Finally she is 10!!!! After waiting so long to reach the double digit number, she's finally there :-). We told her once she's reached 10, it's going to be double digit for a very very long time, kiranya dah boleh masuk gang we all yang dah tua lah ni, hahahaha......
To our lovely Daughter and Sister,We are very proud of who you've become and are becoming. We will always love you and we look forward to be there for you and watch you on your life journey.Love from Daddy, Mummy and Your SisLayan gambar Miss 10 from a baby till now

At 3 months old, with Daddy and Nana & Pop. Breastmilk really suited you well :-).

At 1 y.o. We had this photo taken at a studio, sebab konon2nya Mummy wanted to send the photo to the J&J cutest baby competition at that time but I got the closing date mixed up so didn't get to send the form on time. Kalau tak, sure dah menang kan, wahahahaha......

One of her formal school photos when she was 5. Masa ni, her 'chinese' look dah makin menyerlah :-).

Her latest photo yesterday.
Miss 10 sangat cute when she's baby ... sangat mungil!!! semoga menjadi insan yang baik ... happy birthday!
Hi Alya dear, happy birthday to you!!
p/s...tembamnya miss 10 masa kecik2. gerammm!!!!
hepi besday miss 10. kak..semangatnya dia masa BB. haihh..gerammmm..hahahaha
Selamat ulangtahun ke 10 untuk Cik Alya yang manis..Selamat panjang umur dan hidup diberkati Allah, maju jaya dan gembira ..
(oopss mummy ask her to read this in BM, it will be more cute)
Happy birthday to my menantu.. hehe. "Listen to mummy cos mummy is always right.. well, almost".
epi birthday Alya.... makin comey dia..hehe
selamat hari lahir yang ke 10 alya! semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki and happy selalu! muahhhs
hepi besda alya, semoga dirahmati Allah & menjadi anak yg soleh serta mendapat kejayaan cemerlang dlm hidup & pelajaran.. Insyaallah...amin :)
weyyy... pe adiah tu... nk tengok gakkk!...ahahhaha... lebih mcm budak2 pulak ek! :P
Makin lme makin cantik ur ank dara ni. btul makin besar mkin tserlah ke 'chinese'an dia tuh. but i cute..
Happy birthday Miss 10. BTW sis LG, apakah nama derg? i wud love to know. thnx!:)
She's so cute...and i bet she's going to be a very fine lady sumday!Happy birthday dear, semoga menjadi anak yg solehah & taat to ur mom & dad!
hepi birthday...alya..amboi tembamnye die masa kecik... dah besar..ciut miut
happy 10th birthday utk miss 10!! same age as my 2nd son...
love reading your blog..conrats to miss-10 !!!
seng rupane koyok cino ka'e ,teko karo pi'e? ..hehehhe...cuab speaking jowo...( dtaang dari mana,whats in jawa?) to make pizza doh?..saya tgk akak banyak masak pizza..camen nak buat doh nyer yer..errrrr.....
tima kasih
Thanks for the wish. Memang sgt tembam dan mungil dia masa kecik, berat weh nak dokong, hehehe
Thanks for the phone call ye. Suka dia dpt wish :-)
Kak Ain,
Thanks for the wish and Amiin.... Alya tu our Michelin tyre baby, wahahaha.... Nasib baik tak stay that way sampai skrg :-)
thanks for the wish. Bulat kan Alya I, hehehe...Masa kecik dulu asik kena gomol aje dgn orang sbb geram kat lemak2 kat badan dia tu.
dia baca melayu lebih kurang Daddy dia baca melayu, hehehe... berterabur segala ;-) but thanks for th ewish ye :-)
that's a very good advice, hehehe. Memang almost always right kan ;-)
Mama Anis,
thanks for the wish :-). Makin susah lah Daddy dia nak jaga dia from the boys, hahaha...
thanks a lot ye :-)....
thanks and amiinn.... Mak budak ni pulak yg lebih2, wakakaka....
memang nmpk sgt ke'chinese'an dia kan bila makin besar! Miss 10 tu nama dia Alya Hannah and adik dia Zahra Sufiya :-). Dua2 nama 'melayu' aje, hehehe
thanks for the wish ye and insyaAllah one day, amiinn....
Memang tembam betul! Semua ingat I bagi dia makan extra padahal cuma breastmilk aje, hehehe... Thanks for the wish
Kak Azita,
Oh ye ke sama.. dah besar diaorang kan :-).
sangat...sangat.. kiut masa baby tu... kalau tak sure menang masuk magazine pa & ma lagi...happy birthday!!!
Happy Birthday To Alya Hannah.....may all the best to u and Allah bless u...
Kak LG...kalau ditakdirkan...mau aja diketemukan si Alya ni dgn Edelyn...sure cam adik beradik....hehehehe
hehehe, I lah silap baca tarikh tutup, kalau tak sure dah menang contest tu kan ;-)
Thanks for the wish. Gambar Alya in the school uniform tu mmng mcm your Edelyn kan, especially senyum dia
Happy birthday Alya... hope all your dreams and wishes will come true..take care.
Geramnya tgk masa baby, bulat betul, berketak-ketak...rase nak gigit2 jer..
hepi belated besday alya... alalala comei nyaaaaaa.... semoga sihat2 sentiasa...
Thanks ye for the wish :-).Memang berketak2 kan tgn dgn peha tu, hehehe
Thanks ye :-).
haha tetiba der gamba bapak dier gak
hepi belated b'day..lambat la plak wish..
tomel la miss 10.. dah bosa lawa cun la..hee
thanks ye for the wish. Dah besar nanti susah lah Daddy dia nak keep the boys away, hehehe
happy birthday miss 10!! growing up beautifully! ;) your kids' names so simple but sedap2 ah!!
LG apasal Alya ada chinese look ye? Ada chinese blood anywhere along the bloodline?
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