Weekend ni busy buat last minute shopping. Semalam we spent the whole day kat city, I went shopping kat Harbourtown and the other half took the little misses to the museum so I could shop in peace, hehehe.... Itu pun still banyak lagi kedai kat Harbourtown tu I tak sempat singgah sebab tak cukup masa nak jenguk tiap satu and spent a good amount of time browsing through the sale racks. Eeeehhh, geram betul ,rasa nak pergi lagi aje, hehehehe.... Lepas shopping kat Harbourtown, pergi Myers pulak and lagi lah rambang mata at the kitchenware department. Sambar lagi a few things to take back to M'sia as souvenirs. Definitely lah my luggage will be berat giler dengan gifts, souvenirs, chocolates, other food stuff. Manalah I nak sumbat our clothes pun I tak tau...
Hari ni pulak, pagi2 lagi dah keluar pergi Freo to buy some more souvenirs but I didn't spend a long time there sebab dah tau nak beli apa so just grabbed, paid and came back home. Actually, after a week of shopping for things to take back to M'sia, I'm getting quite sick of it already, hehehe.... Can you imagine a girl getting sick of shopping? hahahaha....
Harini I made pizza for lunch but I made 2 really huge ones kononnya nak buat for dinner sekali. Nampak sangat Mummy malas masak hari ni. But masa nak dinner tadi, terasa malas pulak nak makan pizza lagi so I made mee hailam sebab nak menghabiskan stock mee dlm fridge, for me and Miss 4 1/2. The other half memang tak kan makan mee hailam tu and Miss 9 pun like her Daddy. So kiranya tak malas lah Mummy ni kan, hehehe...
Ini pizza for the adults, seafood pizza (lepas ni rasanya dah tak larat tekak ni nak makan seafood lagi).
wish i can try your pizza one day coz i tk pernah rasa homemade pizza...hihi
wah wah shopping sakan yee...seronoknye sopping ni. jgn miss sesapa pon okey, semua org kampung mesti tunggu2 sovenir dari you all
Mommy lily,
boleh aje klu nak try my pizza but bukannya sedap sgt2 mcm pizza hut tu, hehehe....
but my kids suka sgt2 pizza so tu yg I slalu buat pizza, lagi murah dr asik beli aje :-)
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