I'm finally getting excited to be going back to M'sia coz the other half has finally booked his plane ticket. His leaves are finally approved so tu yg dia baru aje book his plane ticket. Dapatlah dia spend 2 weeks with us kat M'sia so bolehlah pegi jalan2 cuti2 Malaysia nanti. Malam ni pun we have been surfing the net reading the reviews for the hotels in Malacca. Hajat hati nak stay kat A'Famosa resort sebab nak mandi manda at its wetworld tapi bila tengok the reviews from people yang pernah stayed kat situ, terus tawar hati pulaknya. Lagi banyak bad reviews dari good so obviously it's not as great as it's made up to be. Last holiday we stayed at Sunway lagoon resort which we really enjoyed sebab the kids dpt main sampai puas at Sunway Lagoon. Ingat this time nak lah tukar scenery pulaknya pergi Melaka. Maybe we'll end up just spending a few days kat Bandar Melaka aje lah instead of at the wetworld, but kesian pulaknya kat the little misses sebab tak dapat bercanda kat wetworld. Hmmmmm......
On a brighter note, the little misses are so excited especially Miss 4 1/2 dah hari2 tanya, "is it tonite that we are going to the airport?". So we had to tell her the 'how many more sleeps' system so she can count herself when she wakes up in the morning. So, esok pagi when she wakes up she knows it's going to be '5 more sleeps before we get to M'sia' but 4 sleeps at home and 1 sleep on the plane, hehehe. Speaking of Miss 4 1/2, I did mentioned in a previous entry yg I've been teaching her how to read. We are so happy because we can really see her progress and she's so happy as well sbb she can finally 'see and understand' the words in the books. So, sekarang ni kalau 'baca' buku, instead of just looking at the pictures, she's looking at the words as well trying to find out the words that she can sound out. And kalau she finds anything that she can read, dengan berbesar hati nya she'll tell me, hehehe.... So, hopefully, she'll be able to read fully before she turns 5.
Weh, panjangnya berceloteh malamni, ini belum cerita pasal dinner lagi :-). Malam ni dinner sempoi aje sebab biasalah kan, the more sempoi the better for me. We had nachos tonite so I won't rindu rinduan kat western food masa kat kampung nanti. At least, kalau dah jemu makan nasi nanti, bolehlah I makan mee aje kan. I have to make sure bawak balik poloni from here sebab Miss 4 1/2 loves her poloni sandwich for lunch.
my hb dah kat adelaide.. hari nih beberapa kali msg ngan call.. dia rambang mata dan pening2 tengok byk barang.hehe..
patutla u pun nak tidur kat kedai ye.. lelaki kalau rambang mata,apatah lagi perempuan.kalau i dpt ikut,lagi best haha...
yea! dah beli tiket. so conform la ni balik kampung..
sure best la dok 5 minggu kt sini.mcm2 nk buat tu nanti..
i tk suggest a famosa resort jugak sbb ia agak membosankan to stay long there. kalau day visit boleh la.. why not try hotel kt kl town..? Berjaya times square ke, atau the gardens (hotel baru)...
Salam Hana,
nak tergelak baca yr komen about yr hb.tu lah, kan I dah ckp,hehehe. Memang lah dia akan rambang mata sbb tak tau nak choose yg mana satu sbb semua murah2 :-). Next time ada stocktake sale, make sure u kat Australia ye,boleh I ajak u gi shopping sakan!
Hi Mommy Lily,
tu lah, I rasa we all tak jadi pegi A'Famosa kot but still nak pegi melaka city nak bwk the kids tengok history. Kat KL we all stay kat rumah sedara aje, lagi murah :-)
why not angah try g perak lak.. g lost world of tambun..ala2 sunway gak..diorg kata sgt best... nana pun nak g..tapi bulan 8 ni.. cuma hotel je tak tau nak pilih mana.. tryla klik sini http://www.visit-malaysia.com/themepark/lostworld.htm ...dia adik beradik sunway lagoon gak.. cuma jauh ar sikit.. 4 jam dr kl
Hai dik !!
Akak harap dapat berkenalan
dengan you nanti,insyaallah.
Kalau senang datanglah
Penang,akak tinggal kat sana.kalau sudi nanti akak bagi contact no.
adik, poloni tu ape?
hehe..i pun baru je tahu pasal stocktake sale dari blog u ni.. kalau x mmg tak tahu. tp kena tgk jugakla currency dulu.kering poket nanti..hehe..
nak bg cadangan bercuti kat mana tak tahu pula.nak main air kan.lost of tambun pun ramai juga kata best.tp rasanya best lagi main air kat sea world atau wet world GC kot.byk show lagi.hihi
kalau kat m'sia-gi pantai2 ke mcm kat pulau-pulau kat tgganu,kat sabah pun byk tpt yg cantik.
malas betul nak drive jauh2 tu,hehe..tengoklah nanti camner.
Hi akakerin,
Penang tu jauh rasanya nak pegi this time sbb hb balik cuti cuma 2 minggu aje so kena pegi yg dekat2 je :-). poloni tu daging mcm daging atas pizza tu, letak dlm sandwich sedap lah jugak.
hi hana,
now u dah tau pasal stocktake so next time make sure dtg sini masa tgh stocktake tau! hehehe...
Enjoy yourself whilst you are home. makan semua puas puas, yah and remember the poor us back here who will be drooling!
hi vg,
thanks and i definitely will! :-) especially the eating all the delicious food bit... I'll be taking the yummy photos too so you can drool some more ;-)
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