During Easter season ni, the shops have been selling loads and loads of chocolates in the shapes of Bunnies and eggs. I love it when they have Easter celebration and Christmas because masa ni lah they have chocolates galore at the shops. And they best time to buy the chocolates is after Easter and Christmas sbb they'll reduce it down to 50-75% off. Memang kenyang chocolates lah we all everyday sampai berbulan2 after that! And I wonder why my weight will increase during this time, hehehehe....
Anyway, sempena chocolates galore season ni, last nite I made up a treasure chocolate egg hunt for the Little Misses around the house. I ingat nak buat during the day but it was so hot yesterday so kalau I letak the chocs outside, memanglah akan melt before the Little Misses find them! And they wanted to have it at night time anyway becuase they said, "We can use the torch Mummy to find the treasures, it will be much more interesting!" I spent about 30 minutes pagi semalam mencari idea to write the clues for the treasure hunt. Then when they went out to the park in the evening, I hid the clues and the chocolates around the house. I had to make sure yang the clues are not too hard and easy enough for Miss 5 as well. I'm going to put up the clues that I've written here so I can reuse/rewrite them for the next egg hunt. To make life easier for me kan so I don't have to think hard next time, hehehe....
The Little Misses reading the first clue.....
The first clue:
"From the dining room door, take 3 steps outside and 12 steps to the right...
Sometimes birds build their nests in it"
It took them quite a long time to find the next clue among the branches, hehehehe... Daddy had to help as well. Torch sikit nya besar pun tak jumpa ;-).
"I'm a little _ _ _ _ _ _, short and stout, here is my handle, here is my spout
Find me and you will find some treasures inside me."
The next clue:
"The rabbit and the deer are hiding in the scented grass..
Find us to find the next clue."
The next clue:
"I rhyme with link, under my belly you will find an upside down thing..
Look inside me and you will see...."
The next clue:
"Surprise!!! The treasure is still hidden somewhere else :-).
This machine used to help Mummy and Daddy from fat to thin...."
The next clue:
"I help you sleep at night,
You listen to me in bed
Look behind me and you'll see some eggs instead"
Tak sempat pulak nak ambil gambar Miss 5 finding the egg behind the radio in their room.
The next clue:
"Go into the room where Polly Pocket and her friends live
In the closet where they live, look inside the third drawer
What can you see? Flip through them for the hidden treasure"
The next clue:
"Have you found all the treasures?
Why don't you relax now and sit on the futon...
Look Left, Look Right, Look Left, Look Right, Look Under Me....
Can you see what I see?"
The next clue:
"Listen closely.....
Can you hear the phone ringing?
Find me quickly before I stop singing!"
I think they really enjoyed solving the clues and finding all the chocs last nite. They better be because that's it for their entertainment and activities this school holidays! Hahahahahaha....
best nyerrrrrr...memang kreatif lah Lg....very creative mommy...
seronok tengok usaha depa....
This very good isn't it? Keep the little ones entertain and having loads of fun! Bravo to mummy to come up with such a good idea...
k.min, so creative! i got to do this at home. tomorrow nak gi beli chocolate la :D
Sooo creative lah mommy "jawa" nihhh...i tabikk!!!!...hahaha, tak sia2 mat saleh kurang rambut rembat u jadi isteri dia..kan..kan..kan.....
waallauweyyhhh... syoknyerr dapat mommy camni.. siap leh wat treasure hunt lagi.. tp i seriau pulak tgk the little missess g meneroka all the bushes/trees & pokok serai tu.. ohoho.. nasib baik x de mende yg brbisa kat situ!.. but mesti seronok kan!! :P
bestnyaaaa....rajin betul LG buat this game. nak main tu senang, nak cari idea to create clues tu yg pening. tahniah2!!!
p/s...pokok limau ke tu LG..lebat buah. geramm!!!
very educative,fun and energized activity..i also plan to do treasure hunt for the students in my club...boleh you tolong buat clue ke?..hehehe..susah tu, mau perah otak 3 hari 3 malam..itu pun belum tentu dpt siap..
hehe,tak lah creative mana, cuma googled aje examples of treasure hunt clues but memang lah budak2 tu happy giler :-)
Kat sini mmng masa Easter, alot of people buat Easter egg hunt but we all buat treasure egg hunt aje lah,hehehe
Shidah, make sure u buat night time sbb nanti abis lah melting all the chocs tu :-)
Mat Saleh kurang rambut tu hampeh sikit bab2 buat treasure hunt ni so bini dia lah yg kena pikir lebih2,wakahkahkah....
