Miss 9: "where are we going?"
The other half: " to the doctor"
Miss 9: "which doctor?"
The other half: "not a witch doctor, just a normal doctor!"
And people wonder why I don't have a sense of humour when I'm surrounded by people who make lame jokes, hehehe......
And the conversation continued like this.....
Miss 9 : "so, who's going to see the doctor?"
The other half: "both of you kids"
Miss 9: "why?"
The other half: "yes, why don't you tell them Mummy?"
Enters the bearer of bad news a.k.a Mummy.......
Mummy: "well kids, you are going to have the flu vaccination today."
Miss 9: "vaccination as in injection?"
Mummy: "bingo! you are right."
Miss 9 and Miss 4 1/2 in unison: "aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, we don't want jabs!!!"
Then, we had a 10 minutes discussion on viruses, vaccinations, antibodies, being really really sick without it and so on, so by the time we got to the health centre, they were resigned to the fate awaiting them, hahahaha.....
They did really well, only a couple of tears trickling down their cheeks and no screaming or tantrums. We were very impressed with them especially Miss 4 1/2. So, we gave them the choice to choose what they want for dinner and they wanted burger and chips, what else is new...
Balik from the clinic, keluarkan mince to make the burger meat. Thankfully, ada frozen fries in the freezer and burger bread in the fridge. Senang betul dinner malam ni, nasib baik the little misses tekak mat saleh, hehehehe.....
Made pumpkin spice kek semlm for the other half to take to work for morning tea. The other half tak suka sgt pumpkin ni especially pumpkin soup or scones but I asked him to try pumpkin kek, manalah tau, dia suka pulaknya. He took it to work and he said everyone really enjoyed it including him, hehehe.... Australians suka sgt2 pumpkin, tak tau kenapa.....
(btw, kek ni actually warna dia kuning sikit becauseof the pumpkin but keluar kaler lain pulaknya, hehehe)
Hi LG,
Both little misses were really strong esp Zahra. Request pun simple je...burger & chips! Senang keje mommy ;)
Kalau my kids, sure they all punya request pjg berjela...aiskrim, toys, books, etc...
hehe Intan,
tu lah kan, nasib baik nak burger n chips aje, kalau mintak yg susah2 nak masak, I yg tension nanti, hehe....
Seronok lah jadi yr kids ye time injection, hehehe....
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