Hari ni operasi membersihkan rumah dah bermula, punyalah banyak habuk tak boleh nak cakaplah. Nasib baik rumah tak lah besar mana, kalau tak, sure patah pinggang nak kemas semua. Ini pun, banyak lagi yang masih tak kemas, maybe kalau rajin sambung balik kemas throughout the week, hehehe...
Sekarang ni betul2 in the middle of winter kat Perth. Sebelum we all balik M'sia dulu, winter had just started so tak lah sejuk sangat masa tu, the temperature was still nice. 5 weeks later, punyalah sejuk especially masa bangun pagi, rasa tak nak keluar aje dr bawah doona tu. Bila dah under hot shower, memang liat betul nak keluar sebab it's so nice and warm, hehehe. For Perth, ini dah kira sejuk lah bila morning temperature dropped to 2ºC. Kalau orang yang duduk cold countries with snow, 2ºC tu dah kira warm ye, hehehe. But I prefer this cold weather than the hot and humid weather kat M'sia tu. At least sejuk2 ni, pakai baju berlapis2 bolehlah jugak rasa warm and boleh lah I nak bergaya dengan nice jackets n jumpers :-). Kat M'sia, kalau kat luar panas, bila masuk shopping complex, terus sejuk gilers, hehehe. Kadang2 tak tau nak pakaikan the little misses baju apa bila pergi berjalan2 masa balik M'sia hari tu :-). Sebab weather extreme bila keluar shopping, panas kat luar, beku kat dalam.
On a completely different note, I've gained 2kg balik M'sia for 5 weeks. Which means, I gained 400g a week! Nak naik, sikit punya senang ke, nak turunkan ni, aduih! Ntah berapa lamalah it will take me to get rid of this excess holiday weight. But in a way, I'm quite happy cos berat tak cecah 50kg lagi, kalau tak, sure dah nangis hari2... And I can still fit into my tight jeans so kiranya the 'damage' done in M'sia wasn't too bad. 2 hari balik ni pun, automatically I've reduced my food intake. Bukan sebab apa pun, sebab malas nak masak, hehehe. Masa kat M'sia, sentiasa ada food depan mata yang I didn't have to cook myself, so tu yang melantak aje makan. Bila dah balik sini, kalau nak makan, I have to masak, itu yang terus kurang makan, hehehe. Ada faedah jugak ye jadi orang malas ni ;-).
Anyway, dinner masih jugak kena masak eventhough malas or else semua lah nanti kelaparan. Tonite's dinner as usual bila dah tak rajin, pasta aje lah yang senang and cepat nak masak. Dah lama tak makan pasta ni, bila dapat makan, sedap betul!
Hi LG, welcome home. Has it been 5 weeks already? Gosh time flies.I hear you sister (re dust). Even in winter, I don't know where it comes from!
Hi VG,
thanks.It really didn't feel like 5 weeks to us, hehe. I thought it was only me when it comes to dust, we attract each other. I didn't realise it was quite bad there as well. It really irks me when after spending the whole day dusting, you have to re dust the same areas the next day!
LG..i tgh jelesss banget nihh!!..tengok capsicum u tu...terus teringin nak buat scone pulak...hehehe
Kak LG..mcmne ur hubby adapt ngan idup cara kita kat msia??Dia x merungut ke...bagus la kan...
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