This Thursday is their last day of school for them for this term before a 2-week break (Yippppeeee, NOT! :-)). And since Miss soon-to-be-10 will be turning 10 during the school break, I've promised her that she can take some cupcakes and lolly bags for her classmates on Thursday. So, tadi after picking them up from school, I pun buat lah the cupcakes and the icing and pack them in the fridge. Tomorrow night, barulah I nak mengetuk tangan dengan lesung batu nak bagi lembut sikit so I can decorate the cupcakes, hehehehe. Malas nak buat everything tomorrow night sebab I malas nak bersengkang mata sampai larut malam semata2 nak buat cupcakes tu aje tu yang prepare everything malam ni, esok malam tinggal decorate aje :-). So, esok malam lah I'll buat tayangan my cupcakes tu ye ;-).
Last year I made cupcakes jugak for her classmates with blue icing. This year she wants it to be purple sebab dia saje aje nak bagi the boys in her classroom malu2 nak makan cupcakes with purple icing. Boys kat class dia ni lain sikit, konon perasan 'macho' abis, anything girly memang diaorang konon2nya geli geleman and tak nak sentuh. So, Miss soon-to-be-10 nak tengok on Thursday whether they can resist the purple cupcakes or not, hahahahahahaha...... We wanted to make it pink icing tapi tak sampai hati pulaknya nak make them squirm! Mummy and daughter sama2 naughty and mischievous kan, hehehehehe......
Miss soon-to-be-10 really dislikes some of her classmates (boys obviously) because they are quite naughty and rude and tease her everyday. Tadi she asked me,
"Mummy, can I not give the lolly bags and the cupcakes to my naughty classmates because I really do not like them?"
Kalau I nak my kids to grow up mean and spiteful, I could say to her,
"Sure, no worries! Don't give them any if you don't want to!"
But I want to teach my kids compassion and generosity especially to the mean kids because it's the right thing to do. So, I said to her,
"I know you don't like them but it is not a nice thing to leave them out when you give your other classmates your birthday goodies. If you are nice to them now, hopefully it'll make them think in the future so they won't be mean to you anymore."
Then she said, "They are never going to be nice to me Mummy. There's no point being nice to them." And she was quite reluctant to give them any at all....
So we reached a compromise. I told her that she has to give everyone the goody bags and the cupcakes but if they tease her or make fun of her when she's giving it to them, I told her to say,
"Fine, obviously you don't like the lolly bag and the cupcake that I'm giving you. It's ok, I don't mind if you don't want them. More for me! And I'll give them to my other friends instead."
And I told her to just take the bag and the cupcakes back and walk away. Her gain and their loss!
Susah kan ada school aged kids ni. You want your kids to grow up having all the good characteristics in life but at the same time, you want to teach them how to stand up strong and not to be bullied or walked on by these mean people.
Tapi memang lah ada 3 orang boys dalam kelas dia ni yang betul2 memeningkan kepala all the teachers at school. They are so rude to everyone, tak dengar cakap langsung and especially rude to the girls in their class. We've been teaching Miss soon-to-be-10 ways to deal with this kind of boys but she's only a small kid. Kadang2 balik rumah tu, monyok aje muka dia sebab budak2 ni. These kids have been reprimanded by the principal so many times dah but masih gak tak paham2 bahasa! Patutnya expel aje from school kan, buang masa cikgu2 aje mengajar diaorang ni!
Yang I hairan nya lah kan, mak bapak diaorang ni tak ajar sopan santun, discipline and social etiquette ke kat rumah tu ye. 1 boy ni, dari kakak dia kat high school to his adik perempuan dia in the same class as Miss 5, semua perangai sama aje, extremely rude to everyone! I wonder how they behave at home.........
Weh, panjang betul I berceloteh malam ni. I better put up my dinner photo now.
We had nachos for dinner. Senang dah cepat sebab Mummy busy buat cupcakes and icing kan, hehehe.... (tapi tergeseng lah pulaknya the corn chips but abis gak, wehehehe)
happy becoming besday for your miss 10
alahai..siannya Miss to-be-10 dpt classmates mcm tu.
apa2 pun...Happy becoming bday to her. Moga makin cute! siap cc nanti jgn lupa post in tau.
Seems that yg naughty tu kat mana2pun ada ek!
Anyway, hepi besday miss 10 to be.
Happy birthday in advance to miss 10 to be..budak cute dan comel mestilah selalu kena usik...yg heran baru umur 10 th gitu dah mean and irritating,hish..kalau akak ajar diorang tu tak tau le..mau darah naik tinggi melambung...i selalu ckp dgn budak2 yg nakal ni, baik ajar budak2 bisu drp mereka ni..hehehe
Nachoss.. bestnyerr... k myn, besday bebudak dua org ni pun masa cuti summer yg panjang itew... sian diaorg takleh celebrate kat school... kena la ganti wat masa lain jugakk.. kesian gak kat diaorg tu kann...
