To everyone who reads my blog,
Thank you so much sebab sudi lagi singgah baca my blog even after my other half's attempt at blogging and writing in Malay ( thank you so much Dear!). Nasib baik lah I ada secretary tak bergaji ni yang sanggup tulis entries on my behalf. Maybe because of all the promises I promised him I will do if he writes the entries for me, hehehehe.... I baca entry dia pun gelak guling2 jugak. Can u just imagine how he would sound if he tries to speak Malay? Luckily the little misses tak terikut sangat lidah dia bila sebut perkataan melayu, masih flexible lagi lah lidah tu :-).
What actually happened was someone stole the phone cable kat tiang telephone kat kampung tu sampai 3 tiang phone cable dia curi on Monday nite. Pagi Selasa tu when I tried to connect to the net, hampeh lah sebab phone line senyap sunyi aje. Dah report pun kat Telekom but I guess nak buat mcm mana kan, kat kampung so lembab lah sikit for them to fix the line. Can u imagine, 1 minggu tak boleh nak surf the net and tak boleh nak blogging, tensionnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!! Hehehehhe.......
So, pagi ni I menumpang kasih at my sis in law's office to use their broadband. Rasa janggal aje pulak nak type entry ni sebab dah seminggu tak berblogging kan, ;-). But since dah lama tinggal, tak tau nak mula ber story mory kat mana pulaknya sebab mcm2 yang the little misses been up to kat kampung tu :-).
Just to start with, a few photos of the little misses. Nanti bila line dah fixed, I'll put up a lot more.
p/s to semua yang bagi comments and chats, minta maaf sbb tak dpt jawab each one individually but the other half skrg tgh fikir nak start his own blog all in Malay since semua orang puji Malay dia kan so kembang semangkuk lah dia! And he's also happy yang he can make people laughed guling guling, wahkahkahkahkah......
LG - my salute to Mr LG for his efforts. I doubt any promises to Mr G would ever tempt him to blog on my behalf. I think Mr LG's malay needs to be applauded. Well done and LG, good to hear from you again. Apart from the cable theft and the LOL episode, you seem to be enjoying yourself.
Salam. Thanks for a wonderful blog. Been reading your blog for quite sometime now and is really enjoying myself. Have a great time at kampung and look forward to your next escapades.
i was about to suggest MR LG to start his own blog! hahaha
oh wow silau mata auntie tgk sunglasses zahra... klasss gitu ;-)
alamak litle Miss 4 1/2..
sunny sangat ke kat sini dik?
heheheee... kiutnyeeee budak kecik nehh! putih melepak kulit dia :P
amacam budak2 tu?
sonok ke dapat balik sini?
mesti banyak aktitivi kan...
salam sayang,
salam LG..i min dr tgk blog u dr blog joayee..suka la tgk ank u yg rambut curly tu..nape lain rambut both of them doter yg berdua tu rambut curly gak..enjoy your holiday LG..see yeah...
hi VG,
u hv no idea what I promised him ;-) but actually he pitied me cos it wasn't my fault I had to ask him to blog on my behalf. That's why he was willing to do it, haha..
Hi Shidah
Thanks sbb sudi singgah blog I yg merapu aje ni. Jemputlah dtg selalu :-)
hi Lia,
tu lah yg I kata kalah artis kat M'sia,hehe.But skrg ni dah ok lah sikit,taklah asik cari hat n sunnies aje bila nak keluar!
hi Gee,
budak2 tu seronok sgt bercuti ni sbb boleh buat apa2 aje n boleh tidur lewat :-). Mummy dia yg penat jaga diaorang sbb tak cukup tidur!
Hi Minkamal,
bukan rambut aje yg lain,muka pun lain tu yg ramai heran,hehe
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