Cuti cuti Melaka (part 2)
Nak cerita sekejap pengalaman tinggal kat Ayer Keroh d'Village Resort. Ingat nak tinggal kat hotel yang lagi upmarket but duit pun kenalah up jugak kan so we decided to stay aje kat resort ni. We booked the chalet with 2 rooms and 2 bathrooms so we could be 'far away' from the little misses and the little misses were so happy to have their own room as well. We all pun happy lah sebab dapatlah honeymoon sekali sekala :-).....
Anyway, nak jadi cerita, this resort memang selalu jadi tempat government officers buat kursus so when we were there, adalah a few jabatan kerajaan yang sedang buat kursus kat situ. So, pagi2 bila we all pergi breakfast, memanglah jadi centre of attention the whole time we were eating our breakfast sebab all the other people pun tgh makan breakfast jugak. I think tak ramai Mat Saleh yang duduk situ sebab selalunya Mat Saleh will go to upmarket resorts n hotels kan. But my Mat Saleh ni dpt bini yang macam I, tak kisah tinggal kat resort biasa2 aje, hehehe. Tu yg agaknya the other people pandang heran semacam aje sebab tak pernah tengok Mat Saleh tak kaya agaknya, hahaha.... The first morning we had breakfast there, ada satu table ni with 4 pakcik melayu ni yang tanpa segan silu memandang we all tanpa berkelip2 biji mata sepanjang setengah jam we all makan breakfast. Kalau pandang sikit2 takpe, ini pandang siap berpusing terus!
Anyway, dipendekkan cerita, lepas we all habis makan tu, we walked to the lobby and the pakcik2 happened to walk next to us. One of them asked me, sape nama the kids so I senyum and told them. Then the next question really perplexed me, "mama diaorang kat mana?". If you guys were me, what would you do when someone asked such a stupid question like that? Padahal they saw me eating breakfast with the other half and the kids and saw us came from the chalet area! So, since I'm such a nice and gentle person who's not prone to mengamuk, I answered his question with a smile, "sayalah mummy dia and that guy is the daddy." Then he said, "oh ye ke, tadi we all terfikir and tertanya2 jugak apa hubungan u all ni!". I just smiled and quickly walked away sebelum tahap kepanasan I naik mendadak!
Entahlah, if it's just me or semua orang get this kind of treatment from some people here. Like I said, I don't care if people stare and tengok we all lain macam sebab itu memang adat manusia, very curious, but bila dah sampai tahap tanya stupid questions tu dah kira very offensive to me. Just because I don't look the part like a Mat Saleh's wife with bling bling all over her body and sexy mexy branded clothes on me doesn't mean they can ask stupid questions! Nasib baik lah the other half tak paham melayu sangat, kalau tak, sure dia pun dah terasa bila semua orang tak percaya I wife dia, hehehehe.....
Oklah, penat dah ranting and raving about the insensitivity of some people. I think I might need the help of a personal stylist so I can look more like a Mat Saleh's wife than an Indon maid, what do you think ? ;-)
i guess tanggapan orang kita ni selalunya bila dah kawin mat salleh mestilah jadik 'minah salleh' jugak, nak salahkan diaorg 100% pun tak boleh sbb diaorg slalu tgk artis2 m'sia kawin mat salleh, cara & style pun tukar ikut mat salleh jugak.
smpi terlupa masih ramai malay women kat luar sana yg kawin mat salleh tp very down to earth, relaks & cool jer.
i tabik springgg sama u! cheer up ;-)
alahai kesian kak lg,nmpknya next time,balik msia kena order t shirt print nama : i'm a mummy of 2 little misses.hehe..baru org tak tanya da...pastu si ayah pun pakai jugak cuma tkr nama je.dua puteri pun pakai jugak..nk tgk ap areaksi org kita bila pandang LG
rasnaya memang dh adata org msia,bila tgk omputih terjengil bijik mata,tp kan so sad..omputih pandang org msia mcm sebelah mata je..mana ada smpi nk terkuar bijik mata.huhu...kan sonok kalau omputih pun tgk kita mcm gitu.hehe..
my sis in law pun sama,everytime balik msia,sume pakat duk pandang hubby omputih dia.huhu...
