I think I have been overindulging myself in the food department this weekend. Since hari Jumaat haritu I've been eating sweet stuff everyday! Tension tension but dalam tension2 tu pun, food still masuk jugak ke dalam mulut, hehehehe... Macam mana lah tu kan! Hari Jumaat hari tu, it started with the cheesecake, pastu bukannya terus habis thay day right so semalam makan cheesecake lagi, hari ni makan cheesecake lagi :-). Then malam tadi we all teringin nak makan sagu gula melaka so I made that for dessert as well. Lagi lah bertambah manis nya kan!!!!! I wish I can make the decision where to put these excess fat on my body kan instead of semuanya pergi ke thigh, perut and face! Dah lah we all ni dah 2 minggu tak ber'jumpa' Maya sebab we've been very busy and extra lazy, hehehehe. Abis lah kena marah dengan Maya teruk2 lepas ni :-).
Why are we always obsessed with our weights? The Other Half said to me the other day that he notices that I will mention something about my weight every single day. Most of the time it's to moan how my weight keeps on creeping up every day. He said why can't I be just be like him, accept the fate of becoming fat gracefully, hehehehehe...... Tak kuasa betul!
Enough of the depressing weight talk already right ;-). Just layan the photos of our dinner last nite and tonite's dinner. I know we just had pizza the other day but I didn't have any at all so hari ni I pulak yang teringin nak makan pizza, hehehehe. But I teringin nak makan caramelised onion and sausage pizza with BBQ sauce. So bila Mummy yang teringin nak makan, the others had to agree aje lah kan, unless they want to cook their own dinner, hahahaha..... ;-).

Last nite's dinner, beef schnitzel salad wrap.

Tonite's dinner, caramelised onion and sausage pizza with BBQ pizza. The Other Half wasn't that enthusiastic at first when I told him I wanted to make this pizza. Biasalah kan dia, he would rather have seafood pizza. But tonite, lepas makan 2 keping sausage pizza, he went back to the kitchen to get 2 more slices! Baru dia tau sedap, hehehe......

Ini pulak the feijoa fruit cut in half. The Other Half said you only eat the inside with a spoon to korek the isi and the rest of the fruit, you either make into feijoa jelly or just throw it away.
hmm temptingnya pizza tu...mintak sikit..hehe..no wonder your hby p ulang tayang balik..reduce the amount of sugar min...merbahaya tu!kalau sakit susah..
sedapnya nampak piza tu.. lama tak buat piza..
ohh gitu rupanya buah feijoa yg dah kena belah... tak sama sgt lah ngan jambu..dari luar memang nampak sama kan..
Kak Azah,
Ada lagi 1 large pizza dlm fridge tu for lunch today, jom lah mkn sama :-). I tak suka sgt manis2 ni, tu yg bila mkn manis semlm, rasa tak best aje, hehehe. But my hubby tu lah, tak tau mcm mana nak suruh dia kurangkan gula dia!
Dlm dia lain betul kan dgn jambu batu, tp sama luarnya :-). Pizza ni sekali sekala mkn mmng sedap :-)
putting weight ni masalah wanita no 1 dlm dunia. Akak kalau naik je bdn selalu attack kat muka, cpt tembamm!!
ruginya dpt mkn sikit je isi feijoa tu. tp betul2 mcm buah jambu kan.
LG.. be careful.. kita nie masak2 juga tapi kesihatan kena jaga tau..:).. bab2 kalau dah mengembang tu..nak kecik balik susah mat wehhhh.. (bak kata org kg keih)... beringat je lah.. regular medical check up kena wat.. mana tau tetiba dapat tau kolestrol dan sugar level dah naik.. mau pitam dibuatnya..itu jammm.. asyik sebut dan nak kerah MAYA jer... he he
ps.. sugar boleh ganti dengan madu... masak apa2 boleh letak.. berkhasiat lagi uuu... :)
ita dubai
Kak Ain,
samalah kita,muka aje yg tembam dulu, pastu pergi ke perut n peha, hehehe....
memang betul tu,dah lah bila usia makin meningkat ni,lagilah susah nak turun bila dah naik kan and lagilah senang nak dpt mcm2 penyakit ni. I ni sekali sekala aje mkn dessert ni tp bila nak period tu yg asik teringin aje nak mkn mcm2, hehehe....
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