, we went to bandar Melaka. Mission paling penting nak naik beca and nak naik bot susur sungai Melaka. We did manage to enter Bandar Melaka without getting lost which we were so proud of, hehehe. Dah penat meronda jalan kaki, we finally asked for a beca. Mula2 ingat nak suruh the little misses and the other half aje yang naik ronda2 but then pakcik beca tu kata dia boleh bawak all 4 of us naik sama2. The other half and I just looked at each other and then looked at our bodies and then tengok saiz pakcik beca tu. He was my size wanting to cycle all for of us so sure lah we all ni macam tak caya aje kebolehannya kan. Bukannya apa, the other half aje dah sebegitu berat, tambah pulak lagi the 3 of us, mau senget beca tu nanti, hehehehe.... But pakcik beca tu beria2 kata dia boleh bawak so dengan berat hati we all pun naik lah. Miraculously, the beca tak senget and lagi lah heran nya, pakcik tu larat kayuh basikal bawak we all, wekekekekeke. But to tell you honestly, I shut my eyes tightly most of the way sebab seriau tengok traffic around us bawak laju semacam aje and pakcik beca tu pun kadang2 memang mcm berani mati aje bawak beca tu kayuh against traffic! The little misses really enjoyed the beca ride sebab mana pernah diaorang nampak sampai 4 orang naik basikal!
Bandingkanlah saiz pakcik beca tu and the beca dengan we all, sape pun akan toleh 2-3 kali jugak bila ternampak we all atas beca tu!
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