Nasib baik lah benda2 berbisa lari jauh2 mlm tadi sbb tak tahan dengar si Alya n Zahra bising sgt,wehehehe...Tp mmng nmpk sgt diaorang seronok giler :-).
Kak Ain,
memang betul, nak cari idea tu semlm mmng pening jugak lah sekejap. Dah lah rumah sekangkang kera aje so tak bnyk tmpatlah nak hide :-). Itu pokok lemon, mmng tgh lebat berbuah skrg tp still green, ntah bila nak yellow tu.
Kak Azah,
wahahaha, Lagi susah rasanya nak write up clues for high school kids ni kan. Kena buat yang challenging sikit, or else they'll get so bored kan... Good luck anyway ye,hehehe
kak LG
so creative.sure diorg really enjoyed the games.superb mom!!bravo!
bestnyer! nak join sekaki leh tak? why not LG buat treasure hunt utk kitorang2 ni...hehehe
Rugi tak dtg..nudak2 sakit.. even the parents! mkn sup ayam je mlm tadi. wow! hat's off, really good clues and what a fun game :)..you're so creative!
thank you :-).As long as the kids enjoyed it kan ;-).
Kak Ita,
Klu buat utk mak2 budak, hadiah dia mana boleh chocs aje, kena besar sikit, hehehe....
tu lah kan, sayang lah u all tak sihat. Takpe, next year boleh buat lagi and by that time Adam dah besar sikit so will enjoy it more :-).
Ya..Allah seronoknya dpat main treasure hunt nie...teringat mummy kat campus dulu...tp selalu kantoi...soalan senior bagi merapu jer tension
Mummy ingat nanti mummy nak buat jugak lah kat my 2 lovely daughters tu..biar bergerak sikit minda diorgtuh...asyik tengok tv ngan surf internet jer....mmmmm apa soalannyer ekkk...sakit kepala mummy nie...tolong sikit LG! silap-2 my hubby tuh yg lebuh nak mainnyer..heheh
wah,syiok sakan la bebudak tu bertreasure hunt ye?kalau i ni nak pk satu clue pun payah..but its a great activity for them..sure mommmy dah line all the fun things that needs to be done during the holidays kan?best lak i tengok dorang main ni,i join sekali boleh?
Hi Mummy SGTv,
Memang best buat treasure hunt ni tp yg tak best nya kena fikir the questions. Soalan tu depends on u nak buat the hunt kat mana and your surrounding. Mcm I, I guna questions yg relate to the things I find around the house :-)
Memang weh payah nak pikir clues ni, nasib baik lah Ada Cik Google tolong sikit2 tulis clues :-). I tak tau lagi nak buat activities apa cuti2 ni, pening kepala I fikir, hehehe
Sis LG, i adore u..such a creative person..pndi masak ..pndi jahit n pndi create xtvt for the girls...hehe seronok ehh??
i like the clue lines..pandaila derg kn..kerut2 i pk..hehe..hmm bestnye habuan..dpt byk chocs!!!:D
Bestnya.. nak join bleh... nak choc gak..
I yg terlebih excited nak buat treasure hunt tu for the kids,hehehe.. The clues tu specific to my house tu yg tak susah sgt diaorang fikir ;-).
You nak join ke nak chocolate nya aje? Hehehehe...
waaah LG, syoknya ada treasure hunt mcm ni..seronotnyee... hepi tul Zahra & Alya tu..hehe
Mama Anis,
mmng seronok especially bila dpt treasure tu at the end,hahaha... Chocolate pulak tu :-)
salam LG....that's so cool...i wish i could join ur kids hehehe nnt buat la kat malaysia pulak...open for bloggers ke haha ;p ok apa lepas penat2 lari buat treasure hunt tuh dapat makan chocolate? at least takder la rasa guilty sgt makan chocolate coz before makan tuh dah berlari2 masa treasure hunt kan? kira exercise before indulging urself with such an irresistable treats kan hehehe
nak join... hehe... beautiful family... u make me miss my family!
klu I buat kat M'sia, mana cukup chocolates aje for mak2 budak, hehehe...Tapi mmng seronok buat treasure hunt ni kan, esp bila dpt treasure tu :-)
Jom join ;-).
volunteer to be your daughter blh tak? bila nak main lagi? nak ikut jugak... hehehehe!!Beruntung dorg ada mommy yg sgt kreatif. Best la tgk dorg enjoy! :)
hee bestnyer ader mama camni..sep wat treasure hunt..
nnt aku der anak..nak wat la men2 camnih..haa x pepasal berangan dah..huhu
hah jgn lupa ambik notes tau!
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