Now, nak tayang the cupcakes hasil my kerastangan
Pagi tadi, I completely forgot to take some photos of the cupcakes before I wrapped them in gladwrap. Nak bukak balik malas pulaknya so the cupcakes look very dull and the purple in the icing tak menyerlah langsung! Malas betul nak godek2 picasa bagi dia cantik sikit :-). But the single cupcake yang I hias with Freddo choc for Miss 5 memang nampak sgt purple nya pulak, hehehe. But silly me, I pergi letak the maltesers last nite sebab takut tak sempat nak hias pagi tadi so when I saw them this morning, the maltesers dah 'melted' a bit inside. So, lagilah buatkan tak menawan nya but since they are just for the kids, malas lah I nak godek2 balik.... Banyak betul malas nya kan, hahahaha....
And ini pulak my dinner last nite (only for me), yong tau foo. Recipe kuah I ambil kat sini. Memanglah sedap, rasa macam makan yong tau foo kat pasar malam tu aje :-). The Other Half and the Little Misses memang tak makan lah so I made them sausages and chips and salad. More yong tau foo for me, yeay..... Hehehehhe.....
LG, what was the response like from those children esp bebudak yang nakal2 tu bila diorang terima kek cantik tu? Patutkah I kirim chota? hahaha...
memang pening kan klu bdk2 cuti sekolah. penat nk layan kerenah they all, tu belum nk kena masak sepanjang masa.aduss!!!!
p/s..cute gak your cupcakes tu.
Hari ni kat sekolah, budak2 tu dpt choc cupcakes with easter egg. Tak tau sapa lak yg celebrate easter. Tp hari ni spt biasa kat sekolah sebok ngan party. Party memanjang kat sini.
terer la kak lg tau..suma2 pandai buat
kak myn kek tu ader reserve tuk aymy ta? hehhe...
ik eeee comelnyer fredo cupcake tuh...all the cupcakes are kiut-miut la...mst the boys tension je kn..hehehe..nk x nk mst derg amik punyer..xkn la derg nk tolak rezeki semata2 kaler cupcake tu girliecolors rite? rugi laa sape yg ego tgi n perasan macdo tuh..hehehe...
I thought there will be an update on Alya's story yg pasal tak berape dia berkenan nak bagi cup cakes kat d boys yg gedebeh tu??what happen then...
oooo,ur hubby is a lecturer. Don't mind 2 ask u, what is ur profession then? N u dulu study kat Aussie ke..
Yelah, we as a parents ni kekalau tiba je cuti sekolah pening mening mikirkan pasal program for the kids. Me too? Kang kalau x plan or arrange something for them sian pulak..knowing that for the whole sem. mereka penat belajar & attend school activities, kan!
Tapi masa kekita dulu takde lak our parents (my parents la!) sesibuk macam kita ni fikir2 psl aktiviti cuti sekolah..
By the way the freddo cup cakes looks so cute la..
Alya ended up not giving the cupcake n lolly bag to 1 of the boys sbb he was teasing her before that. Susah betul lah nak ajar Alya to be compassionate to her enemies ni, hehehe....
Kak Ain,
nasib baik lah my kids belum reach that stage where they want to eat all the time and are quite happy with just sandwiches, hehehe... Nampak sgt Mummy dia ni tak rajin :-).
kat AIC pun celebrate Easter ye,hehehe... I pun nak buat Easter egg treasure hunt for the kids this Sunday. Saje je cos I know they love the chocs :-)
Mommy Mica,
dah duduk negara ni kan, so kena lah pandai2 kan diri buat benda2 yg teringin sgt nak di makan tu. Dulu masa I kat M'sia, bila nak mkn aje terus pergi pasar malam aje, hehehe
jom lah dtg sini, ada lagi cupcakes tu, I buat bnyk semlm, hehehe
Biasalah kan boys that age, perangai mengada2 sikit, hehehe but like u said, diaorang terima aje cupcakes tu sbb cakes n choc kan :-).
Alya didn't end up giving the CC n the lolly bag to 1 boy but oh well, boys will be boys kan, susah betul....
Dulu2 kita masak kids pandai cari activities sendiri, keluar rumah 1 hari and balik bila petang. Kids skrg ni, tak berani weh nak lepas keluar rumah sorang2 kan so tu yg kena buat mcm2 activities for them, hehehe
I dont think yg AIC celebrate Easter. Tp ada one mom tu bagi easter cake kat sekolah. maybe sbb bukan islam atau saja ngada2 nak letak eggs atas kek. Boleh pe kan. Asalkan niat bukan nak celebrate. Choc easter egg tu menimbun kat kedai, so nice to deco atas kek. Next week I nak beli choc ni. Sbb dah lepas easter, choc ni sale.
mat salleh tak makan yong tou fu ek kak?? hehehe
I love the lindt chocs. Ala, kita cuma makan the chocs aje bukan celebrate easter, hehehe..
Mat Saleh I aje yg tak minat, Mat Saleh yg lain tak tau lah I,hehehe
Wah,celebrate sakan ye kak!Sronok la Alya ye..dpt prezen apa dr mummy+daddy?Cuppies tu kiut tp colournya mcm pucat sikit.Takpelah lain kali leh mummy bake lagi ek..kehkehkeh..
Ur hubby pun lecturer ke?alahai,sama la kita kak..kdg2 dia yg prepare slides nak ajar students i pulak yg tensen sbb dgn kertas+pen+marker all over the place..hmm..smp rumah i ni dah jadi kilang recycle kertas gamaknya..hahaha
Uish,yong tau foo..nasib tak basah keyboard i ni sbb drooling..lama tak makan,dulu selalu beli gak kat pasar malam skang ni dah jarang..sebenarnya tekak ni nak makan soto ayam..nyum nyum... :-P--*drooling*
we all tak beli pun hadiah lagi ni sbb b'day dia is a week + fr now so ada bnyk masa lagi nak cari present, hehehe...
I pun dah lama sgt tak mkn soto ayam ni, maybe nanti masa hb I gi outstation bolehlah I masak, sedap nya kan, hehehe
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