Changing the subject completely, last nite tak tahan betul nak tergelak dengar Miss 4 3/4 (her b'day's coming up very soon :-)) berborak2 dengan Miss 9. I'm not sure if it's just her or a lot of other 4+ kids still have the same problem. Since English is her mother tongue, she has to know how to use the tenses properly in her sentences. Masa I dulu kat sekolah rendah, biasalah kan cikgu ajar mcm mana nak tukar present tense to past tense or to ?future tense. With Miss 4 3/4, since dah guna English hari2 and dengar English being spoken and used hari2 so we all tak lah ajar her formally how to change the tenses. Dia absorbs sendiri from everyday use. But ada lah a few words yang dia still have trouble with even though we all sentiasa correct her everytime she uses the wrong tenses, tak tau lah kenapa. Last nite's conversation went like this:
Miss 4 3/4: "Sis, Sis, guess what? You know when you goed to the wrong room to get the plates, I goed to the wrong room as well to get my cup. I don't know why I goed there. We both goed to the wrong room!"
By this time, there were too many goeds already that we all dah tak larat nak betulkan so pakat gelak aje lah! Then, Miss 9 pun dah tak larat dengar the english language being butchered by her sister said, " It's went, not goed lah!" Itu pun satu jugak, mana ada mat saleh pakai 'lah' lah! Rosak language!
Another word yang dia masih tak reti nak change the tense is bring. A typical conversation goes like this:
Miss 4 3/4:"Mummy, my friend brang chocolate to school today for lunch."
Actually, ada a few more words lagi yang she keeps on getting the tenses wrong but the words eluded me tonite. Nanti I'll update again when I hear her says the words. I have no idea how her teachers at school cope with not laughing bila dengar dia cakap, hehehe....
Hihi... Lucunya Zahra... but it's cute!
I kat rumah mmg ada dryer. I ingat kalau ada anak2 mmg senang kalau ada dryer. Tapi tu lah, kita byk pakai dryer ni time2 winter. Lepas tu tak usik lagi. Kalau winter tu kkdg bila time malas nak jemur kat luar, I campak je dlm dryer. Especially bila hujan, stop, hujan, stop. I dah 4 winters kat sini. Yg paling teruk sekali tahun 2005. Hujan tiap2 hari. Yg driest sekali 2006. nasib baik gak 2007 tak dry. Kalau tak kena water restriction pulak.
anak mat saleh pun berterabur grammar,hehehe.
Best lah u this week ye, campak aje dlm dryer. I punya washng berlonggok lagi nak basuh sbb tak cukup tmpat nak keringkan,hehehe. I was already here winter 06,masa tu mmng tak bnyk hujan langsung. i think this is the wettest since we've been here! tapi bagus jugak kan bagi penuh the dams so takdelah water restriction teruk sgt in summer.
LG...bunyi comeykan walau pun salah, tapi kita di M'sia n S'pore suka tau tambah "lah", kat depan english words, macam...OK lah, NO lah, ada lagi satu.."jangan tension"....hahaha... pening kepala Queen E dengar!!!
Cik Mat,
my hubby n anak2 pun suka sgt guna 'lah' tu skrg sampai kadang2 tersasul ckp 'lah' dpn mat saleh! hehehe.....
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