LG,ur hubby tak tanya ke pakcik tu tanya apa?
tu lah kan,definitely sbb my style of dressing lah yg buat org pandang we all lain mcm aje. But dr students sampai skrg mmng I jenis yg pakai jeans n tshirt aje n my hb pun dah biasa tengok I pakai jeans n tshirt and takde make-up so rasa janggal lah kan nak tukar jadi minah saleh, hehe..
Hi CT,
I told my hb apa pakcik tu ckp but dia cuma kata "just ignore them" sbb dia pun dah tak larat nak ckp apa,hehehe... Nak buat mcm mana kan dah muka mcm maid Indon, wekekeke...
I ingat LG, kita2 ni kalau balik Msia, kena pakai baju yg nmpk buah d*d* dan nmpk pusat, tunjuk betis. Yg pakai tudung mcm2 kita2 ni mana ada kelas nak kawin omputih. :). Tapi ada jugak setengah tanggapan kita2 ni kawin omputih sbb kat Msia tak laku. So its not a win win situation. Nasib badan kan.
alahaiii kak LG...
sabar jeee banyak2 taw...
masuk nie dah 2 kali org mesia dok tegur pasal anak-anak u.
jangan tensen2 yerrr, jangan serik nak balik sini lagi sudah :)
btw, gee dah tukar my blog url taw. i need your email utk invite akak baca blog i. kalau tak keberatan emailkan kat
thanx sis....
LG..biasa lah org2 kita mcm u tak faham....rimaskan mcm tu...
wekekeke. Klu I pakai baju yg camtu,my hb pulaknya yg terbeliak bijik mata tak berkelip pandang I :-). Apa nak buat kan,dah nasib kita, senyum ajelah !
Hi Gee,
Nak buat mcm mana kan, dah adat manusia, kdg2 tanya soalan bodoh, kita senyum aje lah kan :-). Thanks ye, akak dah accept yr invite. Sian u ada orang kacau blog, hampeh betul lah orang2 mcm tu!
Cik Mat,
Tu lah kan, nak buat mcm mana, dah ragam manusia :-)
Spoil betul mood cuti bila ada kes macam ni. I pulak yg geram...grrrr!
Sabar byk2.
Anyway, I betul2 respect dgn u. Mmg jenis yg betul2 simple sampai org salah anggap mcm tu sekali. Just be youself, dear!
Tu lah, my hb pun rasanya akan geleng kepala klu I start dressing lebih2 so better lah I stay mcm ni aje, hehehe
That question was so offensive to me! What a question? Duhh
I think they didn't think before they asked. So, your hubby was right, just ignore them and don't let these people bothering you much.
You just be the way you are. That is no wrong with how you dress. :)
even though this is an old entry, i still nak komen jugak... hehe..
LG, i think you should just ignore them. i came from a mixed family myself, and people always thinks that my mom is a nanny... ade ke patut?
and now, having an outsider (non-malaysian) boyfriend, i face even more people like this. their question to me was quite direct..
"dah takde lelaki melayu ke?"
well... that's our typical malaysian! too bad :(
salam sayang..satu je nak suggest, jgn marah tau, may be u shd change yr tudung style, my 11 yrs old son tgk yr video yg little misses sing bday song to u n he asked me itu bibik dia ke mama, i asked him y u said that, dia kata tudung dia mcm bibik bibik pakai...pls dont get mad at me, am yr new reader but i love u....kid r very honest wt their comment, rupa u tak mcm maid la sayang..u r very sweet darling, just try n change the way u put yr tudung..mesti vazzzz lah <3 <3 sorry ya kalau u tak suka my comment ya sayang...
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