Dah 2 hari tak post entry so I better post hari ni before the other half decides to post on my behalf ;-). Starting from next week, he has to go back to being my secretary with the dress and high heels since I'll be back kat kampung and my mum said, the phone line is still not fixed. The kampung folks are getting really angry at Telekom sebab dah 2 minggu takde phone line kan but rent still kena bayar but Telekom pulak kata it's not their fault yg the main cable tak fixed lagi, it's the contractor's fault. So I guess now, takde sape nak accept the blame, lagi lah lambat rasanya nak elok tu.
Anyway, some more photos of the little misses and their cousins. They've got 4 cousins with 2 more on the way and all of them are girls, no boys at all! So, bila girls berkumpul, punyalah noisy macam murai berkicau pagi2. Volume button yang tak boleh mute tu and permanently stuck on max! Bingit telinga semua orang :-).

haaa..dah lama dok tunggu gmbar anak2 u yg cute mute tu..
sempat lagi atur dr rendah ke tinggi...hehehe... senang nanti nak wat kenduri... cucu semua pompuan
the one yg pakai purple spaghetti top tu ada iras2 zahra ler...
hi are,
nanti i post bnyk2 gmbr lagi ye,hehehe
sikit nya susah ke nak atur tu sbb semua sibuk nak main aje :-)
yg itu iras2 zahra sbb rambut dia curly mcm zahra!
aah, i baru nak tanya, rambut dia natural (ori) ke? sbb rambut kak dia straight? Kalau ori ikut abah ke mak dia...cantik betul rambut bebudak kalau curly2 nih...kat madrid ni ramai bebudak south americans yg rambut kerinting halus cenggitu...comey sgt
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