I’m not good with names.
Especially flowers and people.
Kadang2 tu, orang yang dah jumpa a few times pun I boleh terlupa nama dia.
Siap kena sms kawan lain tanya sape nama this person!
Flowers tu pulak memang I tak berapa nak ingat the names sebab nama kat sini semua in English kan so macam manalah I nak kenal and cam and ingat the names.
Nama bunga in Malay pun I tak tau sangat, lagi lah their names in English!
That’s why I love buying flowers at Bunnings or any nurseries cos their seedlings and plants come with nametags .
Kalau beli at the markets, sometimes ada nametags/signs, sometimes takde.
Kalau takde tu, I slalu buat muka tak malu tanya the seller bunga apa yang dia jual, hehehehe….
Tu sebab bila I beli flower seedlings, I will make sure I cucuk the nametags sekali in the pots along with the flowers so for the whole flowering season, I can remember what they are .
Like this 2 flowers, nasib baik ada nametag tu, I know they are called Cinderella Dahlia.
I planted about 5-6 plants in that pot and so far baru 2 yang berbunga and different colours.
I’m now waiting for my Asters and another type of Dahlias to bloom.
(Again… I only know the names because of the nametags, hehehehe).
But nama food ni, I tau banyak lah jugak compared to nama flowers .
Like our dinner the other night.
I called this fettucine with asparagus, prawn, chilli and garlic.
Senang aje buat nya.
Just sautee some diced garlic and asparagus and prawns in olive oil until cooked.
Then add loads of dried chilli flakes
Add a bit of the water that you used to cook the pasta in.
Toss the drained pasta into the pan and mix it well with the prawn mixture.
If it looks a bit dry, add some more of the pasta water.
Season with salt and sprinkle with grated parmesan cheese.
If you like, drizzle with extra virgin olive oil just before serving.
And since we are on ‘calorie conscious’eating, kenalah buat loads of salad to eat with the pasta.
I used mixed green leaves, kiwi, cherry tomatoes, avocado and marinated feta for the salad.
Makan nasi pun kena ada salad jugak…
Selalu kalau I buat nasi lemak, cuma potong2 timun aje as sayur.
But sebab The Other Half beria nak makan salad everyday, I pun buat lah kerabu.
Cuma letak raw sugar snap peas, mixed salad leaves, timun and daun pegaga aje in the kerabu. Itu aje daun2 yang ada kat rumah ni .
Sambal kelapa for the kerabu tu dah laaama I buat.
Kalau I buat, I akan buat banyak and simpan dalam small individual ziplock bags in the freezer.
So, bila I terfikir nak buat kerabu, I cuma tinggal thaw it sekejap in the microwave and then mix it with the ulam2an.
Untung ada magic freezer ni .