But it is true, I've heard a lot of people complained about how their wives/partners can't read maps/street maps at all and since their wives/partners can't read maps so they think all females can't read maps. I really take offence at that! I think I'm quite good at it and I've been the navigator on a lot of long journeys. And The Other Half is very happy for me to be his navigator because he knows that he can rely on me not to get lost :-). I admit I don't have photographic memory of the map unlike The Other Half and I can't read maps upside down unlike The Other Half but who needs that right, hehehe....
Cuma bila I read the streetmaps I kena make sure yang the map is the right way as the way we are going. Or else I'll get my right and left and north and south confused a bit. So, bila I read maps, I akan pusing2kan the map book so it's aligned with the direction of the car :-). Pelik ke my quirk ni? Or ramai jugak yang macam I? And kalau nak pergi mana2 for the first time, I kena tengok maps tu banyak2 kali before I can commit it to memory. That's why I don't like being the navigator and the driver at the same time sebab I can't look at the map book while I'm driving, hehehehe. It's one or the other, tak boleh dua2 ;-).
To our dinner tonite....
Padahal kan, if you look at the photos, the pizzas nampak lagi lah sedapnya kan bandingkan dengan mee goreng tu but I sikit pun tak teringin nak makan pizza tadi. Sikit pun I tak rasa unlike The Other Half who had a bite of my mee goreng after he's finished eating his pizza!
Hi LG.....terliur jugak rupenyer Mat Salleh u tgk mee goreng eh? hehehe ;)
Agaknya dia tengok I makan beria2 cam sedap sgt, tu yg dia terliur gak nak merasa sikit, hahahaha....
akak kat sini main redah je klu gi tpt yg yg tak tau jalan. sesat tu dh biasa sgt le. even KL yg selalu pergi pun boleh tersesat jalan.hihi
p/s..sedap betul pizza u. teringin pulak tiba2.bak sini sikit..hehe
bagi akak sedap lagi mee tu drp pizza..tekak melayu, mau yg biasa2 je.tak blh tukar..hehe..dulu kwn2 akak suka bawa akak jln2 sebab akak blh baca map very well..masuk le ceruk mana pun akak tak confuse..sekarang dah matang2 gini hehe..masuk bangunan pun nak keluar balik dah tak tau mana..hehehe
i pon konfius whatswith man n sat nav?my hubby pon sebok nk satu...i wonder mana sgt nk pi yg kena beli sat nav ittew.
p/s: i lagi terliur tgk the mee goreng. sedapnye nmpk jeruk cili!
bg i ..mee u tu lagi sedap dr pizza hahahha
Kak Ain,
KL tu I mmng sahih2 akan sesat lah sbb everytime I go back mesti ada highway baru,hehehe....
Kak Azah,
For me pun mee lagi sedap dr pizza,hehe.. I klu masuk bangunan ada map, boleh lah nak keluar, klu takde map, susah lah sikit ;-)
miSs inTerpReted,
I thnk sbb they don't like asking questions klu sesat tu yg suka sgt ada Sat Nav sbb for them gerenti tak sesat,hehehe....
Mommy mica,
semua tekak melayu ye,hahahah
Oh..sedapnya pizza tu!Gebu tul crust dia!hahaha...itulah,tekak kita ni bukan leh adjust pantang nampak local food je nak bedal..aik merasa jugak hubby u ngan mee goreng tu ek?ingatkan tak minat nak rasa..hehehe
i pun tengah pasang niat nak masak some of our local fares ni...request from my son nak makan 'ikan patin asam tempoyak'..anak arab pun makan asam tempoyak..hm...heheh..
LG; i pun just have my own version of mee goreng for breakfast half an hour ago.
i think i should try doing pizza at my own.. ur seafood pizza tu sound yummy n since u r the pizza expertise..what is the most simplest way to prepare the dough for the pizza sbb i rasa mcm "susah" je nak buatnye.Ke sebab i x pernah try buat.
my hubby is good at reading a map...dia dulu study jepun,sampai skrg mmg rely on map.dia ckp kat m'sia je org jarang guna map tp tmpt maju lain mmg la map ni satu keperluan.
btw,i dah breakfast b4 dtg sini..hihi..kalo tak nanges i tgk masakan u..huhu..
Kak Lg Bole kasi email tak ade few Q nak tanya
wahahaha, anak arab mintak tempoyak. Tu lah, agaknya I ni jenis yg mkn apa aje nmpk mcm sedap sgt kot tu yg dia teringin nak rasa, hehehe...
Kat sini we all mmng rely habis dgn our street directory sbb tak bnyk perubahan. Klu kat M'sia tu agaknya setiap 6 bulan kena beli map book baru kan, hehehe...
Wajah-wajah kesayangan,
My email lemongrass@y7mail.com
Agreed! nape nk bli navigator/tom2 or whatsoever yg def mahal tu if kte ni istri pndi bab2 selok belok jln ni kn! hehe..my hubby pon xske travel/driving jauh2 alone LG, sbb dia tkt sesat..mmg salu dia sst pon klu i tade kt sblh..hehehe..
Hmm sdpnye pizza tuuu...mcm ma na nk wat stuff crust tu ye?
mm..for me..woman is born with sense of direction..kalu ngn husband,g tpt yg same brape kali pun nak tnye,nak kemane ni yang..kire ke kanan..haih!!sakit ati jgk kdg2..bile telepas simpang mule nak mrh..
sepertimana sikap kite yg suke teringt2 brg ape yg nak beli or wishlist..mcmtu jgkla kite ingt jalan kn =)
certain bende will be put in mind for a long time..tp ade jugak masenye jd pelupe..adeh!!dush dush,tepuk kepala =P
Sbb ada navigators yg excellent mcm kita ni so tu yg tak perlu beli sat nav,hehehe...Klu dpt navigator yg hampeh, I rasa kena beli jugak lah kan, wahahaha... Stuffed crust I tu tak jadi sbb I just letak around the edges and then rolled a bit of the dough on top of the cheese, tapi terbukak lah :-(.
Memang,my hubby pun kdg2 kalau pergi kedai yg I suka, asik 'lupa' aje direction, hmmm.....Tu gy I suka pergi sendiri, hehehehe...
akak... try ler Garmin Mobile® XT.. free of charge... hehehe... anyways... tell him not all woman is buta peta... i read map and i drive... my BF just duduk tepi and bagi alasan "in my country we dont drive on the right side... cehh!! hehehe... but i'll need peta for One Utama! always sesat in there! lol...
anyway, i wanna stress it out again,
Tak payah download the free of charge tu, I lagi lah free of charge and then terer gak baca peta tu ;-). Occasionally aje I mintak bling bling as payment, hahahaha.....
Betul, betul so true....
ajin tol la akak neh..masak kat hb len,kat anak len..pas 2 wat mee plak tuk diri sendiri..bagus tol! istri solehah, ibu mithali..
nvigator..huh! bab nih i fail..
Akak rajin masak klu Akak yg nak mkn benda lain ni. Klu orang lain yg terasa nak mkn benda lain, malas terus rasanya, hehehe
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