Hi there, u r such a good mummy! Hopefully Miss soon-to-be-10 can bare the naughty classmates and have fun on her birthday :) :)
Mommy Mica,
thanks :-)
Kak Ain,
tu lah kan,geram aje I kat budak2 tu.Rasa nak sekeh aje kdg2,hehehe.. But thanks for the wish :-)
biasalah kan,mak bapak diaorang tak ajar anak2 kot camner nak behave...
Thanks for the wish ye :-)
Kak Azah,
Frustrating kan klu jadi cikgu dpt students mcm ni. Yg lagi frustrating nya parents diaorang tak kisah pun their kids perangai teruk mcm ni. I geram sgt2 kat parents diaorang ni, hehehe...
Tu lah kan Aymy, dah lah we all ni mmng tak ramai friends with kids their age so kat school tu aje lah nak celebrate their birthdays,hehehe
Hi Aida Narina,
thanks for the compliment and the wish :-). Hopefully as she gets older, she'll learn how to deal with these mean people kan...
Budak2 nakal tu dari negeri mana? Kat sekolah my anak2 ada jugak budak2 nakal mcm ni. Ada jugak yg kena expel or kena detention. Ada jugak yg mak bapak tak suka anak2 yg kena detention, terus merajuk ambik anak keluar dari sekolah ni dan pegi ke sekolah lain. Entah2 budak yg ni tak? Diaorg ni ingat pergi ke private school, boleh buat apa yg diaorg suka tak. Cuba masuk Christian private school, kalau buat perangai sikit, mesti dibuang sekolah terus.
I think some parent ingat displin men displin ni tugas cikgu kat sekolah. Semuanye atas tanggungjawab cikgu. Tp sebenarnya apa2 pun start dari rumah.
8 April 2009 07:03
maybe lah kot, diaorang pindah randah fr AIC to Langford then back to AIC kot, hehehe... Sbb ada jugak a few yg dah kena expel. Yg paling nakal ni is African, the whole family perangai teruk you! Then his gang are Arabs.... I don't think they know what discipline is sbb sure nya kat rumah tak di ajar...
Kak LG,
geseng itu kualiti! hihihi..lagi geseng lagi bes ;)
the most naughtiest boy tu African?No wonder lah, perangai gitu. I pun tumpang geremmm , anyway i agreed with the way you teach Alya..even though people buat tak baik dgn kita,doesn't mean that we also must balas begitu. Kita kena cuba berlembut & buat baik dan lepas tu kalau mereka masih "poyo" hah baru le kita buat tak baiklak kat mereka. Yelah, mana tau kebaikan kita boleh jadi rahmat, kan..mcm berbagai peristiwa zaman Nabi dulu!!!
Also wishing Alya n Zahra Happy Birthday..
eh..mereka pandai cakap melayu tak (sempat lagi ni mneyibuk hehe)
LG, kalau nak CHOTA, I boleh kirimkan.. haha..
si kakak is gonna be 10 ker?happy birthday ye alya!alahai kesian ur daughter has to deal with the 'monkeys' at school...i memang tak sabar orgnya,kang silap-silap anak org tu lak kena belasah ngan i!!tapi mmg betul la kak,ni dah kira mentally bullied ni..heran kan how some parents juz don't bother to teach their kids abt respecting ppl..(mmg bebudak arabs ni kasar..i sendiri pun kdg2 tu rasa nak tangankan je..serious!But alhamdulillah my kids are respectful and listen to what i say even they r so shy at school and they dont talk at all..ikut perangai maknya masa kecik kot? ahaks!!!)
kita gantung je parents bebudak yg naughty tu kat school.hang them upside down,boleh??( dah kes brutal nih..mcm gantung sembelihan la pulak..ehehe..)such brutal mom la i nih...
wahhhh ada org nak sambut besday. cupcakes bahagian jiya jan lupa ya. ahaks! wahh kak.. simple sunguh dinner akak smlm. ni kalo kena ngan org tua kat umah ni, mau kena bising carik nasik. hehehe! org tua tak kenyang makan benda alah nachos tu. kalo jiya kenyang jer, kalo org lain tolon masak. kakakakaka!
biasa la, setiap skola sentiasa ada bebudak nakal dan kaki buli. tatau la camna mak pak dorang ngajar anak. ntah2 mak pak pon tatau anak perangai cam setan.. hehehehe
geseng tu lah yg menyedapkan nachos tu kan,hehehe
Thanks for the wish :-). Anak2 I tau sepatah dua aje ckp melayu,hehe.
chota tu nak buat pelangkung budak2 nakal tu ke? Nak jugak I,hahahaha...
A'ah, she's going to be 10 in 12 days time :-). Memang ramai budak2 arab kat school tu kasar2, including the girls, I mmng lah tak boleh jadi cikgu kat skolah tu, rasa nak cubit2 aje budak2 tu kdg2, hehehe. Parents dia kebanyakan jenis yg biarkan aje anak2 buat apa2. Manalah anak2 tu tak naik kepala kan. Anak2 you shy sbb takut Mummy diaorang marah klu diaorang huha huha, hehehe...
Klu kena dgn my parents pun, ada lah yg tgh malam bangun cari nasi, hahahaha.... Cupcakes buat sendiri lah pastu pos ke akak ye :P
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