Tergelak betul lah sebab semua orang dah tau mummy's menu next week will have lots of mee in it, hehehe.... Nak buat macammana kan, dah orang M'sia, pergi merantau jauh mana pun, mee tetap ada di hati :-). Tak dapat mee kuning, maggi pun jadi lah kadang2tu, hahaha... So,minggu ni until Wednesday tak boleh masak mee lah for dinner sebab nak melantak mee beria lepas tu. And the other half pun akan pergi Asian country so memang lah rasanya dia pun akan makan asian food during those 4 days. Kebanyakan Australians yang pergi Singapore will always try its famous Chilli Crab but the other half tak suka makan crabs so I guess he will be giving that a miss, rugi betul! He said, it's too much work for such a small amount of meat. I guess he comes from a culture yang tak biasa guna fingers utk makan so susah lah sikit nak meratah ketam tu. Tak bolehlah sampai menjilat jari kan! Menjilat fork n knife just doesn't have the same allure, hehehe...
The way I choose what to cook for dinner each night in this household is quite simple. Mula2, I'll choose the protein in the form of ayam, ikan, seafood, daging or lentils/ pulses. Then I'll choose the carbohydrates to go with the chosen protein, sama ada nasi, kentang, pasta, noodles, bread or couscous. Last sekali baru choose the vegetables which kadang2 tertinggal or bila malas cuma potong timun aje. Senang macam ni pun selalu jugak buntu fikiran nak masak apa, hehehe....
So dinner malam ni I chose ayam. Pastu fikir yang last sekali makan nasi was on Monday so sebelum the other half dapat withdrawal symptoms from lama tak makan nasi, baik masak nasi malam ni. Then teringat yang dah lama nak cuba masak ayam paprik from MyResipi so dapatlah menu dinner. For the little misses, seperti biasa, ayam goreng masak kicap. Since it's Friday nite, I made dessert as well, chocolate self-saucing pudding, a typical aussie dessert during the colder months.
Ayam paprik with loads of veges, so maybe can call it vege paprik with a bit of ayam, hehe..
This is so yummy, Miss 9's favourite dessert. Selalunya we all makan dengan vanilla ice cream, lagilah tambah yummy nya!
U ada darah chinese ke LG? Mata Alya ada iras mata anak cina. Almost half mata Zahra...hihi ;)
Zahra pun cute miut. Eeemmmm cepatlah u dpt menantu nanti...
Hehe Intan,
tu yg my sedara mara semua pelik sbb Alya makin besar makin mcm cina,hehe....
I think sbb darah jawa mata sepet pastu campur lak dgn darah mat saleh yg fair skinned, tu yg jadi cina, hahahaha.....
My hb nak tunggu depan pintu dgn senapang bila the kids besar so lambat lah dpt menantu gamaknya :-)
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